Who is a loser?

Every person represents a man-loser in his own way.

For some , the loser is a person who has no money, no good work, no family nest, no loyal friends.

Other people describe a loser person differently, in their opinion, a loser is a hard-hearted person who does not know how to trust, does not respect and does not like others.

It is possible that the second description leads to the first!🙂

So, I will give you an example, the most common quality loser :

Who is a loser?- this is an indiscreet person!

Sincerity should be that all your thoughts, actions and words should never differ, they should be equal and consistent!

If you are a sincere person - people will be attracted to you, you will be comfortable and cozy with you, you will have many to yourself.


If your words are completely different from your actions - All turn away from you and you will be alone!

Quality loser - stop and give up halfway!

A man who has conceived something and finally made his first step to his dream is already worthy of applause!

instagram viewer

But when, the same person, understands that it will be very difficult to translate your dream into reality, that for this you need to make the most of your efforts and spend a lot of time - and he surrenders halfway!


Forget the word IMPOSSIBLE!

Never give up, and if you can not stand it, and your hands fall - pause for 1-2 days, let yourself rest, bring your thoughts in order - and then back into battle!

Never lose hope - every person CAN live worthily, but not everyone has enough strength to fight with himself!

Who is a loser? This is a gossip man!

If you are famous among people, like a man who spreads slander to the right and left, everyone gossips about everyone - you are already an outsider!

No one will ever trust you!

The quality of a loser is irresponsibility!

Very often we see people who constantly shift any responsibility or blame to other people, this in turn hampers the process of making any decisions and leads to problematic situations.

Until you become fully responsible for your life, for your actions - you will always be in the shadow of a loser!

You will never be the winner, the leader and the person who will be able to completely change the world and decorate it!

Pessimism is a sign of a loser!

I'm not talking about the fleeting share of pessimism that appears every now and then in every person - I'm talking about constant pessimism, constant nagging at the "bad life"!

How to become an optimist, and not be a dull little turd?

This your pessimism, your constant dissatisfaction with anything, your inability to see at least sometimes the beauty of life - makes people completely avoid contact with you.

Such pessimism - completely paralyzes a person and makes him helpless!

Get yourself in hand! !!

Closedness is the quality of a loser!

The human perception of the world is divided into 3 parts:

  1. We know it;
  2. We know and agree with what we do not know;
  3. We do not know that we do not know.

If you are dominated by a third part - you remain completely closed for new and up-to-date information.

If you refuse to admit that you know very little and far from everything - your life will remain uninteresting, monotonous and gray!

And by this you will confirm to everyone that the qualities of a loser are present for you!

Fight with yourself!

Indifference - is also a sign of a man-loser!

In spite of where and by whom you work, how you live - you should never be indifferent to other people!

If you can easily drop a victim, a wounded person, or walk past a lost child, or simply ignore a person who genuinely needs your help - you are a loser, you are already a loser!

Complete lack of ambition!

A person is not a mountain that stands still at any time of the year!

You can have a direct impact on the people that surround you.

When a person completely lacks ambition - then he has an infectious quality, with which he pollutes everything he touches!

Get rid of this virus and soon!

Mediocrity and stability!

Drop your fear!

You can not always live like a powder keg, every time you're afraid of taking an extra step, because you think that you depend on the evaluation of others, and someone will not approve your step!

Weaknesses of the person: how to live with them?

Your words that show respect for someone - must be sincere, and not created, to please or "podlizatsya" to someone.

Be sure to look at an interesting presentation from Valentin Kovalev

( a successful business coach) about how

distinguishes successful people from losers!

Very useful information.

Complete lack of faith in yourself!

Everyone has known for a long time one simple truth, if you want people to respect you - you must first of all respect the Beloved!

How can you communicate and support the advice of others if you do not believe in yourself?

It all depends on you, on your attitude to yourself!

Now you already know, who is a loser !

This is a person who, all of the above listed qualities are present in his life and he does nothing to get rid of them somehow.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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