What does the dog dream about?

  • 1 Dog in a dream what does it mean
    • 1.1 What does a dog dream about for a woman and a man
    • 1.2 If a dog bites a dog
    • 1.3 A big dog dreams about something
    • 1.4 What a black dog dreams about
    • 1.5 Dreaming a white dog
    • 1.6 Dead dog in a dream that means
    • 1.7 What a dream dog looks like
    • 1.8 Seeing a pack of dogs in a dream

People often see animals, especially pets. Such dreams are not accidental, it is known that the dog is the personification of a friend that you have or will appear in real life.

When interpreting this dream, you need to pay attention to different details: the color of the animal, its habits, size, color and mood.

Usually white dog foreshadows well-being, black dreams, warning of danger, red dog says that you are awaited in life adventures of an intimate nature.

Dog in a dream that this means

There are many interpretations of such a dream. If a dog dreams, this can mean the following:

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  • of the evil dog see on the chain - the intrigues of your ill-wishers will not succeed;
  • you got a thoroughbred dog - you will be able to earn a lot of money;
  • the dog-sniffer on the leash warns of possible dangers on the way;
  • dog with puppies heralds a lot of small pleasant troubles and the emergence of new friends;
  • animal enters the house - happiness;
  • attacking animal is a friend who will become an enemy;
  • the sudden bite of with warns of hidden hostility;
  • if the four-legged pet flips - this is for friendship;
  • kill the dog in a dream - a near danger;
  • if dreamed of fleas on it - you are waiting for aggression, anger and irritation.

What a dog dreams about for a woman and a man

  • Four-legged animals usually is dreamed of by a woman , who is concerned about her immediate environment.
  • If you are dreaming that is being pursued by , you will have to make a complex decision in the near future.
  • Homeless dogs warn that someone is preparing a trap for you.
  • If to a girl dreams of barking animals, you should be vigilant.
  • A dog that does not pay attention to you is a good sign, confirming that all the troubles will end soon.
  • When biting a dog dreaming in a dream for girl, she will have a disagreement with close people.
  • If the pet came in a dream to an unmarried woman , she is expected to have a favorable period for a romantic relationship.
  • If the man dreams about the calm dogs , he will hear from a friend.
  • If the animal rocks , you should beware of people who pretend to be friends.
  • The pursuing pack warns about traps, playing dogs - value in the dream book to a pleasant meeting.

If in a dream a dog bites

  • Dreams of a big dog that bites the dream book warns that one should expect trouble. Possible money squander, family quarrels, troubles at work or problems in business.
  • At the same time, if bites the hand of with an evil shaw - there will soon be a big quarrel, wait also for financial failures.
  • The beast that chases you , bit his foot to the blood of - usually this bite dreams of aggravation of enmity with relatives. You can lose a large amount of money.
  • Bloodless bite warns that you should avoid quarrels with the other half and close friends.
  • If you have to run from the dog , prepare all your strengths for a serious fight with your enemies.
  • The wicked howl of the behind him says that a cunning schemer is acting against you.

Big dog dreams about

  • The big dog seen in a dream is a good sign. Most likely, soon you will meet a close-minded person who will help in a difficult situation.
  • Feed the animal - wait for pleasant surprises.
  • If four-legged friend protects you , then you are in for a successful career development.
  • Big barking dog foreshadows bad news, if it flips - friends will help to cope with the problems.
  • Great Shepherd wants to attack - beware of a powerful enemy. What a dream a black dog

    Many interpreters say that the dog with a black coat wool warns of all sorts of troubles: betrayal, treason, illness, scandal, envy, enemies and even death.

    However, do not be afraid - if the animal behaves peacefully , flatteries and does not bite, but with a friendly tail wagging, you will probably meet good people.

    A lonely woman and a bachelor male, , such a dream may foreshadow a meeting with the other half.

    To dream a white dog

    The white four-footed in a dream symbolizes the attitude of a loved one to you. An important point is the behavior of the animal - if pays, you may encounter treachery.

    Playful white dog hints that you are too cared for your own children.

    If you hunt together with a white dog on a leash, you probably have a very promiscuous sex life.

    A flock of white dogs , which does not cause you a sense of fear, portends a good position in society and success in business.

    To pet an animal on a chain - reconciliation with enemies.

    A dead dog in a dream that means

    If the dog died had a dream of living to its owner, then, before it, there will soon be a serious problem, for solving which you will have to spend a lot of energy.

    If you were too attached to your pet during his lifetime, it is also likely that you are simply yearning for him and therefore often see in a dream.

    The death of a quadruped friend leaves a deep imprint on the heart, and the pain of loss can haunt for a long time.

    The dead little dog is going to to you - pay attention to real problems.

    Dead quadrupeds in a dream can symbolize your uncertainty and unwillingness to take risks. Perhaps you will quarrel with close people or face betrayal.

    Why does the dog wicked

    • Dogs evil usually dreams, when in real life you have wrong friends.
    • If the animal attacks the , the dream book says that you can be charged with a crime that you did not commit.
    • Many fighting dogs warn that you can be hit when you do not expect it.
    • An evil animal with puppies , trying to protect them - you will get unexpected profit.
    • If woman in a dream was frightened by a big dog - her husband will become a worthy person.

    Seeing a pack of dogs in a dream

    A flock of dogs means that soon you will find new friends, get acquainted with interesting people or get into a good team.

    Aggressive pack - gossips are gossiping about you, spreading a deliberate lie.

    If such a pack of quickly runs through the tunnel or the corridor of , you are pressured by relatives and friends.

    The frightened dogs symbolize your self-doubt, if you hear a joyful barking - your life flows quite normally.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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