Often the question, , what to do on the Internet , occurs when all the cases are already redone.
Or you just do not want to take on another project and conquer new labor peaks, but relax and have a little pobazdelnichat in the workplace.
For those who are tired of working, we offer a selection of 20 ways to spend an interesting time on the Internet.
What to do on the Internet: a selection of 20 interesting resources
1. To deal with the destruction of bubbles
The site http: //www.aeropack.ru/ game.html is a virtual version of the packaging material with bubbles, wrapped in fragile things, so they are not damaged.
Who among us does not like to slam these things?
After all, this is a real tool to relieve stress!
Of course, on the Internet you expect some kind of vexation.
First, the sound that the program produces does not really match the original, and it's quite loud.
Secondly, nothing computer is able to convey the feeling when a bottle of air bursts under the pressure of your fingers.
Therefore, the real "gourmet bubble industry" version on the Internet will not approve. All the rest will be delighted!
Moreover, there is a plus for such an Internet version!
Unlike real bubbles, they never end.
The field of balls is infinite.
It is enough to establish an "infinite mode" and enjoy the process until it gets bored.
2. To be engaged in creation of cartoons
With the help of https: //multator.ru/draw/ it is possible to be engaged in creation of interesting short animation or even children's cartoon on the Internet.
Of course, at a very primitive level.
If the result of the process is successful, then the creation can be saved and demonstrated to the close ones. Who knows, maybe you are destined to be a multiplier?
You can occupy yourself on this site not only by creating cartoons, but also by viewing the result of creativity of other users.
3. To be engaged in making wishes
Looking at the beautiful starry sky, sometimes you think to yourself: "If only a small star fell, so many desires accumulated!"
But they somehow never fall at the right time.
And here thanks to the site on the Internet http: //wishpush.com/ you can make your wish at any time.
And the star will definitely fall, thanks to the left mouse button click.
In the miraculous nature of this ritual, you should not doubt - then everything will necessarily happen.
After the fall of the star, developers offer to constantly make wishes with the help of this resource on the Internet, adding it to the bookmarks.
Such a useful site is really worth having on hand!
4. Busy yourself with the visualization of the nickname
With the help of the site on the Internet http: //turnyournameintoaface.com/, you can create a person by the entered name.
That sounds unusual, right?
And the essence, in fact, very simple.
After the user entered any name, the program on the Internet gives a funny face out of pixels, which supposedly corresponds to it.
5. A simple but fascinating toy on the Internet
What to do on the Internet?
One option can be fun with water.
This is provided by the site http: //madebyevan.com/ webgl-water /.
To start the game, you need to go to the link, where you will find a swimming pool filled with water.
Inside it is a large ball.
The beginning sounds boring.
But believe me, you will be "stuck" here for a long time!
With these ball and pool you can deal with such manipulations:
- pull the ball to the surface,
- create waves of water on the surface of water,
- change view angles of the reservoir,
- change the light source.
The game has a huge realism, so it can easily take you to the end of the day.
Let "action" is not here, but very beautiful.
6. Busy yourself with a mini-toy with a nice design
How to occupy yourself on the Internet?
You can use the site http: //mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/ ball-pool /.
" Ball Pool" is something like a mini-game, but there are no winners and losers.
The rules are simple: you can move the balls around the screen and push them together.
In addition, you can create new areas by clicking the left mouse button.
Primitive but cute animation forces you to hang on this portal on the Internet for a while.
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7. What can be more pleasant than sound of rain?
This website is for those who have long ago tasted the delights of the moment, when, for example, you sit in a cozy cafe, drink your favorite mulled wine, and outside the window it rains, leaving your footprints on the road and sidewalk.
With the help of the site on the Internet http: //rainycafe.com/ you can take yourself immersing yourself in a rainy, cool weather, when in reality there is + 300С outside the window.
On this web resource there are 2 toggle switches working in the mode of sound of rain and noise of the cafe.
Under such support it is convenient to do business.
And the performance improves, and is no longer so boring.
8. Neon picture with your own hands
Using the https: //29a.ch/sandbox/2011/neonflames/ service, you can create surreal neon vortices of different colors.
Most of all it reminds footage from space.
The program offers eight colors:
- red,
- lime,
- blue,
- black,
- yellow,
- green,
- purple,
- white.
With this palette, you can create your own masterpiece.
You can save your unique picture with the button at the top right of the screen - "Download".
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9. Reincarnation in a hacker on the Internet
For once, but every person had a desire to try themselves as a hacker.
If this is about you as well, then this site on the Internet http: //hackertyper.com/ will make you feel like Kevin Mitnick.
And take some time.
In the open window, dial the offer.
The program translates it into an encrypted code."HackerTyper" provides an opportunity to occupy themselves on the Internet and boast( non-existent) knowledge of the area of codeing and hacking before friends.
There is no more use of the resource.
10. What to do on the Internet? Just rest for two minutes!
What to do on the Internet, not only to pass the time, but also to relax?
Take a look at this wonderful portal http: //www.donothingfor2minutes.com/ to do. .. nothing.
All that is required of you is to start the timer and for two minutes to watch the sunset immovably, plunging into its enchanting, mysterious colors.
For a moment it may even seem that the observant is sitting on the beach by the water and feels the scent of the ocean.
If there is a desire to occupy yourself for another two minutes, you just need to update the countdown and again sink the magic of sunset.
This program allows you not only to occupy yourself, but also to meditate a little, again tuning to the working mood.
11. Busy yourself with the creation of a masterpiece from sand
Probably, every person at least once met video clips, where people draw sand with amazing pictures. As a rule, these are the works of participants of all sorts of talent shows.
Using the https: //thisissand.com/ resource, you can also write a picture of your own taste.
Even if you've never done anything like that.
The technique of drawing a masterpiece is very simple.
You need to select the color in the right corner of the field and create a picture for yourself or your relatives with the left mouse button, which you can then save to the cloud on the Internet and put it as a screen saver on your home computer.
Realistic adds a sound of crumbling sand.
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12. Flap and calm down
There were situations in life when you want to slam the door, yes harder( more often in the office of the boss).
If you now have just such a moment, you can tackle this process right now.
Only do this on the Internet using the http: //www.biglongnow.com/ portal.
In particularly difficult cases, this will help reduce irritability and aggression, which does not contribute to the workflow.
And most importantly, no one will notice or hear these actions.
And the doors will not suffer, which is also important.
13. To deal with problems
What to do on the Internet when all previous sites are studied?
You can solve all your problems with one button on the portal http: //button.dekel.ru/.Is it intriguing?
Of course, if such a button was, then in the world there were no difficulties and obstacles.
But this little joke can also raise your spirits.
14. To write a letter on the Internet
On the Internet there is a very useful portal http: //mailfuture.ru/write/.
With its help you can take yourself directly for an unlimited period.
All because here you are offered to do a very creative and enjoyable business.
For this you need to write a letter and specify in it:
- of the sender,
- of the recipient,
- the exact date of receipt of the letter by the addressee.
Most likely, the sender will forget about his message after a while.
But it will appear on a clear date on the recipient's mail.
You can also create a letter for yourself: describe the experiences, emotions at a particular moment and read it in 5-10 years.
However, the question remains: what is the guarantee that the e-mail address will not change?
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15. What to do on the Internet? Just travel!
With the help of the Internet resource https: //geoguessr.com/world/ play, you can study the most remote parts of the planet Earth.
The program after clicking the "Single player" button randomly shows a place on the ground, and the person should guess where it is and what it is.
For correct answers, points are awarded.
Even if you are not strong in geography, try to do this entertainment on the Internet.
It is worthwhile to occupy yourself with this game, as you can not stop.
16. To be engaged in an original avatar
To occupy itself on the Internet it is possible one more amusing business - creation of an avatar in style of 8-bit games.
This is possible thanks to the https: //8biticon.com/
site. You can change the parameters in the program:
- background,
- clothing,
- face,
- hair,
- mouth.
If you tackle this task seriously, you can choose quite the same as the "original" avatar.
17. Do alchemy on the Internet
Using the https: //littlealchemy.com/ website, you can feel like an alchemist, connecting different natural elements, and getting the product of their interconnection. Try to do it, the combinations are really funny. And, importantly, everything is quite logical!
18. The art of blind input - to do self-education
What to do on the Internet, when there is a lot of free time?
Self-education is a great option.
If until now the reader has not mastered the technique of blind input, the resource http: //klava.org/ #rus_basic will help to teach typing without looking at the keyboard.
19. Doing fortune-telling on the ball of destiny
On the Internet, you can also take a guessing yourself by asking questions of the fate ball.
This is quite simple: go to the site http: //randstuff.ru/ask/, enter the question to which the ball should respond, press the "Generate" button.
Answers of the same type, but help to pass the time and take yourself a few minutes on the Internet.
Perhaps, for someone, these tips on the Internet will become a "sign from above."
20. To engage in the creation of stories
This game on the Internet http: //baboon.co.il/mitoza/ gives the opportunity to develop events with the proposed options.
It all starts with a seed of a plant.
Next, you need to click on the options that the game offers.
The course of events of this entertainment does not give in to any logic.
He can take even the most bored people.
This entertainment on the Internet can take a visitor for a fairly long period of time.
And you will necessarily start to play anew - take a word.
We offer you a selection of 10 more Internet resources to pass the time for the computer:
The article described 20 useful options, than to occupy themselves on the Internet , to pass the time at work. ..