What the police are dreaming about

  • 1 Dream of the police what does this mean?
    • 1.1 Get away from the police
    • 1.2 Hide from the police in a dream
    • 1.3 Detention by the police
    • 1.4 If the police are chasing
    • 1.5 Why the

is dreaming The dreamers say that if a person dreams of police officers/ militia, then in real life he needs help or protection, that is, a person is not able to cope with problems on his own and desperately needs someone's support.

But this is only one side. We propose to understand the issue more carefully and consider different situations: escape( escape from prison, for example), arrest, pursuit, etc.

The police dreamed of what this means?

The modern dream book of Ivanova assures the reader that the police are dreaming about real problems in reality: these are troubles from the hands of ill-wishers, and activation of enemies and gossip. A person will have to seek help from his comrades-in-arms and urgently resolve their problems.

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Dream Wangi gives a different interpretation: if the police officers are dreaming( or just people in uniform), then the dreamer himself made someone unpleasant and awaits a worthy punishment.

However, if the dreamer's conscience is clear and he has nothing to repent of, then the policeman dreams solely as a sign of good changes.

Sonder Miller claims that the police in a dream is nothing more than a reminder of accumulated or possibly neglected affairs that require urgent resolution and proceedings. According to the creator of the dream book, this is a call to order.

Freud's view of the is different - in his dream book he attributes such a phenomenon as hidden fears and even the dreamer's closedness in the intimate sphere. A person should forget about Puritan education and trust in the beloved half.

All data is only a generalized opinion of the compilers of the dream books, each of which reveals a glance at its field of activity. But what if you go into such dreams, how can this be regarded in detail: if you run away or hide, if you dream that people in the form are chasing you, etc., or do I work in this area?

Running from the police to what dreams

According to the interpretation of most of the dream books, if the dream of escaping from the police is - this is an evil omen. A dreamer can acquire problems and troubles that will flood him with an incredible flow.

This can affect any area of ​​life, including parting with a loved one.

Hide from the police in a dream

If a person has a situation where he needs to hide from law enforcement bodies ( the police are diligently looking for the dreamer and the house , and at work, and he needs to hide), then in real life he started a dubious enterprise: he is going toto lie to someone else, or to deceive someone else by fraudulent means, or commit another crime.

If a different picture had a dream, in which someone else is hiding, a dream can foretell that in real life a person is being pulled into such machinations. Such a dream says that he should pay close attention to his environment and avoid the dubious people.

Another question if dreams of jailbreak ( the outcome will depend on the situation in a dream):

  • successful escape with chase - release from everything superfluous, Miller's dream book indicates new acquaintances, profitable enterprises and improvement of the quality of life in general;
  • escape, in which he is chased by the police, followed by the capture of - talks about the collapse of hopes, you need to muster the courage and confess your unseemly acts.

Detention by the police of what

looks like If you summarize the data from many dream books, you can highlight the main thing - , if the situation with the detention or arrest of ( it does not matter whether someone is chasing him or not) is dreamed, then, in reality, there is a financial collapse or major losses. But in a dream, as in life, the detention can be different:

  • if you dreamed of a legitimate capture of ( detention with or without pursuit) - such a dream means big trouble, perhaps illness of relatives or parting with your loved one;
  • if the police are dreaming which delayed without any reasonable reason - the dreamer will manage to bypass all envious persons and slanderers, he will manage to wrap the situation in his side, it is possible to entice the opponent to his side.

If the dream is chasing the police

If the police are dreaming - a dreamer committed a gross error in reality and trusted the wrong person, perhaps, told him the secret entrusted to him. This act will soon be revealed, and the dreamer will be tormented with remorse.

In fact, the dream in which the chase occurred, in which a person is provoked to escape this warning, an indication of a perfect mistake. If a person fails to correct the situation - he can lose friends.

Why the arrest of

is dreamed If the police dream of arresting and other troubles is a symbol of the coming changes. Pleasant or not, depends on the situation:

  • if dreamed of a situation in which the dreamer was taken away on the street or at work( in any crowded place) - the dream may have to do with career growth( for men) or a successful marriage( for girls)In general, such a dream speaks of pleasant news;
  • if was taken from the house and the surrounding people supported people in uniform - a dreamer can count on the support of relatives and friends;
  • if had a dream of resisting the arrest of - the planned cases will be crowned with success, possibly assisting the authorities in resolving some issues;
  • if woman had a dream about the arrest of her husband ( whether he is going to run away, chasing him or not, it does not matter), she should wait for trouble, perhaps her suspicions are justified and she actually had a rival.

Many dream books connect arrest with freedom from their fears and gain some freedom in action.

Dream Wangi assures, if the dream of arrest - then in reality you trust someone else's secret and this load will put pressure on the dreamer.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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