Why dream of digging the earth

  • 1 Digging a dream in the ground what it means
    • 1.1 What is it for dreaming to dig the earth with a shovel
    • 1.2 Why dream to dig the ground in the garden
    • 1.3 Dig potatoes from the ground which means
    • 1.4 Earth digging in the dream what it is
    • 1.5 To dream in a dream as the ground is digging
    • 1.6 What dreams to dig a hole

To dig the earth is both hard work and an opportunity to get your own food. Such an occupation tires the person, takes away his strength. But, at the same time, it ennobles and makes it more enduring.

And what does it mean if heavy agricultural labor only dreams? How does this dream affect the future? To find out what to expect the dreamer, let's look through ancient wise dream books.

Digging in the ground what it means

Such an important symbol, appearing in a dream to a person, often has a mystical meaning. But it can also be a sign of fatigue. Such dreams are treated in a dual way, depending on the other signs that the person saw in his nightly dreams.

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First of all, it is necessary to remember, whether there was a shovel in the hands of a dreamer or some other tool.

  • For shovel warns of unexpected changes, pickaxe - advises to be more careful and less to conflict.
  • If you see a plow in a dream, in reality it means that a person is the master of his own destiny.

In addition, it is important to remember what kind of soil a person dreams about.

Dream interpretation of the earth is interpreted as a sign of the impending turn of destiny. But Vanga's dream is interpreted, starting from soil quality:

  1. Fertile - to wealth and success. The girl promises a rich wedding.
  2. Dry promises to the young man the wife-raschetnitsu.
  3. A hard and even ground on interpretation means the right choice of life path;
  4. Shaky - doubts, obstacles.

Why dream to dig the earth with a shovel

  • Miller, if in a dream shovel digging the ground, the dream book prophesies a comfortable existence.
  • The French dream book predicts the honored for the work of honors, as well as the abundant harvest and the sheer success in financial affairs.
  • In the same Muslim, see yourself with a shovel - to change the position.
  • And the dream book of Miss Hasse explains the dream as an early funeral.

Why dream to dig the earth in the garden

  • To dig the ground in a dream with a shovel in the garden means an unexpected appearance in the life of a dreamer of unlimited possibilities.
  • So, in the numerological dream book of Pythagoras, digging up a vegetable garden means standing on the threshold of the discovery of some mystery.
  • Felomena promises exhausting work, followed by a worthy reward.
  • But, if a girl dreams to dig the earth with a shovel in the garden, this heralds an interesting acquaintance, a date and even a rich husband.

Dig potatoes from the ground that it means

  • Digging potatoes out of the ground, according to the interpretations of the Muslim dream book, promises an approach to success. Especially when the fruits in the dream were large.
  • If the potatoes were lying on the ground, the dream book of Udilova predicts new, interesting acquaintances. And, a big pile - to a good reward for the labors.
  • But, if it's a dream that the tubers are small - it's for trouble, during which you will even have to shed tears.
  • Burying - the ideas of the dreamer need to wait for better times.

Earth digging in his sleep what it is

  • Miller's interpretation promises hard and hard work, the need to achieve life's benefits, overcoming difficulties. But in the end, such work will necessarily be crowned with a reward.
  • Loff's interpretation echoes him, predicting difficulties in achieving the goal.
  • Freud's dream interpreter promises bad luck in an intimate life or the complete absence of it as such.
  • And in the Muslim dream treat as an unsuccessful search for decent earnings.

Dreaming as the ground is digging

  • When dreaming that the ground is digging up someone else, means passive waiting "from the sea of ​​the weather", instead of actively taking the situation into their own hands.
  • The tampering of such a vision according to the dream book of Freud gives out in the dreamworm of a person who has been disappointed in life. Moreover, he lays responsibility for this on others.
  • But, if it's a dream that we had to hire workers for excavation work - this is to success in business.
  • And when they dig up the soil, relatives help - to a family holiday.

Why dream of digging a hole

Dreamed that digging a hole? Such a dream hardly promises something good.

  • The Muslim dream book in this case predicts the onset of a life crisis.
  • Miss Hasse treats pit digging as an honest, but hard and absolutely unprofitable job.
  • Miller, if during the excavation work to find sparkling crystals, stones or other things - this is fortunately;emptiness - to hard times in the life of the sleeper.
  • If this is a grave, Felomenov's dream is interpreted as a great risk of a fatal illness.
  • According to Hasse's dream book, he is involved in the trial as an accused, but at the same time, a happy outcome of the case.
  • According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed of digging a grave, it means that a devastating blow to the dreamwriter is preparing. But, when the result of this work is seen in a dream, then victory in this battle will still be on the side of the sleeper.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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