What does a coin look like?

  • 1 If dreams of money coins to what it is
    • 1.1 Why gold coins are dreamed of
    • 1.2 Old-fashioned coins to dream of
    • 1.3 To collect trifle in a dream to what is this
    • 1.4 What does the small money of a coin look like
    • 1.5 What does a coinjubilee
    • 1.6 Why silver coins are dreamed of

The dream symbols are so bright and noticeable that even a person far from predictions will understand their hidden meaning. Not all signs are literal, but you should not ignore them.

Coins are just a case of blatant omen. What a night dream carries, the article will tell.

If dreams of money coins to what it is

A scattering of coins is associated with treasure, wealth from a fairy tale. However, often this vision marks a completely different event.

  • A harbinger of tears is a dream in which a trifle is dreamed. Spilled coins are not necessarily a bad sign, crying can be purifying. And sometimes it's tears of happiness.
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  • Miller's dream interpretation connects a dream about coins with the erroneous judgment of a dreamer about the primacy of money over relationships.
  • If dreams are dreaming, in which the dreamer gives money to other coins, he will soon successfully cope with a big deal.
  • If the dream of iron obsolete money, the dreamer will soon have a valuable experience, which he later come in handy.
  • A bunch of coins on the ground promises quick financial profit, wealth and well-deserved happiness.
  • A tiny little coin means an increase in the family. Pregnant women such a dream guarantees a quiet birth and happy motherhood.
  • To share with someone metal money in a dream portends conflict, discord in reality.
  • To lose money - to financial success, incomes will increase not much, but will become stable.
  • Collect small money - to success in everyday affairs, routine and efforts go away.
  • Find and collect money - to the excitement.
  • Spread a penny in a vision - to waste energy on empty occupations. The advice of a dream book is easier to solve minor problems, and they will resolve.
  • To throw a coin in a dream - to a troublesome solution to the problem.
  • Get a handful of metal money from the king or president - to solve all troubling problems.
  • The bent kruglyash money - to gossip, slander.
  • Coins made of precious metals promise scandals, stress, depression;from copper - guarantee a modest decent profit.

Why gold coins are dreamed of

  • Joy brings dreams where gold coins are dreamed. It promises prosperity, material success, happiness.
  • Finding gold money in a dream portends to profit if the inheritance.
  • To count gold coins - to success in financial transactions.
  • A small gold penny foreshadows the baby in the family.
  • Give the gold penny - to the stress of the dreamer.
  • A woman as a gift to receive gold coins in a dream - to an early marriage.
  • Melting gold money - to the gossip, the machinations of enemies.
  • Mint them - to profit.
  • A false gold ruble is seen in a vision - to shame.

Old-fashioned coins for what dreams.

Several meanings for the interpretation of a dream about ancient pennies:

  • If ancient coins are to be dreamed, the dreamer will have to learn a forgotten secret or a guarded family secret.
  • Sonnik Miller recommends after a dream of old money to remember the forgotten information, it will turn the situation on the desired course.
  • Ancient pennies foreshadow a meeting with a longtime acquaintance who will share the necessary secret.
  • If the coins found are old, it promises rapid positive changes in life.
  • Pay with ancient kopecks - to betrayal.
  • Non-convertible vintage money - to deceit.

Collecting a trifle in a dream what it is

  • When interpreting sleep, when dreaming a trifle, it is important to clarify at what time it was necessary to collect coins. At night it's done - to deprivation, poverty;in the afternoon - to a small profit.
  • Collect from the ground a trifle - to the amendment of the financial condition with due attention to their business, the likely profit.
  • Its a little thing to collect - to discontent with life.
  • Collecting a trifle in a package or hat - to the realization of the conceived, to collect small change in the hand - to quick return from the work done.
  • The dream interpretation of Miller connects the vision, where it was necessary to collect small things with painstaking hard work.

What does the small money of the

  • coin look like? If it's a trifle, and you can not touch the coins, it's a personal crisis, because the dreamer tries to catch everything at once.
  • A dream in which you pay with a sleeping trifle promises good luck in love.
  • There is not enough little thing to make a dreamer purchase - to financial well-being.

What the coins are commemorating

Jubilee money has its meaning:

  • Jubilee rubles have been dreamed up - to a stunning gift.
  • Find a rare jubilee penny a ruble - to the opportunity to borrow for the implementation of the conceived.
  • Dreamed that they stole jubilee rubles - to danger, to risk.

Why silver coins are dreamed of

The interpretation of dreams in which money is coined with silver coins is as follows:

  1. silver money foreshadows the dreamer the favor of fate;
  2. dreamed that they gave the sleeping silver coppers - to deceit, an act against conscience;
  3. silver circles guarantee a boring period, a life filled with events;
  4. dream book Hosse treats a dream about silver coins to trouble;
  5. a girl's dream of silver circles marks dishonor.
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