What does the dragon dream about?

  • 1 Dream of a dragon in a dream that it means
    • 1.1 What a dragon woman dreams about
    • 1.2 If a fire breathing dragon
    • 1.3 What a dream dragon girl
    • 1.4 Dream of a man
    • 1.5 What a dream dragon black

The human subconscious mind is endless and capableto depict a variety of ordinary and incredible things in a dream.

Some people in a lifetime can dream of a mythical creature like a dragon .This dream can not be forgotten and after awakening the hands are drawn to the dream book, which can give an answer to all questions about the phenomenon of this unusual, fairy creation.

Some of the variants of dreams involving this mystical creature that provides us with a dream book:

  • see it flying through the sky or flying on it;
  • see it from the side;
  • be the victim of his attack;
  • to deal with it;
  • kill him in a dream;
  • phenomenon of this creature with several heads or wings;
  • to see how in a dream he is guarding something;
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  • see it in a cave or lying on the rocks;
  • creature enters the house;
  • take help from the dragon.

The dragon dreamed that it means

If you dream of dragons , then the dream book advises you to be ready for very significant events in life and various changes.

Dragon in a Dream is a very strong symbol that carries the life forces and great opportunities for the sleeper.

This sleep does not dream of minor events of , so those who saw it should prepare for global changes in life.

Regardless of how much the creature can be horrendous, its phenomenon in sleep does not always mean only negative things and to determine more precisely what is hidden behind this dream, the dream book advises considering the dream in more detail.

What dragon dreams about a woman

They say that these creatures are very fond of women and, according to legends, they often abducted them, and also accepted the girls they sacrificed.

When a dragon is dreaming about a woman , it shows that she will get acquainted with a successful man and they will have a very stormy romance.

However, it is not a fact that these relations can grow into something serious, since this creature is a symbol of the rigidity of character and power that not everyone likes.

Another promises success or the emergence of a defender in her life.

If the fire-breathing dragon

is dreaming This creature can also dream of spewing the flame .Such a dream is a warning that soon you will have a strong quarrel with some influential person.

Dream Interpreter advises to pay attention while communicating with its leader, as this disagreement can lead to some serious consequences.

Under such circumstances it is worthwhile to stay cautious and calm, otherwise you will be guilty of all the troubles, even if your direct fault will not be.

What the dragon dreams of

girl If he dreams of a girl, it means that she will have a son who will become a very good person.

And if the girl in a dream was hypnotized by , it promises a danger and only the person who loves it can help her.

Dreamed of a man

In the event that dreams of a dragon in a dream - this often means the appearance of an opponent in both love affairs and work matters.

If you dream about how you fight this creature - it means that you are trying to overcome various problems and obstacles on the way to success.

If the sleeper has won the battle, it means that he will win and wake, clearing the barriers to success.

If a man sees a fire-breathing dragon on, the dream book promises him a hard fight for his own rights.

Why the dragon is dreaming black

Mythical creature of black color is dreaming of those who are in reality in the middle of any events and are not able to cope with negative emotions and feelings.

Black color takes all the light, as well as negative feelings take away their energy from people.

If dreamed it was a wonderful creation of , then the sleeper should try to quickly solve his life's troubles, otherwise these problems can aggravate his situation.

And if this creature also erupts the flames of , then the situation is much more severe and as the dream book suggests, it requires an emergency solution, since after the fire, as a rule, only ashes remain.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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