What does the money look like?

  • 1 Dreaming of money in a dream that means
    • 1.1 Money paper money is getting rid of
    • 1.2 What does the money and small thing look like
    • 1.3 What does the money in packs
    • 1.4 Look for money in a dream
    • 1.5 Hold money in the hands of
    • 1.6 Theft of money is what dreams
    • 1.7 If you dream of counterfeit money

Money dreams first of all about changes in life( at work, in the family), as well as to change your financial situation.

Dream of money in a dream that means

It is generally accepted that if a dream is made, in real life it will necessarily be more or less, depending on whether their number has decreased or increased in a dream.

But everything is not so clear! There are many signs that determine the true meaning of monetary sleep. And all of them must be taken into account so as not to be mistaken with its interpretation. Help in this many dream books.

Paper money disappears to what

The most frequent in dreams there are paper money. From their quantity and a way of interaction with them the competent interpretation of a dream depends:

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  • Paper big bills .
    The Dream "Large Paper Bills" says that the larger the denomination of denominations, the stronger the dream effect will be. Particularly successful is when a person wins a large sum in the lottery and then picks up a lot of paper notes in cash. After awakening, you should remember all planned cases and start implementing them, becausethis dream promises incredible luck in all endeavors.
  • Lose paper banknotes. Expect loss in real life( failure at work, worsening of material situation, emergence of tensions in the family).It can also mean that you are unrestrained in dealing with others and do not control your behavior.
  • Distributing savings to the needy , on the contrary, will lead to wealth and luck, a large gift.
  • Count savings:
  1. Recalculate a large amount of paper bills - your wealth depends only on you, it is completely in your hands.
  2. When calculating a shortage of was found - wait for large losses. It is best to try to ensure maximum safety to your savings.
  3. The calculation is conducted to save - the further financial situation will be stable, you will find comfort and prosperity.

Why do I dream of money and trifle

  • If I dream of a small thing , it is considered that it is to tears and failures. However, the coins are different, and if they are dreamed, you need to be able to accurately recognize what they portend:
  • copper money is being removed - tears and troubles.
  • Silver - to quarrel and / or vain efforts.
  • Small coins are being made - sadness.
  • The gold coins were dreamed up - good prospects and / or the possibility of committing a sinful act.
  • Collecting trifle - a sign of thrift, but also pettiness, obsession with material goods. Try to think bigger and do not concentrate much on insignificant incomes. Otherwise, there is the opportunity to miss the bigger earnings.

What does the money in packs of

look like Big paper bills in packages portend happiness, realization of plans and fulfillment of desires.

If packs of notes you get from someone else - there is a big purchase, a significant acquisition in the future.

Find money in a dream

Finding any amount of is often a good sign. For example, if you find a wallet with paper bills, then your financial condition will improve, and all business will be adjusted.

Find a bag or a suitcase of money g - will live long.

The received dollars or euro ( especially when there are many of them) - good luck in business and various financial projects, conclusion of a profitable contract.

However, not always everything is so rosy. For example, according to the Wangi dream book , if you saw and picked up money , it's a bad sign. So, one of your friends thought something was amiss against you. You should beware of their evil thoughts.

However, if someone from your environment gives you money as a token of appreciation to , then this is for the best. Most likely, you will receive an early praise and gratitude.

Find and pick trifle - to the loss.

Holding money in the hands of

Large paper notes in the hands of mean that in the near future you will receive a favorable offer. It can be a new vacancy at work or just some interesting project.

Stealing money to dream

Stealing money in a dream is always a bad omen, according to Miller's dream book. And it does not matter in what role you are speaking: the thief or the robber:

  • If you stole or became a participant in the theft of , then, most likely, you should more carefully monitor your thoughts and actions. Otherwise, you can do a lot of things, which you will regret later.
  • Have stolen from you - beware, you are in danger. It's worth to be more careful and pay more attention to people and events around, so as not to get into trouble.


  1. You are asked to borrow - you are trying to seem better than you are. Others will perceive you differently and put false hopes on you.
  2. They take from you - they will be very troublesome. It is possible to quarrel with a friend and stop relations with him.


counterfeit money had a dream. Fake banknotes / money symbolize deception and disappointment. It's worth to be more attentive to your surroundings: maybe one of your friends and relatives is going to hold you. They also symbolize the effort wasted.

Dirty, crumpled or torn money means that you are going to be bankrupt and poor.

Sounding in the dream of the rustling of bills means gossip and rumors spreading about you.

A huge variety of interpretations are provided by dream books. Each feature has its own interpretation. The main thing is to remember your dream in the smallest detail and, without missing anything, to determine what exactly the dream means. The more accurate the description of sleep, the more truthful its interpretation will be.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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