What is dangerous mono-diet?

Women who would like to lose weight, but who do not want to make special efforts, try to find "magic" means and methods that would help in a short time to lose weight. But, who seeks, he always finds. The same can be said about those ladies who are trying to find the easiest, but not always safe ways to lose weight.

The media and the authors of questionable methods support this desire of the fair sex, giving them in excess information about a particular diet, the success of those who have tried a certain principle of nutrition. Most recently, there are mono-diets that have another name - monocomponent diets. Such a food system has recently become very popular, as it allows you to get rid of unnecessary volumes in a very short time.

In all printed publications, the Internet describes in great detail the advantages of such diets, and those who observed them, with "foam at the mouth" talk about how well it loses weight on a particular mono-diet. However, very few people say that these types of food can seriously damage health and, in addition, worsen the appearance.

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So what are mono-kits dangerous, what harm can they bring?

What is a mono?

First we will understand what such diets are, and then you can talk about what their danger is.

Monocomponent diets are a food scheme in which only one basic food product is consumed for a certain period of time. The most widespread of them were kefir, buckwheat and apple diets. Such power systems are considered very rigid. Initially they were intended to cleanse the body, and they could be observed no more than a day or two.

However, in recent years, mono-diets have been increasingly used for rapid, rapid weight loss, and they are used for 3-5 days, or even up to a week.

There are also soft mono diets, which consist in the fact that in addition to consuming one basic product throughout the whole period, you can use some more in small portions. Such a diet can be observed for a week or two.

Both variants can cause the same damage to the body.

Harm monodiet

I would like to note immediately that there are two different concepts that women often confuse - unloading days and mono-diets. During fasting days a person during the whole day eats only one selected product. Such a temporary restriction brings only benefit, because at this time there is a thorough cleansing of the body. If the restriction of food occurs within three days or more, it is already a mono-diet, which can lead to unbelievable side effects, up to metabolic disturbances.

Let's start with the fact that the body does not receive enough nutrients. After all, no product contains them all in the right amount. In order to receive all the necessary components, the food should be varied and balanced. And no mono-diet can provide this. With such nutrition, there is an excess of some substances and a catastrophic lack of others.

As a result, the body begins to experience great stress. A woman who observes a monocomponent diet begins to gradually lose her hair. Due to the fact that the body loses a lot of vitamins, the skin begins to deteriorate, which becomes painful.

As a result, various violations occur in the body, internal systems fail, and metabolic processes deteriorate. This can lead to many serious diseases.

Do you think it's worth it to risk your health for the sake of a few pounds? Moreover, practice shows that after the end of a mono-diet, the weight that has been thrown off with such difficulty almost always comes back, and often also with a solid increase. ..

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 47
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