- 1 Dreams of a month in a dream to what it is
- 1.1 What does the monthly woman have dreams of?
- 1.2 What does the blood dream about
- 1.3 What does a month girl have in a dream to what is this
- 1.4 What is the monthly dream if in fact there are no
The interpretation of dreams was paid attention in ancient times, it was then noted that dreams tell the dreamer the situation of his affairs and are harbingers of important events that promise both joy and sorrow in the near future.
Dreams of a dream come to what it is
Many interpreters are sure, if a woman dreams of monthly and blood, it is only a reflection of her emotional state, which is intense before the onset of the menstrual cycle.
Some dream books do not recommend to pay attention to dreams of the period when the monthly ones have already come - it is a reflection of some part of reality.
However, in order to correctly interpret the dream, which was dreamed of by itself, and not influenced by the above-mentioned factors, it is necessary to pay attention to the details.
Why dreams of a woman's monthly
Different dream books interpret the situation in their own way, if a woman dreams of dreaming a month.
For example, Miller's dream book claims if the dreamed of a pregnant - to the successful birth of a child and his further well-being. Such a dream promises the birth of a healthy and talented baby.
Interpretation on the dream book of Vanga assures readers that this is a good sign - if the dream in the dream for a woman's monthly in this option is no exception.
If they dreamed of a young girl , especially if they went suddenly - this is to the safe resolution of any issues: an increase, an inheritance, a wage premium, and a premium, etc., etc. Special efforts to achieve success will not be required. Just in the life of a girl or a woman, whom they dreamed, there will come a white band.
What does the
blood dream about? For the correct interpretation of this dream, the details are important:
- if you dream monthly on your shorts in an unexpected period( went suddenly) is a harbinger of obstacles and obstacles that will meet you on the way in the near future;
- if they dreamed of another person - then the opponent will be defeated and the situation will be resolved towards the dreamer;
- if the monthly blood on the pad is dreaming is to the long-awaited meeting with the relatives.
Much depends on the color of the dreamed blood: bright and bright blood - to a quick joyful encounter, dense blood - to the illness of relatives.
Dreams of a month-old girl in a dream
A dream that dreams of in a dream for a girl , presages more often something good, but it's important to remember how profuse and powerful they dreamed, and how she reacted to the fact thatthey have already begun:
- if the month-old girl has a very strong - during this period the girl should expect marriage offers, pregnancy is possible;
- for a married woman - for the early arrival of guests who have not seen for a long time and, related to this pleasant troubles;
- if a month-old girl had a dream, which is currently in active search for work place - dreaming means an invitation to profitable cooperation;
- es whether they dreamed of a girl, and her blood causes her unpleasant feeling of fastidiousness - this is to gossip and squabbling around her person, you need to pay attention to your circle of communication;
- if the bleeding was so abundant that the girl stained blood all around the ( clothes, furniture, blood flows abundantly over her legs, etc.) - to a situation in life that will cause awkwardness, you need to get rid of some life complexes.
What does the monthly dream look like if in fact there are not any
If the first girl went to a pleasant surprise or an interesting adventure;
If they go to a woman with her pregnancy - to the successful birth of a healthy and gifted baby;
This dream for a male is a bad harbinger - it means soon troubles and problems if he sees them on a white gasket or on his hands - in real life he shows excessive interest in someone else's life and this moment will play a cruel joke with him.
Some dream books convince women and girls that seeing such blood in their sleep means something unpleasant. But most of the eminent creators of the same dream books are sure - this dream is dreaming for the most part in good, and pleasant events, as you could see by reading the presented material.