Dreams by the days of the week and the days of the month

  • 1 Sale of dreams by day of the week
    • 1.1 When dreaming dreams are shown on what days of the week
    • 1.2 Interpretation of dreams by day and by day of the week
    • 1.3 What is the probability of selling dreams by the days of the week
    • 1.4 Dreams of the Blessed Virgin as

Dream interpretation is a thingindividual, so requires a specific attention. It is important not only to remember what you saw and felt, but also to know at what time dreams are likely to come true.

Often a bad dream is either a reflection of accumulated negative experiences, or the planet itself sends you secret signs that can seriously affect your life in the near future.

It is important to understand on which days of the week and the day of the month you can read these most hidden messages and learn how to interpret them correctly.

Sale of dreams by day of the week

Each single day of the week corresponds to its planetary status. This is due to the mutual influence of heavenly bodies on each other. Of course, our large planet is also subject to such an impact.

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  • From Sunday to Monday ( Influence of the Moon)

Such dreams reflect a person's anxieties and fears, internal contradictions between themselves and the world around. Can relate to close people who have a major impact, are the cause of the experience. Nothing negative dreams carry - empty small troubles, conversations.

  • From Monday to Tuesday ( Influence of Mars)

The warrior spirit of the planet, expresses in dreams the bright dreams and aspirations of a person. A powerful wave of ambitious acts to satisfy the hunger of their desires.

If the dreamer felt himself excited, aggressive - in real life possible conflicts of serious proportions. A calm vision has the value of moderation and restraint. Everything will be OK.

  • From Tuesday to Wednesday ( Influence of Mercury)

The planet is responsible for interaction with people, communication. You can see the crowd, a noisy company, relatives and friends. Dreams are important in interpretation - symbolize radical life changes.

If you managed to remember what it was, you were lucky. Under the influence of Mercury there are key favorable events, swiftly rushing into your life.

  • From Wednesday to Thursday ( Influence of Jupiter)

The planet is the patron of material goods and resources. If you have problems with finances, the vision may have a clue as to how to proceed correctly, so that everything will go smoothly.

  • Thursday Thursday ( Influence of Venus)

On the night of Friday to Thursday, a huge impact on the mind of a person is having intuition. These days of the week it is very much exacerbated. Therefore, interpretation is often literal and prophetic.

If there was a sudden loss in the outside, be ready to part with something in real life. On the contrary, receiving - promises full satisfaction in need, abundance and prosperity, spiritual balance.

  • From Friday to Saturday ( Influence of Saturn)

The signs that appeared during this period of the week are very important for the further development of events in human life. It is very important to correctly interpret and understand such a dream, because it carries a fateful meaning. If you were looking for an answer and see clues, follow the advice.

Everything will necessarily happen well. The plan will come true, things will go up the hill, friends will be there. It all depends on the period of life in which you now have questions that do not give you rest.

Darkness, dullness, wretchedness of the atmosphere in the vision is not the best prophecy. It carries the meaning of extinction, loss of strength, faith. Be attentive to the details and the accompanying symbols in the dream. The interpretation from this will be quite different.

  • From Saturday to Sunday ( Sun Influence)

Light, unobtrusive images can be seen on such a night. There are almost no dreams from Saturday to Sunday. Usually it is either a reflection of the feelings and thoughts of the day, or anticipation of future events.

When dreaming dreams are made on what days of the week

Prophetic dreams come when a person needs help in solving a difficult situation, a hint how to proceed. If something really bothers you, it affects the subconscious.

Sometimes these are confused, disjointed visions. Sometimes bright, memorable images and actions. Which of them give real clues to a person can be determined by studying the sale of dreams by the days of the week.

Days of the week when prophetic dreams are made:

  • On Monday you can see a truly prophetic dream. If the situation for a long time torments you with its uncertainty and is burdensome - this is the right clue. All and so it goes well - do not focus on the interpretation.
  • On Tuesdays dreams are the result of impressions from conversations, deeds. You can even scroll through a situation that is very impressed you the day before.
  • Do not attach great importance to the vision of the on Wednesday until the next day. Come already on the night of on Thursday - can be executed.
  • Thursday - vision prophetic. Learn and listen to his advice.
  • On Friday dream of love comes true.
  • On Saturdays - those that came in the morning are significant.
  • And on Sunday only blessed kind dreams come true.

Interpretation of dreams by day and day of the week

Our planet's moon is the Moon. And it is she who is stronger than other planets affects everything on Earth.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week and the numbers of the month and their interpretation is explained by Lunar calendar .It can be used to predict the value of the vision depending on the phase of the planet that is affecting us.

When dreams come true by the days of the week and the numbers, what do their signs carry in them and should they be taken into account? Let's see what the tells about it on the days of the week and the dates of the month:

  1. Nuisance in family affairs.
  2. In the near future, the dream will come true.
  3. The probability of execution is not soon.
  4. Be careful. May have problems.
  5. In any month, the dream seen on the fifth number will come true.
  6. Fast joy.
  7. The seventh number is difficult to interpret.
  8. Funny adventures, adventures.
  9. Do not attach importance. The vision is meaningless.
  10. In the next 20 days - everything will turn out, resentment and trouble are likely.
  11. It will not come true.
  12. The dream is not accurate.
  13. Success in love.
  14. Execution of desires.
  15. What is dreamed of on the fifteenth is not significant.
  16. Soon all will come true.
  17. Everything will happen, but not very fast.
  18. Good sign. Listen carefully.
  19. The vision will come soon.
  20. Something very good will happen.
  21. To the acquisition of the desired.
  22. To success.
  23. Frivolous problems.
  24. Great fun.
  25. Wait for the bad news.
  26. Unpleasant period in life.
  27. All will be adjusted and will be quickly executed.
  28. Poor vision will not bring trouble.
  29. It will not come true.
  30. Completion of long business.
  31. To material profit.

What is the probability of selling dreams by the days of the week

There is a certain probability when you can expect the vision to be fulfilled and how soon. For example, from Saturday to Sunday, it is considered prophetic until lunch.

  • To understand how to cope with your problems - remember dreams from Friday to Saturday .
  • On the night from Thursday to Friday - prophetic dreams come.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - warning about problems at work, misunderstanding with management.
  • Than closer to the morning of came a vision - the more surely that everything will turn out.
  • Until midnight - can come true very long.
  • Dining - does not mean anything.

Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Knowing when and what vision comes true, a dreamer can make wishes and ask questions. For such cases, there are dreams of the Blessed Virgin on every day of the week.

In ancient times and to this day people use her prayers to take away misfortune, attract luck, protect loved ones and patients. Those who believe in this, by their example, experienced the action of the miraculous powers of the dreams of the Blessed Virgin.

  • Prayer from enemies and infirmities is read on Fridays three times. If you read twelve times over the head of a sick person - soon he will recover.
  • On Thursday - for cleansing from the evil eye, sorcery and troubles twelve times a night.
  • In the workplace, praying three times will help in the prosperity of .
  • To fulfill the desires of and receive privileges in life - three times on Tuesday.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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