How does vegetarian food affect human health? The Benefits and Harms of Vegetarianism

In the press and on television, there are regular stories about the quivering topic: "So eat meat or not?"
To eat or not - let's try to understand the article.


  • Background. The origins of vegetarianism
  • What is the use of vegetarianism for the body? Vegetarians arguments and counterarguments of meat eaters
    • Protein
    • Toxins
    • Thermal stability
    • Endurance and heart
    • Aging
    • Aggressiveness
  • Vegetarianism for men's health
  • Vegetarianism for women's health
  • How is hair health and vegetarianism connected?
  • Vegetarianism for the skin
    • Getting Rid of Acne on Vegetarianism
  • The Effect of Vegetarianism on Joints
  • Weight Loss on Vegetarianism. How does vegetarianism affect weight?
  • Vegetarianism and diabetes
  • Brain work and vegetarianism
  • Can I cure vegetarianism: advice and feedback
  • Video: VEGETARIANISM IS OUR FUTURE?Predators or herbivores?useful or harmful |The main element of the

Statistics of the World Health Organization: every seventh inhabitant of our planet is a vegetarian.

instagram viewer

And there are more and more of them. The world is gradually divided into those who eat meat and those who do not eat meat. Vegetarians and meat eaters have a huge number of arguments in favor of their chosen food system. And the truth, as always, somewhere in the middle.

This article is an overview of the main "pros and cons" of vegetarianism and meat-eating. At the very beginning of the conversation it is worth noting that every human organism is individual and what is acceptable to one person can be deaths for another.

In addition, by default it is assumed that the diet of meat-eaters and vegetarians consists of organic food. Arguments about the dangers of pesticides( in vegetables) and growth hormones( in meat) are not considered in the article.

Background. Origins of vegetarianism

Conscious refusal of food of animal origin has a thousand-year history and was originally associated with religious posts. It is generally accepted that giving up meat is the first step towards spiritual enlightenment. For these reasons, monks exclude from the diet food of animal origin, and many religions practice religious fasts.

An interesting fact. The average number of fasting days in the Orthodox calendar is 180-200 from 365 days a year. Impressive?

Orthodox church calendar with the indication of posts

But fasting is a refusal of meat, milk and fermented milk products, eggs. The fasting menu is very close to the vegan menu( veganism is the most rigid form of vegetarianism).Nevertheless, Orthodoxy adopted and meat-eating days, and meat-eating week.

But the development of vegetarianism was not triggered by Orthodoxy. It is believed that in religious Buddhist monasteries in India and China religious posts have the longest practice. The spread of Eastern religions has caused such an unprecedented popularity of the vegetarian food system.

The beginning of vegetarianism was laid down by the fundamental principle of Buddhism - ahimsa - a way of life that reduces world evil. To formulate ahimsu can be as follows: "Do not harm the living."

This implies the refusal to eat not only red meat of animals, but also white poultry meat, as well as fish and seafood. Vegans voluntarily refuse to consume all products of animal origin, including honey and eggs.

4 types of vegetarians

However, there is one "but".Ahimsa implies the refusal to eat meat of living creatures, specially killed for food, and not meat at all. That is, there is no definitive ban on eating food of animal origin in Buddhism. Only some religious trends of Buddhism( for example, Zen Buddhist monasticism) are completely vegan.

Modern vegetarianism in most cases is a tribute to the fashion trend, far from religious beliefs. And a person who claims to be a vegetarian does not always understand what he is talking about.

Yoga - one of the directions of Buddhism - most of us associate with physical exercises that do not affect the spiritual foundations of

. In addition to vegetarianism, there are several other food systems based on the deliberate abandonment of certain products.

Raw and fructarianism
Systems that restrict meat consumption

What is the use of vegetarianism for the body? Arguments of vegetarians and counterarguments of meat eaters

Despite the worldwide popularity of all forms of vegetarianism, official medicine recognizes the transition to food solely of plant origin only as an element of unloading and does not recommend the refusal to eat meat completely. The main argument - "distortions" in the diet can lead to a deterioration of health

Influence on the human body deficiency / overabundance of trace elements and vitamins

According to dieticians, the "correct", i.e.balanced, an adult dish should look like this

Foods that form the basis of a balanced( healthy) food


Meat and food of animal origin occupy a last place in the human diet and serve as a source of healthy protein( protein).

This statement causes a storm of emotions in vegetarians "with experience".Their argument is extremely simple: a person can get the necessary proteins from plant foods.

. Products - sources of protein

. Background. The daily rate of protein intake is about 1 g of protein per kg of body weight and depends on age, height, body mass index and physical activity level.

Daily rate of protein intake for men and women

The more physical activity the body receives, the more protein it needs.

But if an adult needs 300-400 g of meat to consume a daily protein requirement, then products of plant origin will have to be consumed in kilograms.

The amount of protein in 100 g of products of animal origin

Important: in order for the animal protein to go through all the steps necessary for its processing and removal from the body, it needs water. The ratio of protein and water should be 1:42.Meat eaters need to drink clean water!

The amount of protein in 100 g of vegetable products

Important: the vegetable protein is "preserved" in the seed. That is why it is preferable to eat sprouted grains in foods in which the protein is in a more digestible form.

In addition, the structure of the vegetable protein is different from the proteins of animal origin, which affects the indicator of their biological value for the human body.

Assimilation of consumed proteins is:

100% - chicken egg( without yolk)
95% - egg chicken( with yolk)
90% - fermented milk
83% - fresh milk
79% - chicken
76% - beef
76% - fish
75% - curd
74% - soybean
65% - beans, peas
63% - buckwheat
57% - peanuts
52% - wheat

Interesting fact. Among people who prefer vegetarianism, a lot of those who have low or zero gastric acidity. To their organisms, it is really difficult to digest meat food.


The argument of vegetarians: consumption of meat and food products of animal origin increase the amount of toxins in the body.


  • accelerate the aging process of the body
  • adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract and other vital systems
  • have a bad effect on the brain and nervous system, etc.
Symptoms of body contamination with slags and toxins

In addition to food, toxin sources are

  • air
  • water
  • helminths, pathogenic bacteria and viruses
  • Adverse environment

The main toxin that is synthesized by the human body through the consumption of fish, liver and meat is uric acid. Excess uric acid levels in the body can trigger the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and cause gout


But the source of uric acid may be plant products, such as peas, lentils, peanuts, sunflower seeds or buckwheat.

Thermostability of

Vegetarians argue that giving up meat surprisingly affects the body's ability to adapt quickly to low temperatures. However, this is not confirmed by any medical research. The ability of the body to tolerate low temperatures, most likely, does not depend on whether meat is present in the diet or not.

Endurance and Heart

How Does Vegetarianism Affect the Work of the Heart?

Numerous studies prove that the heart of vegetarians is more enduring. However, the lack of certain trace elements and vitamins namely the "animal" origin of

  • iron
  • fatty acid omega-3
    vitamin B12
  • zinc

worsens the general condition of the heart.

The body can get iron and other trace elements from plant foods, but the "meat" option is preferable, since it has a structure that is absorbed almost completely by the human body.

Vitamin B12, which is only in meat, the human body can synthesize independently, but only if there is a healthy microflora of the intestine.

Products that are useful and harmful to the heart


"We are getting old more slowly!" - say vegetarians. And in this comment there is a certain amount of truth.

Vegetable food is rich in antioxidants. These substances neutralize the effect of free radicals, which can slow the aging of the organism at the cellular level.

Aging is also associated with the gradual loss of collagen. Collagen, the most suitable for humans in structure, can be found only in products of animal origin. Fragmentation of collagen leads to loss of elasticity of the skin, walls of blood vessels, etc.

Anti-aging products

An interesting fact. More "young" collagen is observed in those whose diet consists of low-calorie products


There is an opinion that meat eaters are more prone to violence, often are irritable and aggressive. Is it so?

The most unbalanced and very bloody character, known for his hysterical performances, is Adolf Hitler. He was very fond of animals, especially two of his German shepherds, and often quoted: "The more I recognize people, the more I love dogs."Some biographers claim that the great Fuhrer was a vegetarian. Trembling love for our smaller brothers did not prevent Hitler from becoming one of the bloodiest leaders of world history.

Let's return to the present. German scientists Thomas Bronisze and Jurgen Brunner of Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie / Institute of Psychiatry of the Max Planck Society( Germany) argue that cholesterol, which is so rich in meat, improves mood. Vegetable products practically do not contain this substance. Lack of cholesterol leads to impulsive, often aggressive behavior, causes depression.

Products that combat depression

This is the overall picture of pros and cons of vegetarianism. But the male and female body differ in their physiology. How does vegetarianism affect men and women?

The Benefits of Vegetarianism for Men's Health

We are talking about vegetarianism, so we will give the animal protein to meat eaters. The main source of protein, so necessary for men, adherents of vegetarianism is called soy.

Soy products: tofu cheese, soy sauce, soy milk, soybean meat.

Soya is a product that was simply attributed to the magical effect on women's bodies at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the high content of female phytoestrogens:

  • genistein
  • of the daidzein
  • glycitein( accumulates in seedlings)

The male body also produces estrogens. So they are necessary for the health of men?

Answer: "Yes!" But with a small reservation. With age, the amount of estrogen in the male body begins to predominate( even without the use of soy).

This leads to:

  • decrease in testosterone production
  • weight change in the direction of increase. Men begin to grow stout for the female type( remember the Indian men with rounded forms even at a young age)
  • to the depression
    to the deterioration of the stress resistance
  • to the violation of the sexual function

It would be unfair to lay all the responsibility for hormones solely on soy.

Phytoestragens also contains

  • such beloved by men beer( hence the "beer tummies")
  • green plants

The photo below shows products that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the male body.

What should you eat to become a father?

As you can see, there is also an abundance of products of animal origin.

However, vegetarianism is good for men. American researchers from Loma Linda University / University of Loma Linda( USA) believe that it is vegetarianism that can protect men from prostate cancer, and in its most severe form( without milk and eggs).

This conclusion was made by the researchers after conducting a survey of 26,000 volunteers aged 30+ and analyzing their diet. Vets had a 30% chance of developing prostate cancer than other volunteers.

The Benefits of Vegetarianism for Women's Health

The female body has a more subtle "tuning".Maybe that's why women tend to switch to a vegetarian menu more often. However, this transition is not always useful for a woman.

Her health directly depends on the health of the reproductive system in general and the ovaries in particular. In addition, the female body should:

  • conceive
  • endure
  • give birth to a healthy child
Products necessary for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system
  • There are also animal products and they are quitecan be replaced with vegetables and fruits. But doctors all over the world are urged to abandon the strict vegetarianism
  • for the period of conception and bearing of the baby( up to his birth). The baby's organism will take everything necessary from the mother's body - this is how nature works. But what will happen to the body of a woman who has a baby? After all, the hardest, labor-consuming work that awaits her lies ahead: the birth of
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits can not be the basis for feeding a nursing mother. Moreover, many products, even after heat treatment, can not be consumed by a woman during lactation.
  • This is why the mother's menu should be carefully thought out and well balanced. Doctors-gynecologists and pediatricians recommend including during this period in the woman's diet food of animal origin
  • And this is not about meat. Its absence can be completely compensated by the presence in the diet of
  • fish
  • of quality dairy and fermented milk products

The main thing is to listen to your body and understand its signals.

Important: Women in an interesting position or nursing mothers are exempted from observing religious fasts, as the child's health has always been a priority for all cultures and religions.

Feeding a nursing mother

How is hair health and vegetarianism connected?

  • Protein is the main resource for building a new cell. In fact, a person consists of protein and water. Proteins are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems of the human body.
  • . Proven fact: as soon as the body feels a deficiency of any substance, it blocks the saturation of some organs for the normal functioning of other, more important
  • . So, if the protein is deficient, the heart and internal organs become the priority for survival, a skeleton, etc. The first in the protein blockade are the hair, nails, skin
  • Many vegetarians who do not balance their diet note not only the deterioration of the general condition of hair, but also their loss. In some cases, deficiency of protein and other trace elements in combination with stress leads to the appearance of alopecia
Mechanisms of the pathogenesis of alopecia

The basis of the diet for hair health should be the following products

Products useful for hair

Vegetarianism for the skin

  • Skin is also needed protein,or rather, collagen. It is this structural protein that is responsible for the normal functioning of connective tissues and skin. Vegetarians are confident that collagen can be synthesized from plants. Alas, collagen - a product of animal origin and synthesize it from plants is impossible.
  • A substance that producers call vegetal collagen is a plant protein containing collagen-like fragments in its structure. Proteins of wheat serve as a raw material for the production of such "collagen", and it is absorbed rather well by the skin, moisturizing it.
  • Production of "vegetable collagen" is very expensive and complex. Cosmetics based on "vegetable collagen" is not included in the price category of "economy class"

Among products that are very fond of leather, there are also products of plant and animal origin.

Which products make the skin healthier?

And yet, if the skin is prone to the appearance of acne, dermatologists recommend to abandon the consumption of fatty heavy foods. Vegetarianism, of course, triggers in the body the process of natural cleansing, which has a favorable effect on the skin condition.

Getting Rid of Acne on Vegetarianism

If the protuberant age is long past, and acne on the face is still present, then the body needs cleaning from the inside.

Possible causes of acne and rash

The first in the queue for cleansing is the intestine. It is a vegetarian diet containing a large amount of dietary fiber, it is able to restore the natural microflora of our body.

But in the list of products that contribute to the cleansing of the body, there are necessarily dairy products, often the basis for the ration of those who purify their body.

. Products that are useful for the intestine.

. Another body that requires attention and periodic cleansing is the liver. A good dermatologist will certainly check the patient's liver condition before starting the fight with acne. Because acne is a consequence, and the cause should be sought deep inside the person.
The liver as an organ of the digestive system is very fond of a vegetarian menu and even if you are a convinced meat-eater, you should not give up vegetarian days off. Especially if your skin is far from the ideal condition.

Foods useful for the liver

The influence of vegetarianism on joints

Any unbalanced nutritional system has a negative effect on the human body. The keyword is "unbalanced".If in the transition to vegetarianism, mistakes were made in the basic diet, then health problems, including those with joints, sooner or later will appear.

Joints need collagen, especially "age" joints. In addition to protein, joints need easily digestible calcium and iron. All this can provide products of animal origin.

However, the joints do not like excess weight. And here, indeed, vegetarianism can help.

Products needed for joint health

Weight loss on vegetarianism. How does vegetarianism affect weight?

So, you can lose weight on a vegetarian menu, but you can gain weight! Why? Because a balanced diet assumes a clear distribution of the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats consumed. Once the balance is broken, problems arise.

Optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for recruitment, maintenance, weight loss

But a balanced vegetarian diet is a very good option for controlling body weight. That is why vegetarianism is considered the right choice for those who suffer from type II diabetes.

Vegetarianism and diabetes

Vegetarianism and diabetes
  • allows to control blood sugar level
  • helps weight reduction
  • allows switching to a more healthy food system
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • decreases cholesterol level
  • improves kidney function, due to which the body ceases to lose protein

The menu should be balanced!
Go to a vegetarian diet should be under the supervision of a doctor!
Change the power supply system slowly!

Brain Work and Vegetarianism

A large number of talented people are among the vegetarians.

Leonardo da Vinci
Leo Tolstoy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Nikolai Drozdov

These names serve as proof that vegetarianism, at a minimum, does not interfere with brain function.

And if you take into account the opinion of all those who practice meditation and try to penetrate higher matter, then vegetarianism becomes one of the conditions for knowing the secrets of the universe.

The main thing is that vegetarianism does not become violence against one's own organism and brings him maximum benefit.

Products necessary for the brain's work

Is it possible to cure vegetarianism: advice and feedback

Scientists have so far been unable to answer the question why for some members of the human race the transition to vegetarianism is completely natural and painless, while others cause stress and problems withhealth.

The debate about vegetarianism has been going on for more than forty years and there is no unambiguous answer about the benefits or harms of this food system.

But, remembering the calendar of Orthodox posts, it should be noted that even convinced meat eaters should from time to time become vegetarians.

Video: VEGETARIANISM IS OUR FUTURE?Predators or herbivores?useful or harmful |The main element of

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