- 1 Why dream about cutting nails in a dream?
- 1.1 Cut nails in a dream on the legs
- 1.2 If you cut your nails in a dream on your hands
- 1.3 Cut nails to another person
- 1.4 If you dream to cut your nails in a child
- 1.5 Dreams of cutting nails to a man
In real cutting nailson the hands and feet means to look after yourself. But what if this ordinary procedure is a dream for a person?
Some claim that such actions portend losses, others believe that such a dream can only dream of trouble.
And what does the dream book say about it, and what if it's a dream? We propose to understand this topic and find out the interpretation of such dreams in different interpretations.
Why dream about cutting nails in a dream?
Each dream book has its own interpretation of each dream and its special details. However, most of them assure readers that if a person dreams of , that he needs to cut his nails on the hands or feet of , then in real life he should tackle pressing problems. Of course, there are some
nuances: who and whom is going to cut them( a young girl, a man, a woman, a child, etc.), on hands or feet they require care in what condition they are( healthy or sick, neat or dirty tetc.), how long and which finger( large or small finger), etc. About all this and in more detail we will talk.Cut nails in a dream on the legs
Miller's dream identifies such care with the state of human health. However, there are also some nuances: if the dreamer decided to make a pedicure on his feet because they interfered with ( clinging to something, for example) - the dream makes it clear about a speedy and successful resolution of cases.
If the procedure was forced - to future troubles, fast illness or forced relocation.
The length of the plates on the arms and legs, as well as the length of the hair, is an important factor and the full value depends on it, for example, short - talk about not long-term problems.
Interpretation according to Vangi's dream book assures the reader - to shear plates on 's legs, means to agree to a low-paid, but very important work in real life. It is possible that this post will be very annoying and bring trouble, but the dreamer can not abandon the offer.
Cut nails on the legs of a beautiful and regular form of or see them in such condition before the procedure, then this situation will be temporary and eventually a person has every chance to turn everything in his direction.
If you cut your fingernails in a dream on the hands of
The Dreams assure that if the dreamed that he was planning to cut his nails for a in a dream on his hands, then he was worried that he was being thought about and told by outsiders.
A man to see such a dream - may indicate that someone is diligently interfering in a career or in life, and he will have to rely only on his own strengths.
See other people , who are going to cut their nails on their hands( or already in the process) - a complication of the life situation in life.
A woman to see the as she is about to clip the child's nails - a heap of worries.
If a person decided to first cut the , and then paint the nails - he successfully masks their problems in real life.
Cut nails to another person
The state of the nail plates , according to any dream book, also plays an important role:
- to see broken, painful or simply groomed - to swift illnesses or troubles;
- to see well-groomed, smooth and beautiful - a good sign, for a young girl it may foreshadow a successful acquaintance;
- if dreamed, how you take care of them - to a successful solution of cases;
- , if it was a dream, how the master is going to conduct you this procedure - the long-awaited help from the side will come.
If you dream to cut your nails in a dream to a child
Children in real life are joy, diluted with pleasant cares. Many dream books transfer this situation to the interpretation of dreams. In most descriptions, a child dreams of a person( mom or dad), as a harbinger of the upcoming troubles.
If the person dreamed that he was going to cut it to his child ( son or daughter) - it also means upcoming worries.
On how they depend on the details, for example, if you dreamed that you are cutting dirty - to unexpected troubles with which you will have to understand.
To see the child's smooth and well-groomed plates on the hands and / or feet - to pleasant events and related concerns.
Dreams of cutting nails to a man in a dream
A man can be female in dreams only as a defender( he is already such or plans to become one).
Therefore, if you dreamed that you need nails to cut in a man's dream - means that you are expected to have a mutually beneficial cooperation.
If such an dream dreamed of a girl, it may portend marriage.
Cut their pregnant - to successful childbirth.
In general, any dream book does not associate the value of a manicure or a pedicure with bad omens. Therefore, if you had to see in your dream, how you or someone from the outside is carrying out such manipulation - do not be afraid and think about the bad.