Is it possible to tear teeth during menstruation and how dangerous is removal during menstruation?

Women of fertile age have a natural physiological process, menstruation. For some, it is not a reason to change the usual routine, but for others this period is filled with pain and discomfort.

In the dynamics of modern life it is difficult to choose the right time to do your own health. Sometimes a planned visit to the dentist coincides with a period of critical days. The question of whether it is safe and appropriate to carry out the removal of the tooth with a period, periodically ask themselves many women.

Monthly is a difficult period for a woman not only in terms of her emotional state, but also in terms of health. Even if the girl's state of health is satisfactory and she does not feel any discomfort, a number of changes take place in the body that make certain medical procedures extremely undesirable.


  • Extraction of the tooth as a full-fledged surgical procedure
  • Than removal of the tooth during critical days
  • When it is not tolerable
  • Contraindications to dental procedures
  • instagram viewer
  • Safety rules - know and remind the doctor
  • The word for girls

Extraction of the tooth as a full surgical intervention

Extraction of the toothis a surgical operation, no less complicated than all the others. It requires serious preparation, antiseptic treatment, anesthesia, doctor's skill. Like all other operations, tooth extraction has unpleasant consequences for the body, because it is stressful for him.

To date, dentistry is so developed that it is possible to save almost any tooth that has been destroyed, and its removal is an extreme emergency measure.

Extraction is performed in the following cases:

  • started caries or pulpitis, threatening the development of sepsis, or blood infection;
  • dysplasia of wisdom tooth traumatizing soft tissue;
  • formed cavity in the root region;
  • destruction of the crown to the extent that its preservation is not possible.

The problem with a single tooth can provoke an infection in the oral cavity, which threatens not only with an unpleasant odor from the mouth and the destruction of others. In the future, it can cause such diseases:

  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis media;
  • sepsis.
It should also be remembered that in the immediate vicinity of the oral cavity there are lymph nodes, the infection of which can seriously damage vital organs. If the tooth can not be saved, it must be removed as soon as possible.

Dangerous tooth extraction during critical days

If possible, it is not necessary to tear the tooth during menstruation, and it is desirable to transfer the removal for at least a few days, until the end of the menstrual period. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • increased content of prostaglandin hormones reduces the pain threshold, which can lead to syncope;
  • changes in the hormonal background can trigger an unpredictable reaction to anesthesia and antiseptics, even if they are familiar to the patient;
  • weakened immunity is not able to resist a bacterial attack on an open wound, which can cause inflammation;
  • anticoagulants produced by the body during menstruation, reduce blood clotting, which can lead to increased bleeding.

The reasons listed above are also a reason for the transfer and other dental procedures, including the installation of prostheses, implants and crowns.

When you can not tolerate

But there are cases where the tooth is removed here and now, regardless of the period of monthly and other circumstances, because it can cause serious damage to the body. To such cases it is possible to carry:

  • is a sharp toothache that can not be tolerated, as a pain shock can disrupt the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  • increase in temperature, which signals the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • toothache, accompanied by pain in the ear;
  • flux and other types of tissue hyperemia;
  • bleeding gums;
  • an abscess in the gums, which can infect the bloodstream and cause infection.

Since all of the factors listed above provoke much more risks to the woman's health than the monthly ones, tooth extraction is mandatory.

Of course, the dentist needs to know that the patient has critical days.

If the planned removal of the tooth has fallen at the time of the month, it is worth considering that the delay in this operation for a long time can lead to much worse consequences than just discomfort.

Each organism is individual, each woman in her own way carries menstruation. If this period does not cause any special problems, does not bring strong painful sensations, tooth extraction can be afforded, of course, provided that the doctor is aware of the patient's condition.

Because the medicine has many ways for anesthesia, antiseptics and blood stopping, a qualified doctor will perform tooth extraction without unpleasant consequences even at a time when the patient has menstruation.

Contraindications to dental procedures

In case a woman is hard to tolerate menstruation, and the condition of a sick tooth is not critical, it makes sense to postpone the operation to remove it for several days.

There are a number of factors that aggravate the course of menstruation, in which it is impossible to remove the tooth in any case, as it can provoke heavy bleeding and other unpleasant consequences:

  • a tendency to lower blood pressure;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • nausea and dizziness during critical days.

In the cases presented above, the patient can very severely defer the removal, so it should be abandoned for several days.

Safety rules - know and doctor remind

If, despite menstruation, it was decided to break teeth, the dentist is obliged to warn the woman about possible risks and give clear instructions.

The doctor must, prior to the operation, administer a drug to the patient that improves blood coagulability, and prescribe his reception after the operation.

After the extraction, the dentist must leave the patient in the clinic to monitor her condition, measure her blood pressure.

The patient herself, several days before the operation, must adhere to the following rules:

  • to quit smoking;
  • to exclude coffee from the diet;
  • avoid overcooling and overheating;
  • reduce physical activity.

After the operation, it is necessary to avoid drafts, if possible, get to the house quickly. On the day of surgery, it is necessary to reduce physical activity to zero, to give time to the rinses prescribed by the doctor.

If the hole is bleeding, a sterile cotton swab should be applied to it.

If within an hour bleeding does not stop, especially if it is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, you should call an ambulance.

The word to the girls

What do the girls who are faced with such a difficult situation in practice think?

I somehow went to treat the tooth in the first days of menstruation, I was given an injection and began to cut the gum. I almost lost consciousness.


It seems to me that there are no contraindications for tooth extraction during critical days. But during menstruation, the woman feels more acute. And this is unpleasant, especially when you start to cut and "pick".


Extraction is a very serious procedure, and each individual case is individual, so it is necessary to entrust a qualified specialist to decide whether the tooth can be removed during the period.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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