What is the dream of a dream?

  • 1 Waves of a dream that it means
    • 1.1 Why big waves of the sea are dreaming
    • 1.2 If it's a dream that the wave covers what it is
    • 1.3 Why dream to swim in the sea with waves
    • 1.4 What does a big wave look like - why does the tsunami
    • 1.5 If there were huge waves to what it is
    • 1.6 What does the storm and waves of

dream of? The sea element is many. She charms, draws to herself and scares at the same time. The caressing sounds of the water pouring down to the shore and the storm, accompanied by a piercing, wind-churning wind - that's what the sea and the movement that's born in it are. Dreams will be different. Much in them depends on the dreams seen in the country and the sensations.

Dreams of the wave that it means

Interpreters of dreams decipher dreams in which a person sees the sea or ocean in different ways. In some cases, the dreamed dream interprets the dream as a symbol of excitement in reality, in others it views as a harbinger of changes for better or worse.

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The interpretation also depends on the transparency of the water and the state of the sea.

In Miller's dream book, the explanations for this dream are as follows:

  • to see the agitated sea - to get a way to cognition, to move to a new stage in learning, to master a new one;
  • clean water - a stock of useful knowledge that will be used;
  • watching the dark bubbling water and raging elements - to commit a dreamer's adverse action.

Otherwise it explains the troubled sea seen in a dream and the waves of the dream book Tsvetkov:

  • breaking about the shore, they indicate a quick resolution of cases;
  • transparent foreshow an unexpected journey and getting pleasant emotions;
  • black, accompanied by a storm, can dream of a scandal or a serious illness.

Freud treats the troubled sea seen in a dream as a warning about a breakdown with a partner. Immediately gives recommendations for strengthening relations.

In order for a dream, which is a warning, not to become a harbinger of a gap, it is necessary to reconsider its attitude to a close person.

Why the big sea waves are dreamed of

A big wave at sea is not uncommon. But the troubled water can dream not only in other water bodies, but also in the city.

If the big waves are dreamed, the dream book gives the following meaning:

  • to see yourself on a huge sea ridge and at the same time to sweep to the shore is a good sign, foreshadowing success and prosperity;
  • to look at them from the outside - to the need to control their own emotions;
  • to admire the raging elements - to the possibility of much to achieve provided that the dreamer takes an active position and will not remain idle.
  • if the sea waters are restless, foam and crash against the rocks, and a dreamer watches this from above, then await him in all sorts of difficulties.

If you dream that the wave covers what it is

If a person dreams of big waves, which are covered with a head, then in reality it will require maximum concentration.

Details are important, much depends on the type and condition of the water mass:

  • dark and black portend quarrels and conflicts;
  • light, transparent will become a hint of a fateful meeting;
  • dirty waking can turn into a lingering illness;
  • frothy - to a long feud;
  • stormy - to the possibility of making a fatal error;
  • lake or river - to self-confidence, poise;
  • oceanic evidence of a creative upsurge;
  • sea foreshadow tears and sadness.

Why dream to swim in the sea with waves

  • If a dreamer has had a chance to swim in a troubled sea in a dream, especially in a storm, on a ship, then he can not hide his ideas from others. Secrets and secrets will be revealed. There is a chance that people will try to slander colleagues.
  • Swim and dive, while enjoying it - a good sign. In reality, it foretells the rapid realization of the conceived, rush of vivacity and a mass of interesting non-standard solutions that will lead to success in the future.

What a great wave dreams about - what the tsunami is dreaming of

A raging ocean in real life does not bode well. Floods and tsunamis are an all-destructive force.

  • If the ocean and big waves are dreaming, then the values ​​are not literal. In reality everything is different.
  • Tsunami can dream of a stormy social life, coupled with strong feelings, not necessarily bad, at the same time, emotional upheavals are also possible.
  • An important point is that the tsunami sleep for men and women has a different interpretation.
  • For a man, watching a post for the elements means promotion.
  • For a woman, a dream is a warning about a rival who is ready to intervene in a relationship with a loved one or her husband and try to take him away.

If there were huge waves to what this

  • When dreaming of huge waves, it is worth waiting for emotional recovery and a surge of vivacity. In such a period, it is not difficult to keep everything under control and realize what was conceived.
  • Girls such a dream heralds a fast marriage, women warn about the rival.
  • If a person is experiencing fear from a kind of impending element in a dream, then in reality the difficulties that have arisen will require assistance from outside.

Why the storm and the waves are dreaming

A storm in a dream does not bode well. Much in the interpretation depends on the course of events. If the troubles in the dream were avoided, then in reality there will be order.

In any case, a person needs to prepare for the fact that he will be in a whirlpool of events and will be forced to solve a lot of problems, both personal and business. Overcoming the impending difficulties can be, but this will have to work hard.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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