What does a louse dream about?

  • 1 Dream lice in a dream what does it mean
    • 1.1 Why does lice in my head look like
    • 1.2 See lice in my hair what it is
    • 1.3 If I have lice in my child's head
    • 1.4 The lice on the other person are dreaming of what
    • 1.5 To press and kill lice in a dream
    • 1.6 If a woman's louse is dreaming
    • 1.7 Dreams of catching lice in a dream
    • 1.8 Many lice are dreaming

Sometimes our dreams seem absurd to us, and we do not give them much value, but it's notSo. Especially it concerns unpleasant insects, to which in real life a person is disgusted.

For example, if a louse has dreamed, is in the dream of Gustav Miller , warns us that it's worth preparing for a difficult period of life, you need to expect a blockage at work and endless checks.

For young girls such dreams prophesy fast exams. Therefore, if we correctly interpret the dream, the universe to us, gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves for a certain period in life, whether it is good or bad.

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Dream lice in a dream what does it mean

If lice are to be seen, for correct interpretation, it is necessary to accurately remember the context in which these insects acted.

  • Dreamed that the flea is black, Wangi's dream book , treats such a dream as making a profit, financial luck in business.
  • If the parasite has a large number of - the disease will come.
  • Dreamed that you are killing nits - there will come the resolution of problems, pay off debts.
  • To wipe pests from the head - the transaction will be successful.
  • In dreams, a man saw as crushing fleas in a child - there is a serious oversight in the upbringing of the child.

What dreams of lice in your head

To dream of parasites on your head , according to Aesop's dream book, means future troubles, bad news.

Lice and nits are removed - to hard work, which will bring many experiences for the outcome of the case.

When a dreamer shakes fleas from clothes - behind his back they will say, ill-wishers will gossip, false acquaintances will appear.

For those who are born in September, October and November , fleas in a dream portends a lot of money, which can only be obtained by the diligence and perseverance of the dreamer.

To see lice in the hair to what it is

If a lice in the head of a girl who soon marries is dreamed, Spring Dream Book, writes that the bride needs to talk with the groom about cleanliness, there may be unsolved issues, the solution of which will help in the futurepair. If a blood-sucking insect in her hair dreamed of a married woman, the significance in the dream book of the 21st century is groundless jealousy towards her husband.

If a louse has a headache on its head

The lice of a child on their head have been awakened - it is worth giving more freedom to your child, excessive care overshadows everyday life.

The daughter has white bloodsuckers - the child has difficulties in communicating with peers, you need to talk heart to heart with your daughter.

To comb out the nits in the child's head , then in reality, parents pay too much attention to the health of the child and worry in vain.

Lice on another person dreams about what

If in a dream to see lice on another person , familiar in real life, Wanderer's dream book, treats as envy on your part, condemnation of people behind your back.

In a dream a colleague working in the head runs hair fleas and - therefore, you envy his material condition.

The girl - zeal for the fans.

It seemed that uncounted a number of fleas jumping in the hair of another - success in any endeavor.

Press and kill lice in a dream

The lice are squeezed to press them , the longer the dreamer tries to kill an insect, the longer the disease will be precipitated.

A dreamer's child in the head of a flea , according to Wanderer's dream book - means difficulties in the life of a child, if the dreamer presses them - will help to overcome troubles.

Get rid of insects from a stranger - you have many fears, the fear of falling face in the mud.

Pressurize and discard lice - get rid of the heavy burden, which does not allow to move forward.

If a woman loses her

If a flea in her hair dreams of a woman is a harbinger of future problems in the health system;to see her on clothes - to behave dishonestly towards others.

To call - to illness, which will be useless.

Fleas on domestic animals - to losses and starvation.

The lice have dreamed of the girl , and she presses them - she will have the opportunity to express her opinion.

Pregnant , such a dream promises profit or enrichment, if there are health problems it is worth going to a doctor.

Dreams of catching lice in a dream

Small Dreams dream-book predicts a dreamer who caught in a dream, in hair, blood-sucking insects in his head - to receive financial reward.

If combing them - getting rid of the hassle, besieging for a long time.

Beating on insects - unexpected luck.

Born in the winter months , dreamed of chasing after parasites, Wanderer's dream book - foretells their troubles in business or even dismissal from work.

Many louses dream about

When dreams a lot of bloodsucking parasites in the hair , the dream of the medium of Hasse, predicts a large amount of money that is falling as snow on his head.

Dreams as they jump on the dreamer - causing inconvenience to another, you yourself will suffer from this.

To comb out them from the hair - to recovery, getting rid of pressing problems.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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