- 1 I dreamed about shoes in a dream
- 1.1 Why do I dream about women's shoes
- 1.2 If I dreamed of a new shoe
- 1.3 To measure shoes in a dream to what it is
- 1.4 Why many dreams in a dream
- 1.5 Torn and old shoesin a dream that means
- 1.6 To see children's shoes in a dream what it's dreaming
- 1.7 To lose or to look for it in a dream
- 1.8 In a dream to measure boots, shoes
Even the most intricate dreams, sometimes even funny, have their meaning, correctly interpretingwhich, you can understands tips over.
During dreams our real body rests, and the mind is in parallel worlds, where you can see people from everyday life and even from the afterlife. If in the dream we see the new shoe - this is often a good sign.
Dream shoes are awkward for what it is
It's very that it's important to remember the sensations experienced by a dreamer, for example such details: shoes that were out of size and pressed, rubbed corn, was uncomfortable, big size - such dreams always have a special interpretation andare some kind of signs.
- If is dreaming about a man's pair of shoes for a woman - a foretaste of an imminent meeting with a second half.
- The man - promise hard work, but with a high reward.
- Baby slippers - a sign of future good news.
- The women's shoes have dreamed up - this is a sign of the upcoming love adventures.
- If buy new boots in a dream - success at work, your merits will be appreciated.
- Someone else is dreaming about , which you try on, and the size does not fit - the expectations will be unjustified.
- The slept with a boarded nail - big troubles are expected.
What does a woman's shoe look like
- If shoes dream of a woman in white - to a manly choice.
- See the red - understanding in the family circle, harmony in the relationship.
- In the small Welder's dream book , it is said that if dreams of sandals harness the - it is worth expecting family troubles.
- To see shoes are not beautiful - to illness or shameful situation, beautiful - to get benefit.
- The purchase of the for the black pair of boots was conceived - there is a long road under cover of night.
If you dreamed of a new shoe
- It seems that you are cleaning or washing the shoe, in the summer dream book, is treated like the nearest new thing.
- Sounds like trying on several new shoes - there will be unscrupulous relations with several people at the same time.
- Symbolic book interpretation, predicts that, saw in a dream is a sign of the road, new events, and for the woman - love relations.
To measure shoes in a dream to what it is
For girls to see the fitting of shoes in a dream means to find a new partner.
For , a man trying on a new pair of - to success in love, and dropping shoes off his feet - a long journey or loss of a friend.
In the Tsvetkov Dream Book , the interpretation of the visions with the fitting the unusual shoes , converges to the fact that the dreamer will soon have a new relationship that will be remembered for life.
If the dreamed of fitting large boots - means collecting in the road, where the benefits will be less than expected.
What a lot of shoes in a dream
- In the book of the witch Medea , the shoe much dreams about a large choice of roads.
- If a woman in the vision has a man's hand on several pairs of shoes, many love adventures await her.
- Dream many shoes scattered around the house - wait for guests.
- In the vision of , the man saw several types of sap, in Wanderer's dream book, the meaning is explained as a relationship with several girls at the same time.
Torn and old shoes in a dream that means
- In Ukrainian dream book , galoshes torn dreams about the death of a loved one.
- The outsole from the right shoe - a big loss.
- In the Modern Dream Book, one can find such an interpretation, the is old, a dirty dream of the - to an unsuccessful outcome of business or to a difficult journey.
Seeing children's shoes in their dreams
Visions, in which the main episodes are connected with children's shoe , in the dream book, are treated as future troublesome events.
Very often children's shoes are made for pregnant women , who are expected to have difficult births.
Seeing the fitting of the youngest children's sandals promises rash actions.
If the fitting or purchase of children's shoes has passed successfully , then pleasant news from older relatives is expected.
Losing or looking for it in a dream
- In Miller's dream book , lost shoes, it says that the dreamer can not concentrate on the necessary things.
- Find your own shoes - to procrastination in business, obstacles.
- Search for men's sandals - interference in the work.
- The disappearance of children's sandals - the importance of small problems.
- If was stolen in a vision of and dreams like this for the first time, then there is a black streak in life, in the case when such a dream was already - a booze of one of the family members.
In a dream to measure boots, shoes
In the dream book of Gustav Miller , fitting shoes is treated as a choice of life's path.
The meaning of the dreams directly depends on the condition of the shoes:
- trying on or seeing around itself ragged boots - everyday scraps;
- if the new were dreamed - for a couple this is a transition to a new level of relationships, for single people - changes in your personal life.
- If is wearing female blue sneakers - meeting new people;in a dream a woman sees a guy in red sandals - wait for a new groom.
- Buying shoes to measure shoes , in the Lunar Dream Book means that soon your business will improve;if not in size - waiting for the difficulties and discontent.