Beautiful teeth - a pledge of a dazzling and beautiful smile. But sometimes it can be broken by a diastema or a gap between the front teeth, its value is from 1 to 10 millimeters.
More often this anomaly occurs between the front teeth on the upper jaw, less often on the lower jaw. Such a state disrupts not only an attractive appearance, affects the clarity and pronunciation of speech.
A similar condition occurs in the milk teeth between incisors, then it is called false. During the eruption of permanent teeth, the defect is capable of closing itself.
- content
- defect Types of
- occurrence Corrective measures: full set of measures
- Features of defect elimination in
- babies Tremma is also a crack, but not
- For the prevention of
Defects of
The three types of diastema depending on the position of teeth in relation toto each other:
- With the first version of the , the crowns of the incisors centrally located are inclined towards the .The position of the roots in this case remains normal.
- With the second variant , the central incisors are offset completely .This condition is hereditary and is often found in children and their parents or close relatives.
- With the third version of the , the central incisors along with the roots are offset to the inside of the .You can meet this condition very rarely.
Causes of
Often the diastema is inherited, the main cause is too low attachment of the bridle of the lower lip. It is this anomaly that becomes a prerequisite for the formation of a gap between the front teeth.
But there are other causes, among which in the first place is the early dropout of the front row of baby teeth. Permanent incisors can grow incorrectly or are small( microden), which leads to the development of an anomaly.
There is a category of people who do not have all the teeth, especially side cutters are often absent. Due to the additional space, there is a displacement and the formation of an additional space in front.
Due to the abnormality of the incisors, which grow on the sides and, as a result, are smaller than the normal size, they lead to the formation of a gap. The formed space is occupied by the central teeth.
Also the factors that trigger the disorder:
- Harmful habits, when a person constantly gnaws nails, pencils, seeds or croutons also lead to the development of a diastema, in particular, lateral deviation of the crowns.
- The reason for the of the teeth turning on the sides of the is additional teeth or a low fixation of the bridle of the lower lip. This is also facilitated by excessive compaction of bones in the area of the palatine seam, abnormal position of the incisors along the sides and canines.
- When turning inside the , additional teeth are the cause.
Knowing the causes of a hole between the front teeth, with diastema can be successfully combated, especially for this there are many methods.
Remedies: a full set of measures
In order to say goodbye to a diastema for good, there are many methods that are applied depending on the indications and the clinical situation.
If there is an excessive gap between the front teeth and it is discomforted, then this can be corrected by applying the following methods:
- You can remove the gap between the front teeth with the cosmetic restoration of the dentition .The gap simply closes using composite veneers. To perform the procedure you will need to visit your dentist once or twice.
- Using veneers .When orthopedic treatment is used thin ceramic plates, which are called veneers. They are superimposed on the front surface of the teeth and the target completely disappears. The visible part is covered with a plate, the thickness of which is approximately 0.7 mm, on the inner side of the tooth remains untouched. Veneers used in modern dentistry are hypoallergenic, durable, they can be used for a long time. Their selection occurs under the basic color of the teeth, the surface is resistant to external influences. The negative side is the high cost of the material, the risk of caries is increased.
- crowns ( ceramics or cermets) are used to correct the violation. Everything is made individually and before you set the tooth you need to grind. Such a procedure is not desirable for children's teeth.
- Surgical diastema is treated by plastic frenulum in the area of the lips or tongue, this surgery should be performed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the operation is completely meaningless.
- The orthodontic correction is most often required. A similar technique is used when the cause is the low position of the bridle. Vestibular plates or braces help to cope with the defect. Plates are used to correct violations in children, when they are not 12 years of age, teeth can still be put in their place in this period. When the dentition is fully strengthened, a hard fixing option in the form of braces will be required. Such treatment does not require grinding and grinding of teeth, but the result does not appear quickly, it can take 2 to 3 years. Bracket-systems are installed on one jaw or on both, it is possible setting on some teeth. It is possible to mount a removable or permanent apparatus.
- Combination of all the above described techniques.
The choice of the doctor when removing the violation depends on the reason why it appeared. Significance has the expression and desire of the person to whom the treatment is offered. Not every person will agree to wear not very attractive braces or operate for several years.
Features of defect repair in babies
If a child suffers from a disability or trema, the child should be treated as early as possible. First, the doctor needs to establish the true cause of the occurrence and the character( false or true).
In addition, X-rays are made, with a true diastema, the seam will be traced between the roots or form a groove. When filling the joint with connective tissue or bone tissue, a plastic surgery is performed. Surgical intervention is painful, and the wound heals for a long time.
If the cause lies in the milk teeth, their excessive size, they are simply removed and then they do not interfere with the normal growth of the central incisors.
Separate attention requires three, as a kind of diastema.
Tremma is also a crack, but not that
Another variety of gaps between the teeth is called a three. There are similar defects between the front and side teeth in the area of the upper and lower jaw. The threm is not too wide a gap and is between any teeth.
The cause of the disorder may be excessive development of the jaw bones or anomalies in the size of the dentition, which manifests itself in excessively small sizes. There is a development of this condition during the appearance of milk teeth. It is during this period of the jaw that is in a state of active growth and development.
The normal distance for a trema is 0.7 mm, if the distance exceeds a millimeter, then you can talk about the pathology of the dentition.
A large defect between the teeth represents a greater cosmetic problem. Such a violation can lead to speech disorders, the soft tissue of the gum is constantly injured, gingival pockets are formed.
In an adult, this condition is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of a pathology affecting the dentition.
Very often caries, pulpitis, gums suffer from periodontitis and periodontitis. In this regard, defects are not so harmless and can bring not only discomfort, but also cause pathology of the dentition. Treatment and consultation of a dentist is required immediately.
For the prevention of
There are several rules for preventing the development of disorders in the dentition. First of all, it is necessary to completely eradicate bad habits and actively combat them with your child. Permanent care of the oral cavity will avoid many diseases, in particular caries or those that will contribute to the development of the cracks.
Regular visits to the dentist will allow to establish a diagnosis at an early stage and prescribe a timely treatment. A child up to a year gap between the teeth is extremely rare phenomenon, in adolescence, everything can very much manifest itself. This is especially likely if the pathology is missed at an early stage of development.
The beauty of teeth and smiles generally depends on how it relates. Diastema or trema can break this beauty if they were not given due attention at an early stage of development.
Big responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents who must regularly take the child to see a dentist. Sometimes the choice can stand between further progression of the hole between the teeth and wearing braces.
So maybe it's better to wait a little, and then have a healthy life all your life? Everyone should find the answer to this question independently.