What does the police dream about?

  • 1 Dream of the police what this means
    • 1.1 Why the police detain the police
    • 1.2 Get away from the police what it's dreaming
    • 1.3 What the police are dreaming about coming home
    • 1.4 What the police are dreaming about on the street
    • 1.5 Dreaming of calling the police to whatthis

Our dreams are quaint and closely related to life. Their origins are in the past and present. But often seen in a dream can portend the future. And if we want to be ready for the future, we should look for an interpretation in the dream book. The images of sleep will become more understandable and help to avoid many mistakes.

Police in a dream - a serious, memorable image. And its interpretation can be important. It will help to know the circumstances of future events and develop an optimal line of conduct. But for this it is necessary to remember all the circumstances of the dream.

Dream of the police what it means

  • Dream in the dream of the police in the dream book is treated as a need for protection, possible troubles with relatives.
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  • Wannie's dreambook states that law-abiding people can dream of good events in life and means support.
  • If you have a conversation with a policeman, then it can mean a serious disagreement with the leadership or relatives.
  • According to Ivanov's dream book, militia in a dream can symbolize the hostile activity and actions of ill-wishers.
  • Sonnik Miller assures that asking for help from law enforcement means a lot of unfinished business that worries you.
  • And if the patrol arrests, then great changes are expected. And life may well change for the better. Perhaps a useful partnership or even a new love.
  • Seeing a policeman means unpleasant emotions.
  • Police check documents in a dream means that an important thing or document can get to the criminals.
  • If the police dreamed of a girl, then her parents will put pressure on her, and if a woman - problems with her mother-in-law are possible.
  • The dream in which you yourself became a policeman means an opportunity to help friends.
  • A girl in a police uniform is dreaming of a marriage of convenience. Hide from law enforcement in a dream to an unpleasant task.
  • To see in a dream the form of a law enforcement officer on a relative means the need to treat him with suspicion.

Why the police detain the

  • The modern dream book believes that detaining the police means unfulfilled obligations that are worth implementing.
  • When the police in a dream detained a loved one, in reality you do not agree with his actions.
  • If you dreamed that a policeman takes you and leads to the office, then a breakdown of an important meeting is likely.
  • According to Sonny Longo, the police department can dream of a hard, ungrateful and hard work.
  • When dreaming that the police caught an innocent person, it is in reality to prepare for unreasonable attacks.
  • Dream pursued after, which follows the detention of law enforcement. The meaning of the dream is that for one of the actions in life it will take a long time to pay.
  • Prison in a dream means disappointment in a woman's favorite and monetary loss for men.
  • Escape from the police means that your conscience is troubled. Perhaps you need to analyze your actions and views. You may be tempted to engage in reprehensible deeds. Do not settle for risky behavior.

Running from the police to what it's dreaming

  • Dreaming of the police, running away from it in the dream book Felomena means being under the strongest external pressure. It is necessary to avoid confrontation in life.
  • When the chase dreams of a girl, soon the marriage proposal will follow.
  • If you dreamed that the police are after you with your loved one, you should expect vain suspicions and mutual reproaches.

What the police dreamed of coming home

  • Miller's dreamer claims that the arrival of law enforcers home presages the growth of well-being and the recovery of the patient.
  • Dream interpreter Freud believes that if a policeman came to your house in a dream, then it's worth liberating and stopping to keep intimate desires.
  • According to Hasse's dream, if the police came home, one must expect an illness. It is not necessary to delay treatment and then quickly recover.
  • The spring dream book warns that a search of the house is a dream of an unpleasant and rude interference in private life.

Why the police are dreaming on the street

The police on the street dream:

  1. for a married woman, this means a husband's doubts about her faithfulness;
  2. a passing police car to everyday life;
  3. police rudeness to unpleasant surprises from the leadership;
  4. is a good police relationship to the possibility of catching a fortune.

Dreams of calling the police to what it is

  • The situation in which I myself had to call the police came to my senses. Probably, soon it will be necessary to call policemen in reality.
  • The dream book warns that calling in a dream to the police means in reality to commit a reprehensible act.
  • If you calmly and easily call the police in a dream, then the troubles will be quickly overcome.
  • When you hesitate in a dream when calling, expect serious complications.
  • Dream of another person's treatment in the police, an awkward situation with close people is possible.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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