Why dream in the rain to get

  • 1 In a dream in the rain - what does it mean?
    • 1.1 In a dream to fall under heavy rain
    • 1.2 What does it dream to get under the rain warm summer
    • 1.3 Why dream to get caught in the rain and get wet
    • 1.4 Why dream about getting into a woman

Getting wet in a shower is not the most pleasant feeling, but there is nothing terrible in this. What is the meaning of a dream in which a person is soaked to the skin, falling under a shower? Most interpreters tend to assume that such a dream carries a positive charge, but there are exceptions.

In order to know the exact meaning of the seen, it is necessary to remember every detail, compare and analyze the circumstances of the dream, and only then look in the dream book.

In a dream in the rain to get - what does it mean?

In a dream it was raining to get a dream interpreter as a favorable sign, but everything will depend on a lot of details:

  • admire the transparent and sparkling drops of water - the dreamer will soon meet with an old friend, perhaps it will be a schoolmate;
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  • drops are heavy and cloudy to see - will have to deal with a very unpleasant type, talking to him will leave an unpleasant residue in the shower;
  • if rusty drops of water fell from the sky - the dreamer will soon be maligned and accused of an offense he did not commit;
  • get wet and freeze under cold drops - to grief and sadness;
  • feel on your body warm and shallow raindrops - a person will experience an unprecedented surge of energy and strength;
  • to watch a shower with thunder and lightning - one should be afraid of insults from strangers, and a dreamer can become a victim of robbery;
  • dreamed of rain in sunny weather - perhaps sleeping waking lucky win the lottery, or suddenly get rich in another similar way;
  • see the clotted clouds above themselves - you are awake in reality, you are constantly thinking about certain prospects that do not inspire confidence in you;
  • see a downpour with a thunder-sick person such a dream promises a full recovery.

In a dream, to fall under heavy rain

The dream interpretation offers the following interpretations if it's a dream to fall under heavy torrential rain:

  • if in a dream at night a heavy rain is pouring down that can not end and drive you into depression is a sign that your life is too boring and monotonous, it's time to change something in it;
  • get under a heavy downpour in a wedding dress - a woman that dreams foreshadow a spiritual cleansing, soon she will have to meet a person who will leave an indelible mark on the heart, perhaps it will be narrowed;
  • get under a heavy downpour and get soaked to the skin, feeling very uncomfortable at the same time - a stranger will soon be able to enter into your confidence, behind the eloquence of which there is a complete deception;
  • woman dreamed of getting under a heavy shower and getting wet - to big changes in life, new impressions, and also to meeting with a person who will become a strong and reliable patron.

What does the rainy summer

dream of falling into the rain? If it was necessary to fall into the summer and warm under a rain, the dream book offers such interpretations:

  • jumping over warm puddles barefoot - this dream symbolizes a person's connection with the past, it means that soon all unpleasant memories will bewashed away with clean water, the stream of rain seen in such a dream personifies the future concealed behind the veil;
  • to observe the meteor shower in the sky - new problems will soon fall on the dreamer, he will have to cope with it himself;
  • to stand under the warm drops of a shower and watch at this time for the sun is a favorable sign, soon new wide horizons will open before the dreamer;
  • If you find the elements with hail in the winter - in life there is an unfavorable period, therefore with the implementation of important plans should be delayed.

Why dream of getting into the rain and getting wet

  • A young woman's dream, in which she is completely wet, warns that she is behaving too frivolously, and this behavior can lead to sad consequences in reality.
  • Get wet in a dream under a downpour and find a very dirty clothes on yourself - it's to gossip that spreads ill-wishers behind the dreamer. You should be more reserved and not be frank with outsiders - all that is said will be used against you at the first opportunity.
  • If you were caught spattering elements in a dream, but you did not get wet at all and remained dry - the problems that literally hung over you will be successfully eliminated.
  • To see a stream of water that goes around without touching even a drop - a strong illness will bypass you.

Why dreams in the rain to get a woman

  • If a woman happened to fall in the rain under a rain with a man - this is the beginning of a new relationship, which will be very sincere and tremulous. You can completely trust such a person.
  • Kissing under a drop with a loved one - for a short separation, which will only strengthen feelings.
  • Had to get caught in the rain with a child - in your life there will be some important event, perhaps this dream speaks of a speedy pregnancy. In any case, the coming change will bring joy.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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