You have a birthday today. Also it would be desirable to wish something especial, something warm and pleasant. I wish to meet neither in my life, nor with sorrow, nor with sorrow, nor with disappointment. Meet only the kind people in life. Take from life all the joy, bright colors, and bright days. And when you get out of your way, lift your head, look at the sky, and ask for help from the Lord. Let all your dreams come true one by one. The family is always happy. All the difficult situations, let them turn into an invaluable experience. And memories in memory are kept only pleasant. And know that you are a good person, and there will always be people who will help you in any situation. Happy Birthday to You!
For each person, a birthday is a day when you wait for miracles. When you hope for a fairy tale. I'm on your birthday, I congratulate you and I wish that miracles were with you every day, and life is a complete fairy tale. I wish you great happiness, brilliance in your eyes and joyful mood. To success and success were with you on the journey to the end. Let the positive fly in the air, surround you everywhere. Do not know what tears are, and see them only in the movies. Remain the same bright and kind person always. And let life change only for the better. Let there be a career, and let relatives please with success. Friends should always be there. And your works turn into pleasant fruits!
Let all the wishes addressed to your birthday be realized in a short time. All positive emotions will remain in the heart for a whole year before the next birthday. I wish that life was like a fairy tale, full of wonders and fairytale mood. The sun is shining for you, and charged with energy for the whole day. Never be depressed. And even from unpleasant situations to learn invaluable lessons. On this day, take a lot of pleasant surprises. Today you will hear many pleasant compliments, and everything in your address. Let the good mood never go away, but only rises. Let your favorite fairy tale come true, and today's holiday let bring a sea of pleasure and joy. Let people please smile. And life will be damn nice and cool!
Wonderful and inspired Birthday! We better not think of a holiday! After all, this holiday is full of children's immediacy and adult emotions! Let everyone receive from this day the most pleasant sensations and the soul will be filled with infinite happiness! Let all the good that is in the world come true on this day, and all the people who will surround the birthday boy will give him unearthly tenderness!
Birthday always brings inspiration and moral satisfaction. It is on this day that a person can hear a lot of positive words in his address. Of course, everything you said today is not exaggerated, because you have a bouquet of positive qualities. I believe that all the wishes addressed to you will certainly come true, and the hopes you cherish will come true. Take care of yourself and never get discouraged!
Do you have a birthday today? Let the most cloudy weather turn into a bright sunny day on this festive day, the sullen person will smile at you and say kind words, all roads closed earlier will be accessible today, inspiration will visit your unloved affairs, your relatives will be healthy, and enemies will never visityour threshold. And let all this get to you just like that!
What an amazing and radiant day, and all because one glorious person has a birthday. This is not just another celebration, it is an important event, because one more year of bright moments, happy moments, experience, love, harmony and happiness, and will be many times ahead. And so every year, all good things should be doubled, because you deserve it.
I wish you realized aspirations, justified hopes and innovative ideas! I wish not to leave the begun halfway, for any your goal is worthy to be achieved. Let self-confidence never leave you, because together with confidence these forces also come. And if your own hands and head suddenly turn out to be small, let the faithful friends, loving relatives and inspiring luck help. Happy Birthday!
You have a birthday today, it's such a wonderful holiday. For you, I wish a magical environment. Let the house walk triumph, joy, harmony reigns. The close ones will always be there, and please you with successes and achievements. Let things go up like climbers on Mount Everest. Work brings real pleasure, and love will be only mutual. Life let paint your life only with bright colors. Every morning, meet with a smile on your face, and with a twinkle in your eyes. Let your helpers be Faith, Hope and Love. Faith lives always in your heart, Hope does not fade even in the moment of despair, but Love let surround you all your life. Go forward without turning back. And bravely overcome all barriers!
According to the old parable, on the day of birth the Guardian Angel leaves her sponsored and flies to report to the higher forces for the year he lived. On this day a fantastic portal is opened and everything that sincerely wish the birthday girl will certainly come true. I wish that now and all your life you will be surrounded by people who love and respect you. To their words were heard and returned to you in the form of large-scale happiness.
On your birthday, I want from the bottom of my heart to wish you health, because without it you can not do anything. Good luck, without the help of which any effort becomes futile. Patience, because without it you will not be able to overcome the adversities and difficulties that are encountered on the path of life! Let always with you happens what you dream about, and joyful moments come to you more often!
It's been a( number) of years since you celebrate your birthday. I want people to give you this holiday, how many pleasant emotions, so that they would be enough until the next birthday with a margin. On this day, I do not want to know what is the disease, and a bad mood. Enjoy life and enjoy every new day. To make even the most unusual dreams come true. Acquire a wise experience that will help you in life, and with pride then pass it to the children. Smile, as often as possible, as sincerely as possible, and life will become more beautiful. Work to bring real pleasure, and was in joy. Always be optimistic for the whole day, and give it to your family. Let your miracles happen on your birthday. Be open to the whole world. And the world will open for you.
I wholeheartedly congratulate you on your birthday. And I wish you much joy. Fate let him give only pleasant surprises. In order not to happen, never give up and do not lower your nose. Loving life and thanking the Lord for every new sigh. Let your guardian Angel guard and help you always. Relatives and relatives let surround with care and affection. Enjoy every new day. Do not be lazy to seek happiness. And always keep your luck on a short leash. Choose the path indicated by the heart. God bless you!
Happy birthday congratulations. I wish a bright, bright, cheerful and furiously happy life. Nothing to spare. Clearly believe in your success, and go through life with your head held high, looking only forward. Always achieve the set goals. So that all life was a holiday. Never swim after the current. Loving only those who deserve it. To all the problems, over the years turned into an acquired experience, which you then transfer to children and grandchildren. I wish to wake up every day with a smile on my face. Rejoice in all the little things, and do not take seriously problems. Love, and know that they love you!
Congratulations! Let desires be passionate, dreams be realizable, news be joyful, love sincere and mutual, friendship - proven for years, rest - magnificent, work - beloved and highly paid, close - loving and understanding, holidays - bright and unforgettable, cash flow - inexhaustible, goals - ambitious, but achievable, health - unfading, life - long and happy!
Happy Birthday! Today you see everything in a different light: the world bursts open to you with the smiles of friends and casual passers-by, waves of causeless joy splash in your soul, the rays of the sun tickle your face, and the air smells fragrant with flowers and expensive perfumes. I wish that the mood always remained bright and upbeat, the feelings were sharpened to the limit, and the feeling of infinite happiness filled my heart!
Birthday is a very personal holiday, a solemn and bright day, when you first saw the light, and the light - you and was very surprised that there could be such good people in the world! Today we wish you a merry, happy life and fulfillment of all dreams!
Why, it's on your birthday that we like to sum up the life results and make plans. .. Well, then! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish to always achieve your goals crowned happiness winner!
It is known that the holiday begins in the shower, and then it is transmitted to the real world. .. And it seems to me that today you have a cocktail of fireworks and fireworks in your soul! Happy Birthday, dear man! Accept the desire to live in the style of adventure, where the route is all light, and the reward is simple human happiness!
Congratulations on your birthday. Sit quietly, listen to the silence and think, think about life. Summarize the results for this year, which was clearly interesting and varied. Remember your dreams, goals, plans. Set yourself a task for this year, and persistently do everything to realize it. Then thank the Lord for one more lived year, and accept my wishes. I wish to forget about bad luck, grief, sorrow, just delete those words from your life. Persistently get what you thought. Give your love, without demanding, nothing in return and you will receive, twice as much love and affection. Rejoice for the success of your loved ones with a pure heart. Thank the Lord for every new day. Believe in success. And life will be a fairy tale!
Let your birthday be filled with sunlight and warmth of heartfelt wishes. Let your life be like a rainbow - every day will be a new, bright, happy band. Happy holiday to you!
The isstars say they like to compare a man with animals. .. He has an eagle eye. This - the heart of a lion. .. Well, you. .. well, if you think carefully, you are a fantastic and diverse animal, with which I congratulate you on the Birthday and wish the same diverse happiness!
What magic has happened to you? You just shine today! The woman's wisdom has been added in the eyes, deeply enchanting, like forest lakes, and your smile is like sunny rays for our society. .. Receive congratulations on your birthday, most beautiful! Be happy and loved!
They say how you spend your birthday, this will be the whole year. I wholeheartedly congratulate you on your birthday, with this we celebrate the holiday. And I wish that all the plans come true one by one. So that never in your life there are gloomy days. And the sun generously spoiled you with its beams and warmed the soul. Let only good people meet on your way, and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost, and do not know what to do, never drop your hands, and lift your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles, and they will come to your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood, and a smile on your face. And believe that your life will necessarily succeed, and take his girlfriend luck. Happiness to you on this day, the whole car. And a lot of pleasant surprises!
Sometimes it seems to me that you are not a stork, but an eagle, you are such a freedom-loving and brave, proud and brave person! So let the birthday blingly wink at you and give everyone and more for a long, happy life, in which the sun always shines!
What is more eloquent than all the words? Actions. They speak of true feelings and thoughts, they are stronger than words and are the criterion of truth. And what do the actions say? We, the guests, postponed the urgent business, put on the marafet, cleaned the shoes, put on the dresses, sat on the bus, then on the subway and came here to congratulate the "newborn."And this means that he is dear to us. Let's shift the glasses for him, for his good health!
Happy Birthday! Age you just wonderful, it's time to write a family portrait! Masculinity blossoming, wisdom in the eyes. .. it seems, put out the light - will light up like a tiger! And do you believe in omens? The premonition does not leave all those gathered for you. .. that something wonderful, unusual is waiting for you! And. .. anticipation. .. that the festive cake is very tasty. ..
In one old parable it is said that one day a serpent crawled to the god and asked to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the serpent and turned it into a woman, saying: "Go and pity people."The next day a gentle pigeon flew to God and also asked: "Turn me into a beautiful woman."And she was also listened to by God and turned into a woman, saying: "Go and bring good to people."Since then, and live in peace two beautiful women: one with a black soul, the second - with white. I do not have the slightest doubt that our dear birthday girl is that kind and kind dove. So let us wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!