Influenza is a viral disease that leads to severe complications. For pregnant women, this disease is dangerous not only for its complications. Influenza can affect the growth and development of the fetus, lead to spontaneous abortion. To prevent women from such complications and consequences, routine vaccination will help.
Contents of
- 1 Allowed or Not?
- 1.1 What will give the vaccination:
- 2 Contraindications
- 3 Vaccination
- 3.1 Preliminary preparation:
- 3.2 To whom:
- 4 What vaccines should I put?
- 5 Reviews
Allowed or not?
Vaccination has a number of indications and contraindications. It is recommended that:
- Before the onset of pregnancy.
- Before the onset of the epidemic.
- When the activity of the immune system decreases.
The vaccine is the cells of the virus that are in an inactive state. When ingested, they stimulate immunity to form an adequate response.
On the video - information about the vaccination:
The introduction of the virus stimulates the production of antibodies, which, when "encountered" with such strains, cause them serious damage. As a result, a woman does not get sick at all or becomes infected, but the disease passes quickly and does not lead to complications.
As a rule, vaccination is carried out before pregnancy, you can do it 1 month before the epidemic, because the activation of the virus will take about 2-4 weeks.
What vaccination will give:
- will help to strengthen the immune system;
- to reduce the likelihood of complications;
- reduce the risk of infection with a viral disease.
That is, if a woman is vaccinated before pregnancy, then she can become infected, but the chances of this will be low. In addition, the risk of serious complications, pneumonia, endocarditis, pyelonephritis, etc. decreases.
Answering the question: "Is it possible to vaccinate pregnant women against influenza?"It's worth saying "yes."But there are certain risks that are associated with the status of women.
The vaccine has some contraindications, so it is not carried out by everyone. Vaccination should be discarded if:
- A woman, a few days before the planned procedure, felt ill.
- There were signs of an allergic reaction: a rash on the body, an increase in body temperature, etc.
- There were signs of ARI or ARVI( during this period, vaccination is not carried out).
Before you can get vaccinated, it is advisable to have a routine examination with a GP.This will help reduce the likelihood of complications.
Vaccination of
Vaccination is carried out in accordance with certain rules and requires preliminary preparation. If a woman is already pregnant, then a contraindication to the procedure should be considered:
- first trimester ( during this period the fetus is formed, and no medication should be taken);
- gestosis ( a condition called "late toxicosis", passes with fluid retention and is considered a serious complication);
- previously identified pathologies in the development of the fetus ( the results of ultrasound and a screening test are taken into account);
- threat of miscarriage ( absolute contraindication at any time);
- the presence of susceptibility to allergic reactions of various kinds in the pregnant ;
- intolerance to chicken protein ( the main component of the vaccine);
- is a diagnosed infectious or inflammatory disease of ( the vaccination will only aggravate the situation, complicate the course of another disease).
On the video - how to get vaccinated:
Preliminary preparation:
- It is not necessary to eat unfamiliar products.
- Reduce the likelihood of allergies to a minimum.
- It is good to have a good sleep and rest before the vaccination.
In principle, a special preparation does not require vaccination, but if there is a tendency to allergic reactions, then it is possible to take an authorized anti-histamine drug.
To whom:
- is administered to women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy;
- for women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
- is not for pregnant women who are only planning to conceive.
It is advisable to vaccinate a month before planning for conception. This will be a favorable period, which will reduce the risk of infection with influenza during pregnancy.
The best period for vaccination is:
- End of September beginning of October.
- The period of the alleged outbreak of a viral or infectious disease( 2-4 weeks before the onset).
This time is considered the most suitable, but you can get vaccinated at other times if there are serious reasons for this.
Why vaccine is so necessary for pregnant women? The thing is that vaccination can minimize the likelihood of complications. Influenza is a serious disease that can affect the fetus, make certain changes in the process of forming the internal organs of the child and lead to serious consequences.
The question of whether to carry out vaccination or not, a woman should decide on her own. You can consult about this with a gynecologist. If there are some doubts, you can postpone the inoculation for several days. For this time to pass examination at the therapist and to be defined. To rely on the well-being and general condition of the body.
Which vaccines should I put on?
There are several types of vaccinations, not all of them are intended for women, who soon plan to become moms. When selecting a drug, the following indicators are taken into account:
- the time for which the vaccine is calculated( on average this is a standard period of 12 months);
- activity against strains( some medicines are designed for several types of viruses, which makes them universal).
Vaccination is carried out in the standard mode, can use:
- Beggivac.
This is the vaccine Begrivac
- Grippo Plus.
So it looks like a syringe with the vaccine Grippo Plus
- Grippol.
Grippol and Grippo Plus are widespread in our country. Most vaccines are made by these vaccines. Grippo Plus for pregnant women is considered the most preferable option, as the composition of this drug does not include preservatives that can cause allergies.
You can choose another drug, it all depends on the personal preferences of a woman and the recommendations of her doctor.
- Anfisa: two children, Stavropol: « Today received a strange letter from the doctor. The letter says that I'm in a risk group, what kind of group do not understand? But, in general, the essence of the letter is this, I'm offered to get vaccinated against pneumonia and the flu, provided that I am now at the 20th week of pregnancy. We planned the child and pregnancy desired, there are no pathologies, the baby develops normally. I'm wondering if the vaccine is being administered during this period, and are there any risks associated with vaccination? Who did the inoculations, tell me how effective it is? "
- Svetlana: 1 child, Moscow: " I was vaccinated on a routine basis, but not during pregnancy, but before its onset. The vaccine was made consciously, on the recommendation of the therapist, after consulting with a gynecologist, she confirmed the correctness of the decision. I think that if a doctor advises you to get vaccinated, then you should not doubt his competence. Put the vaccine and do not worry about it. »
- Alina: three children Yekaterinburg: « Inoculate if the doctor advises. You never know what will happen. In the transport or polyclinic, someone sneezes at you and that's it. This will be enough to become infected. I vaccinated 3 times and only the last time, it was done not in pregnancy, but in advance. But she did not get sick and gave birth to three children. "
- Victoria: 1 child in Sochi: " I did not do any vaccinations and I do not advise you. Vaccines during pregnancy are evil. There is little that the composition of the drugs is included. »
When deciding whether to put the vaccine or not, it is recommended to weigh the pros and cons. Consult with the doctor and decide for yourself. In this case, do not forget that the flu is dangerous complications and can lead to spontaneous abortion.