Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a woman in prose

My dear and beloved! Congratulations on your 60th birthday and wish you health, strength, happiness. Let the illness go around, the heart always sings, but the soul remains young and cheerful. We love you very much, you give us comfort and care all your life, so now take it all from us.


I congratulate you on your 60th birthday, with this round date! In your jubilee, I want to wish you to remain as young, beautiful and interesting. I wish you an inexhaustible sense of humor and the most lasting health! May everything in life that you want with all your heart and soul come true! Let you not for a moment does not leave love, and does not throw good luck! Let everything in this world not by chance, but I wish you that the real miracles took place with you, because you want to believe that magic exists on this planet! I wish you to see such beauty, from which breathtaking! Let it come true, everything you dream about and more! Happy anniversary!


It's no secret that there is a magic of numbers. Round-the-clock special power! And today is your anniversary, and therefore the magic of numbers is at full power! Let this amazing magic bring to your life all the best: health, happiness, wealth, luck and family well-being!

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60 years have come so suddenly that you did not have time to enjoy the surf, breathe fresh aroma of pine needles in the spruce forest, did not have time to climb the highest mountain in the world and swim the widest river on Earth! But 60 years is just the beginning of a stormy life, in which you still have time to experience all this extreme. Happy anniversary, dear!


So you are already sixty. And for you, on this jubilee day, all the most beautiful congratulations! May the Lord always be with you. It protects and always helps to rise. You are a beautiful woman and take these sincere words from us. With the anniversary, our dearest.


Dear jubilee! All the relatives and relatives congratulate you on the anniversary! We are happy to say that you have changed little since the last few anniversaries - you still remain in great shape. You are just as attractive, easy to climb, independent, self-sufficient, independent. You still inspire men with your example and your active life position in the most vivid and most desperate deeds. Today we want to tell you that we appreciate you for your diligence, responsibility, for the ability to strongly love and forgive. Sincerely we wish you excellent health, every success, happiness, kindness and mutual understanding in the family, peace and prosperity. Happy anniversary!


Dear anniversary! Today is a significant day - your birthday! There was everything in your life: both bad and good, but today it's time to remember only the best. And let what has been in the life of the glorious, repeats, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let everything go wrong and be forgotten. I wish you many, many years to live serenely, enjoying life!


Dearest! In your jubilee, you have appeared before us a beautiful mature woman, wise with a vast experience, which you can help the younger generation.60 is not a sad figure at all, but the beginning of a new life. It's time, when you can create and contemplate much more than ever. We wish you to give your warmth to others, to bloom with health, not to lose youth in the eyes and to please us with your love of life. Congratulations!


Happy Birthday, with an anniversary. . as you know, a woman - always 18, whatever date is specified in your passport, even if it's 60 years old. That's why I say that you look as beautiful in your age as it is possible for such a young girl. With a holiday you and let in 60 years we again will celebrate your anniversary!


Dearest Mom! To you today is 60 years old, a great date, worthy of great respect. All these years you were with me, helped in a difficult moment in such a way that I always felt inspired and happy, and not a small helpless child, for which I appreciate you immensely. Your love warmed me during the most difficult moments of my life, because I always knew that my native man loved me, although the whole familiar world was turning around. Mommy, I know you really do not want to grow old, you're still cheerful, cheerful and beautiful. Mamula, old age has not touched your beautiful eyes, it's not you, but she's afraid of you. I really love you and I wish you great health to live many, many more years!


With the sixtieth birthday! In 60 it is already possible to say that a man achieved a lot in life - to sum up a kind of result. You are a beautiful woman, a loving mother and grandmother, a faithful wife and a wonderful friend. And, of course, in life you have achieved a lot by creating such an excellent family. Be happy and loved, happy, healthy and live for a long time! And take these wonderful poems at the jubilee, as a gift on your birthday!


Our most beautiful woman, this day we would like to congratulate you with all our heart on your anniversary. At sixty years, new facets of life will open before you. Life will play in other colors! So do not be sad and do not be sad. There are many more surprises in life for you! Happy anniversary.


Our beloved, charming woman! On this day your sixtieth anniversary knocks on the window, and all of us knock on the door to give us bouquets of scarlet roses and to say all those words of love that we have not yet told you. Be happy enough to flutter in the turquoise sky on the wings of love, dreams and hope!


Dear jubilee, let me whole-heartedly congratulate you on this important and significant event - the 60th anniversary! For all these years you have been able to fully demonstrate your talent and human attitude to others. Anyone who asked you for help and support always got it. You have a truly kind and noble heart. You brought up wonderful children, and then grandchildren. Today you and to this day admire us with your positive energy, diligence and cheerfulness. We need your warmth, wise counsel, and we always try to take an example from you. Thank you for everything, and God give you health, happiness and long, long life, among loving family members. Congratulations!


Dear Birthday! You celebrate your anniversary - 60 years! This is a very serious date, indicating a long life, which can be proud of. We congratulate you and wish you good health and a wonderful mood so that everything will work out, relatives and friends give reasons to be proud of them and themselves, and that life is a joy.


Dear our birthday! Happy anniversary to you! You are 60( choose a congratulation for a woman at the jubilee of 60 years), but you are still young, cheerful and caring. We wish you, dear, the health of a strong and long, the happiness of everyday, love and care of loved ones, the light of joy in the eyes and warmth! Let many years your smile warm our hearts and souls. You are the best in the world, so accept from us all on your birthday these poems of congratulations on the anniversary!


Dear Birthday, let me congratulate you on such a magnificent date as 60 years from the date of your birth! Although looking at you, it seems that the error has crept into these figures, because it is impossible to imagine that such a beautiful and confident woman was born so long ago. Time does not seem to be over you! The figure is still slim, eyes shine, and the voice is ringing! Only a real woman can look so impeccably at your age! Congratulations and we wish to continue not to change either soul or body!


Woman - woven from light, tenderness of heat, wisdom, smiles and good mood. On a birthday we always want to remain as we know you, to be healthy to you, happiness, warmth, to be always a young soul, so that worries and sorrows will be avoided, misfortunes and sorrows will not meet on the way.60 is not old age, it's the age when the wisdom of age is combined and the desires of youth come true, when with pride you can say "already" and "more", when thanks to everyday experience everything is "easy" and "affordable".So we wish that all wishes come true "easily", for this "more" enough strength, and all the barriers "already" were behind.


On the 60th anniversary, accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary! On this festive day we want to express to you a deep respect and admiration! You have always been an example for us in everything - in work, family life and friendship. People always reach out to you, and you find the right words and advice for everyone, you do not refuse help and participation. You have a big heart of gold, the warmth of which warms everyone who is near you. Thank you for your wisdom and spiritual beauty. Accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary and wishes for good health, material well-being, family happiness and joy. Let your home be a full cup filled to the brim with tenderness and mutual understanding.


Today you are celebrating a special Birthday - Anniversary! Round, beautiful date - 50 years! And since today is a momentous day, the mood should be wonderful for you! We wish you to keep the same elevated state of mind, the same feeling of happiness and joy for many years! Peace to you, good, luck and prosperity!


The coming anniversary imposes many duties on the jubilee. Covering the table, accepting gifts and listening to congratulations - it's very nice, but not the main thing. On the anniversary birthday it is customary either to independently determine the goals and objectives for the near future, or to give an opportunity to identify them to your relatives. So, in facilitating your life, we believe that today your goal should be to ignore any figures;Your task should be to solve any problems, and your prospects should be the most rosy!
So let us on this bright day from the bottom of our hearts congratulate you on the anniversary and wish you all the very best.


You have not grown old over the years, but you become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and these qualities translate life to a different level, where real values ​​become apparent and the worldly little things become indifferent. Today you perfectly understand that the main thing in life is love for loved ones and love of loved ones! So let in your life this love will be over the edge! !!And be immensely happy!


On the day of the Jubilee, you will undoubtedly hear many beautiful, warm, sincere and kind words addressed to you. I will not repeat myself, but I will only say that in the future, whatever you want today, guests who have come to the festival, will be waiting for you!


Dear friend, meeting this Jubilee, do not be sad. After all, lived years are wealth, it's wisdom and experience! Let your past become a springboard for jumping into a beautiful, cloudless future! Let on your way soon meet a wonderful man who will love you, take care of you, guard and protect you! Let the coming year be full of wonderful events, meetings with good people, successes and luck! Health to you, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy!


I always knew you were an amazing woman! Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, possessing a flexible mind and beautiful charm. And today I see that you still know the secret secret, which any woman would like to have. Many wise men and wizards tried to comprehend this mystery, and fate revealed it to the most worthy - to you. What is this secret? This is the secret of eternal youth. And most importantly - it not only helps you maintain a beautiful physical form, but also allows you to always remain a young soul. I wish that your loved ones always appreciate what kind of woman is next to them!


Sixty years is a time when all the worries and troubles are over. I wish the jubilee long forty years to taste the fruits of his working career and to enjoy the successes of children and the wet panties of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension.


If someone does not believe in miracles and magic, then I can state with confidence - they exist! Look at our jubilee - she is young, beautiful, beautiful and simply charming! And all this in 60 years! Well, are not these miracles? Is not this magic? Yes, these are miracles and magic! But without her, without her diligence, she would not have been like that. Our favorite jubilee is so beautiful because it constantly moves, works, and does not sit at home by the TV.We are sincerely proud that you work with us. We are proud of you, you are our example! Congratulations on your anniversary, and let your years, as they are in one famous song, become your wealth!


Dear our jubilee! Looking at you and not saying that today you turned 60!After all, you are beautiful, beautiful and simply charming! Looking at you think that you are 18 years old! Years go by, but they are not over you. Years are flying, but from this you just get better and more beautiful! Years make you the most attractive woman! And you know, when you are one hundred years old, you will become a beauty queen and a miss of peace! And we will all happily celebrate this event!


60 years is the middle. This is the middle, when you can say: "already" and "more"!You can say - you are already 60!And immediately object - you are still so young!
60 years is the age when a woman becomes wise by age. In 60 years, life begins to "shine" with other, new colors.
We wish you that all your desires easily come true, and that on your way there are no obstacles!


So your 60th anniversary has come! It would seem that you already know everything, everyone has seen and you will not be surprised. But in fact it is not so, in fact you are 60 years old, but in your soul, as always - 18!You can do so many more, you will be surprised and discover many new and interesting things. So let new discoveries be every day, and every day you will shine and glow, like all those 60 years already lived!


Every day waking up. You think - that's another day! And it makes you sad, because life is running, and time is inexorably hurrying forward. You are 60 years old today! You have had so many years of life behind your back, but you do not seem sad. You shine, shine and just look great! You are an ideal, an ideal - love, beauty and everything else. Looking at you understand that you should not regret about every day, you need to move forward to your goal. Every day you inspire us to new deeds and new feats. Thanks to you, we all understand that life is beautiful, and she needs to enjoy, like you!
Congratulations on your anniversary, we wish you that you will continue to please us with your smile, with your conversations. Let every day be full of new discoveries and new impressions!

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