What is a dream of diamonds

  • 1 In a dream, diamonds are dreaming - what is it for? Why do I dream about a diamond ring? Why do I dream about diamonds and diamonds?
  • 1.3 Why does a diamond dream of a woman?
  • 1.4 There are a lot of diamonds - why dream?
  • 1.5 Find diamonds in a dream and collect them - what's this for?

Night dreams, in which these sparkling stones appear, are very interesting and come out of the category of everyday dream scenes. It is very important to clarify all the nuances, features and details of the events that have come to you. When you wake up, do not rush and remember all the details.

In a dream, diamonds are dreaming - what is it for?

Dream Dreams treat dreamlike diamonds as a unique and rather rare symbol with different meanings. Interpretation will depend on whether the stone was purchased, donated or lost.

There is a possibility that such a dream could have a dream and under the impression of what he saw in the day. Maybe you visited a jewelry store, where you tried on rings or watched the show, where jewelry was displayed?

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Or did you just dreamed of getting an expensive and very solid decoration? In any case, this symbol is described in detail in many dream books.

Why dream a diamond ring?

  • Dream dream ring with a diamond dream interprets as a likely marriage for a woman.
  • If the ring on a finger with a diamond is dreaming of a man, then this can promise success in business, or, on the contrary, unrealizable hopes and dreams that will remain illusive and unrealized.

Why does a diamond and diamonds dream?

  • Diamonds that you have in nighttime dreams, often have a fairly favorable interpretation: they promise prosperity and prosperity. The wealth and luxury that these precious stones bring in reality, in this case, extends to this interpretation.
  • The radiant nugget received from someone says that all your merits will be evaluated in the highest possible way, and you will be successful at work. The same interpretation applies to domestic affairs: someone will be very pleased with you.
  • The loss of jewelry with diamonds or stones themselves has the following interpretation: such a dream will bring some losses and setbacks. The dreams of the dreamer will not come in the best form. It can concern both business and family relations, communication with the nearest environment. Treat this interpretation as a warning and be collected and attentive.
  • Another interpretation of the loss of this precious stone in a dream is parting with someone from the closest circle. If you are dreamed of such a plot, then be careful in words and actions. You should look at some situation from the other side and think about whether you notice everything and are happy with your relations with others.
  • Interpretation of sleep will be negative in the event that you gave cut diamonds to someone: in reality you are unnecessarily extravagant. Perhaps you recently made inadmissible waste or were too generous. Such a dream indicates that it was in vain.
  • If you have stolen these precious stones, then some dream books give the following interpretation: probably, you are afraid to lose your important relationship with a loved one.

Why does a diamond dream of a woman?

Which woman does not dream of sparkling jewelry! So you want to have them not only in dreams, but also in reality. What does the future prepare for you, if in a dream the sparkling diamonds still dreamed?

For the fair half of humanity Miller's dream book has prepared the following interpretation:

  • If the diamonds are to be seen to a woman, then she enjoys unconditional happiness in love, and if the ring was engagement and also a gift from the lover, then this dream promises a joyous, lush wedding in the environmentfriendly friends.
  • In addition, a happy marriage promises and a gold bracelet with a scattering of diamonds.
  • If a married woman has a diamond earring, then the interpretation can be as follows: this can mean the birth of a baby and addition in the family.
  • Diamond earrings also mean that luck will be with you, and fate will bring great joy: it can be material values ​​or a luxurious wedding, if the dream had an unmarried girl.
  • Another interpretation in this situation is the future success in any endeavors, and sometimes - and a major gain.

A lot of diamonds - why dream?

  • Many sonnics warn those who saw such a dream that a person is making wrong conclusions, is in a delusion. Also, in this case a person may be surrounded by false ideals, he may have a misconception about some important issue.
  • If the diamonds are scattered in placer, extracted from the breed, and the plot is accompanied by a search or some activity, this dream can be interpreted as obtaining high labor results and success in the enterprise, a good solution to a complex life task.

Find diamonds in a dream and collect them - what's this for?

  • Jewelry that cost a fortune that appeared to you in a dream can mean your empty dreams of a better life, and, sometimes - the desire to set the circumstances in a more attractive form. Especially this interpretation is applicable to the subjects of dreams in which you collect diamonds.
  • If you find a sparkling stone on the street, then there is the possibility of an unusual meeting with a new person. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted and as an empty dream of a better life.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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