What does the rat dream about?

  • 1 Rats are dreamed of what it means
    • 1.1 What a rat dreams for a woman
    • 1.2 What a rat dreams about a man
    • 1.3 If a rat dreamed a big
    • 1.4 Why many dreams of
    • 1.5 dream of a white, black and gray rat,what it is
    • 1.6 Dead and dead rats are asleep
    • 1.7 What a rat dreams about that bites
    • 1.8 To kill a rat in a dream

The dream in which rats dreamed does not bode well. But do not rush to panic, not so bad. It is necessary to look into the dream book to know about what can happen when you are accompanied by a rat pack or bites a rodent in a dream.

In this case, you can not miss the little things: what color were the animals, it hurt or not from their bite, did blood appear?

The rats dreamed that it means

According to Miller's dream book, the dreamed rat pack for a woman or a man is regarded as a quarrel with dissatisfied neighbors. This state of affairs can provoke a conflict incident and even a fight. Sometimes such a dream indicates the cunning plans of neighbors with deceptive actions.

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  • When has dreamed one or more rats - beware of the treacherous actions of co-workers or business associates.
  • On An ancient Slavonic dream book meeting with an unpleasant rodent leads to an explosive situation at work, in places of study, at home.
  • Rats dream of verification, revision, unpleasant relationship with their superiors.
  • If the animals dreamed a lot of , and they attacked, bite, then a visit with inspection will detect shortage, negligence, commodity re-sorting, incorrect accounting.
  • Rats in the house are dreaming of the to the appearance of dangerous enemies, problems, griefs and "intrigues" on the part of relatives, companions, co-workers.
  • Rat-bite to the blood - troubles with blood relatives.

What a rat dreams for a woman

Dream interpretation does not predict anything good to woman when meeting with rodents. He portends meanness, quarrels, conflict situations, betrayal.

If a rat dreams a woman , wait for trouble from her husband, he is wrong to you.

When in a dream for a woman is observed violence with the rats and the female , the outcome of the events will be positive. The woman will act wisely in her actions and return the unfaithful man to the family.

A woman is dreaming of rats from a squad of rat who are biting to blood, there will be gossip from distant relatives.

What a rat dreams about a man

Dreambook believes that men can see in the night plot of rodents, to improve their material condition. The more of them will be - the greater the amount of money.

If is encountered as a big black and , he bites - your companion may be dishonest, expect him to betray him.

Do not expect anything good if you met a gray rodent. This is a colleague who can betray you at any moment.

White hand-made horseman predicts prosperity and stability.

If the rat was a big one

  • The larger the rodent size of the , the more trouble it can bring. This applies to animals of gray and black color.
  • If a big white is dreaming is a good sign.
  • White rat in a cage - you've caught luck. Such a dream indicates a monetary prosperity, an unexpected bonus, a significant prize in the lottery.
  • When the had a big gray - listen to the opinion of the manager. You can get into a critical situation because of a colleague at work, a friend.
  • The big black creature in a dream brings bad news related to a car accident, illness and even death.

Why many rats dream

Sleep with a pack of rodents portends trouble, trouble, conflicts.

Many dream books interpret as a dream, as financial well-being, but not for all categories of the population.

The businessman can see the rat pack to the conclusion of a profitable commercial transaction, to revenues.

For housewives such a night plot predicts a quarrel with her husband and his close relatives.

To dream a white, black and gray rat, to what it is

If rodents are dreaming in a large number of white, black and gray colors, then you can have quarrels with neighbors, good acquaintances, colleagues at work.

When the animals did not attack you , you can be in the conflict situation just a spectator.

White to ricks and mouse and does not herald bad development of affairs. They are a symbol of purity and well-being.

For men, the white rodent brings income, and for girls - broadcasts an early wedding.

Presence in a flock of black animals portends quarrels, illness, poor health, and sometimes - an accident.

Gray rodents also do not bring anything good. If you managed to throw out of the house a gray female or male - you will cope with your enemies and conflict situations.

Rats are dead and dead

To dream of dead rodents - does not indicate trouble and trouble. On the contrary, the troubles turned aside - as if they were dead. And your enemies decided to leave you alone.

Sometimes dead animals indicate a change of weather.

What a rat dreams about, which bites

Dream interpretation claims that the rat rat bites scandals, bad news, the appearance of gossip, undesirable quarrels and parting.

If a woman dreams that she is bitten by a parasitizing animal in her sleep, then there will be a break with her beloved person.

If the rat dreams, which bites the hand of , you should not borrow money. This can lead to a conflict situation with the creditor.

Bite for a leg in the dream book - you expect a quarrel in the family, leaving home.

If the is a large, black or gray animal, grabbed a finger - you are waiting for a small setback, an illness is possible.

To kill a rat in a dream

To kill a rodent in a dream means a reprisal with a detractor, overcoming problems, a positive solution of problems.

The woman who killed the pest, will win over her rival.

Kommersant will get a profitable investor, coping with competitors. A dream interpreter interprets such a nightly plot as getting rid of obstacles on the way to solving the tasks set.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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