What is the dream of wolves

  • 1 Dreaming of wolves in a dream
    • 1.1 What does a wolf dream about for a woman
    • 1.2 Why dreams of wolves who attack
    • 1.3 White wolf in a dream to what it is
    • 1.4 To dream of a black or gray wolf
    • 1.5 A pack of wolves to what dreams
    • 1.6 What a wolf dreams about a man
    • 1.7 If a wolf dreams in a dream for a girl
    • 1.8 Kill a wolf in a dream

Most interpreters of dreams agree that a gray predator that appeared in a dream symbolizes himselfcruellyinsidiousness, malice and power.

The image of the owner of the forest inspires people with an unaccountable fear, and it is not at all in vain. To find out what the beast dreamed about, and what to expect in the near future, the dream book will help.

The wolves dreamed of what it is

The well-known interpreter Miller claims that , the dreaming forest proprietor, warns a person about the presence in his immediate environment of a hidden enemy whose actions interfere with the embodiment of dreamer's plans. Perhaps, this ill-wisher communicates important information to competitors, or simply steals from you.

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If the predator howls, means you will be able to uncover the enemy's secret design.

When wolf with wolves dreams, you can get into a bad company, maybe you will be involved in a dangerous business, which threatens with unpleasant consequences.

If the predator allows you to stroke puppies in a dream, you will soon be in the beams of glory. However, luck can leave at any time, so you need to exercise extreme caution.

What dreams a wolf in a dream for a woman

If wolves dream of a woman , this could mean the following:

  • will soon get married;
  • predator eats from the hand of and behaves kindly - the marriage will be strong, and the husband is kind;
  • the beast behaves aggressively , attacks - suffering, evil husband, unsuccessful marriage;
  • aggressive flock of - misunderstanding and hostility from her husband's relatives;
  • animal attack - your biggest fear will come to you in reality;
  • predator bite - wait for changes in your personal life.

Why dreams of wolves who attack

Often is dreaming of what is the dream of wolves to a man of who attack :

  • predator attack signifies a major quarrel or loss of support for a loved one;
  • beasts run after you - the appearance of a dangerous enemy;
  • if the wolf bites - beware of strangers;
  • attacking predators is dreamed of by a woman - a lurking danger.

White wolf in a dream to what it is

If you dreamed of white wolf in a dream - this heralds a happy and quiet life. You can safely implement your plans, everything will turn out very well.

Big white th predator, which chases for a dreamer - a symbol foretelling a risky business.

Hunting on a white animal - you will achieve what you want in the near future.

Smooth the owner of the forest - get rid of the enemy.

To dream of a black or gray wolf

Black a predator is a bad harbinger. His coming in a dream can mean illness or even death.

If such a beast chases after your relatives and or friends, they are in serious danger.

Kill the black beast - you will be able to avoid the big danger, to iron it - unjustified risk. Be careful, do not trust strangers.

Gray predator with red burning eyes , hiding in the forest - a person you trust will betray you.

A pack of wolves what dreams

If dreaming a pack of wolves :

  • dreamed of a man - losses and losses;
  • if the dream of a woman - unmarried young ladies such a dream portends a speedy successful marriage, but only if the animals do not show aggression;
  • to flee from the pack - you are surrounded by the wrong people, maybe a friend betrays at the most inopportune moment;
  • hunting, where hunters are chasing after a flock of - a dangerous enemy will soon be defeated.

Vanga claims that the flock of gray predators foreshadow a conspiracy against the dreamer, and attack flocks is a warning that he should expect trouble from colleagues or friends.

What a wolf dreams about a man

If the man dreams a gray predator:

  • the beast sits in a cage - the nuisance lurks for a while, and waits for the right moment;
  • bitten the hand of or a leg - do not start new business;
  • fight with the beast - you have a dangerous enemy;
  • to detect animal in his house - family troubles, possibly treason of a loved one;
  • kind beast , which is flocked - success in business;
  • loud howling to hear - need or loneliness, the likely intrigues of colleagues at work.

If dreaming a wolf in a dream for a girl

The interpretation can be as follows:

  • beast dreams of a pregnant - strong emotions in reality, vain anxiety;
  • animal attack - your worst nightmare will be realized;
  • to escape from the beast - you are pursued by failures, do not try to burden your own problems with other people;
  • bite of the beast - soon there will be changes in your personal life;
  • get into the wolf pack - expect an ambulance wedding.

Kill a wolf in a dream

If you managed to kill the of this dangerous predator, then in real life you will win over the enemy or will adequately exit the difficult situation for you.

To see the fresh meat of the beast , has its - unexpectedly the situation will change in your favor, expect a favorable combination of circumstances. Perhaps you will get support and help from an unexpected side.

Kill the gray wolf - get rid of old fears, become the master of the situation.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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