What does the gun

  • 1 Dream gun in a dream what does it mean
    • 1.1 What does the gun have in the hands of
    • 1.2 Shoot a pistol in a dream to what is this
    • 1.3 What does it dream to kill a man from a pistol
    • 1.4 What does the shootout look like
    • 1.5 WhyI dream of a gun aimed at me

A dream in which a pistol is a common dream is difficult. If a firearm is not given to a person according to the job description, then it is necessary to look into the dream book for the interpretation of what he saw.

Important in this dream will be events that are associated with everything that is happening and give an emotional coloring of the situation.

Dream gun in a dream what it means

Situations in which a dreamer dreams about a gun while traveling to the world of Morpheus, can be different:

  • shooting at the target itself - to waste power;
  • to see shooting at the target from the side of - to disagreement with a loved one;
  • shooting in humans, including the enemy - to envy and revenge for the alleged evil.
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If the to a woman dreams that she shot a man in the heart of the , then a stormy romance can begin to happen, and the dreamer herself is very aware of how sexy and attractive she is to the opposite sex.

The gun in the hands of another person got up - a waking dreamer can have a good reason for insult.

What a gun looks like in the hands of

The meaning of this dream for men and women is different:

  • a man dreams a gun in the hands of to erroneous conclusions and excessive suspicion, it is possible to search for enemies where they do not exist;
  • woman such a dream warns about excessive passion, do not succumb to fleeting passions and lust, as a result, you can lose true love;
  • gas, located in someone else's hands, foreshadows tears;
  • is a loved one, whether male or female , with a gun in his hands - to sever relations.

Shoot a pistol in a dream to what it is

  • It's not the same thing to shoot yourself or be in a dream .
  • If a dreamer dreams of shooting from a pistol , and he himself is a shooter, then one should be wary of unreasonable risk.
  • At the same time to miss - to doom the planned risky business to failure.
  • But shooting at people - to loss of confidence among others.
  • If is dreaming that you are being fired from the pistol, then you should beware of the ill-wishers, who have not shown themselves very much yet, but can do a lot of harm in the future.
  • So, if I dreamed that I was shooting , then the dreamer should take all measures to figure out who is trying to harm and is two-faced.
  • To be wounded after a shot - not to be able to wake up the mistakes of the past in real life. Such a dream can also mean a lack of trust in others and a wall of alienation erected by the dreamer. In fact, a dream is a hint at a reassessment of the attitude towards oneself and others.

Why dreams of killing a man from a pistol

If in a dream does not just dream of a gun, but you have to shoot it, then should be wary of gossips and envious persons. Stormy emotions, manifested by a dreamer, can give food for potential enemies and envious persons.

If happened to kill a person in a dream , then in reality one should watch every word of it and be extremely cautious, otherwise the enemies will be able to take advantage of the situation and wrap everything up for their own benefit.

According to Miller's dream book, to be seriously injured - to have big trouble because of friends. Having taken up arms against the dreamer, friends can inflict the last mortal insult on the latter.

The person will be able to avoid such events if he can wake up at the time of death in a dream. Such a turn of events indicates a quick repayment of the conflict and reconciliation.

What does the shootout of

look like Miller claims , that if a dreamer had a gunfight from guns or other weapons, you should expect a number of troubles, which will be difficult to cope with.

If a person only heard the sounds of the shootout of the and, then the dream can be regarded as a warning of possible turmoil. Such a dream can also portend a misunderstanding in the work collective.

The Vanga is not even brighter. The most innocuous of them promises hard times in family life. And there is another, foreshadowing the famine and extinction of a large number of people.

To fall under fire in a dream - to the trouble of the dreamer and those who are close to him.

What a gun shoots at me

If a dreamer watches his own game in Russian roulette , then he is waiting for a meeting with a cheerful company of people who are used and able to take risks.

If in the author of the dream tries to shoot another human to and directs the barrel of a revolver to it, then in reality it will be possible to upset the enemies' plans and turn the situation to their advantage.

Duel to dream to the threat of attack or robbery.

Sometimes the explanation for the cold weapon seen in a dream is contradictory, and yet it is necessary to find out what it is to dream in order to have time to influence the situation if necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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