Eating in old age

The aging process is a complex of changes that arise as a result of the action of time. Aging is the process of accumulation of various age-related changes. These changes are manifested at the cellular, molecular and tissue levels. Aging is a general biological regularity, which is characterized by a significant weakening of the functional abilities of all systems of the human body.

Changes, of course, appear in the digestive system. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes thinner, and the cells - less differentiated. All this leads to the fact that the secretory and motor functions of the stomach are reduced. In addition to these functions, the level of acidity of the gastric juice decreases, which affects the state of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, due to the low acidity of the gastric juice in the microflora, putrefactive microbes predominate. Significantly decreases the number of active enzymes in the human pancreas. Excess weight also influences the development of processes leading to aging.

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In the elderly in order to maintain the normal state and performance of the body, you need to eat right. If the food is balanced, it significantly affects the development of the aging process. And so you need to properly organize the nutrition and take into account the possibilities of the digestive system, whose functions decrease with time. Elderly people need to eat moderately - this is the first rule. The second rule of nutrition for older people is that the food should be biologically full, balanced. And the third - you need to add to the diet foods that contain antisclerotic substances.

In the elderly, the formation of tissues in the body is over, and therefore the needs of the body in the protein are much less than in youth. Also in the elderly, the intensity of physical activity decreases. And in this case, the protein norm in the body needs to be lowered. But in the elderly there is a regeneration of worn out cells, for which a lot of protein is needed. Actually, therefore, 55% of the total protein content in the diet should be animal proteins. But the amount of fat consumed must be limited, since the abundant use of products containing fats, strongly affects the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, weakened digestive system of the elderly organism is difficult to process a large amount of fat. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats. But in the diet can be both creamy and vegetable oil. However, the latter should not be misused, since a large amount of vegetable fats adversely affects digestion.

Basically, the amount of carbohydrates that the body receives is higher than the amount of protein. But in the elderly with a little physical exertion, the amount of carbohydrates consumed must be reduced. This is very necessary for the body, since the excessive amount of sugar adversely affects the activity of useful intestinal microflora. In this case, you need to consume more complex carbohydrates, but the amount of easily digested carbohydrates should be reduced.

People in old age especially need vitamins, because they help slow down the aging process. The vitamin complex normalizes the state of the nervous and vascular systems, and also inhibits the development of many "senile" diseases, including atherosclerotic.

Vitamin C is one of the most useful and necessary vitamins for the body of people in the prime of life. It is this vitamin that establishes a balance between the synthesis of cholesterol and its processing. Also, vitamin C increases the reactivity of the human body. However, it is impossible to abuse vitamin C - this has a bad effect on the pancreas. Also, the body needs vitamin P, which helps reduce blood pressure in hypertension, and vitamins that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis: folic and pantothenic acids, choline, B6, B12, F.

In the diet of people after 55 years, the amount of minerals should be less, than in the diet of middle-aged people. In the elderly, the body accumulates mineral substances. This can be, for example, the accumulation of salts in joints or in the walls of blood vessels. But there are also cases when the cause of osteoporosis was salt deficiency. That's why you should be very careful in using minerals.

In foods that elderly people consume, trace elements such as calcium, potassium, iodine, magnesium should prevail. The rate of calcium intake per day at the age after 55 years is 800 mg. The rate of magnesium intake should be 400 mg per day. If this microelement is not enough, then in the body in the walls of the vessels the calcium content increases. Potassium is very important for the body, as it enhances cardiac contractions, and also helps to remove excess water and sodium chloride from the body. Iodine is necessary for the body, namely for the realization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which is very important for people in the prime of life.

Tips for nourishing people after 55 years include the recommendations that are needed for people of any age, as well as specific advice that is needed specifically for people in old age. Be sure to remember that with age, the body's need for calories decreases, and therefore it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food, reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats.

Basic principles of nutrition for the elderly

  1. It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats, namely: butter, cream, fatty meats, fish eggs, offal. You need to eat foods that are cooked without adding fat: stewed, baked, boiled, or steamed.
  2. It is necessary to limit consumption of salt and sugar. The norm of sugar per day - up to 50 grams( as part of drinks, confectionery), and the norm of salt in the body - up to 5 grams( in fish and meat dishes).
  3. It is desirable to eat sour milk drinks with reduced fat content, which are enriched with probiotics.
  4. The diet should contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids are part of vegetable oils, are found in oily fish.
  5. In food, you must consume more foods containing vitamin C: orange, currant, gooseberries, grapefruit, blueberries, lemon, broth of wild rose.
  6. You also need to add foods to your diet that contain a large amount of potassium and magnesium salts, namely: carrots, milk, nuts, dried apricots, millet, potatoes, beets, rice, cabbage, prunes.
  7. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods that are rich in dietary fiber: vegetables, fruits, berries, bread with bran, whole grain bread.
  8. It is necessary to eat foods with a significant content of B vitamins: bran, bread, beans, dairy products, cereals, fish.
  9. It is necessary to adhere to fractional and frequent food.

In order for the organism to function normally, it is necessary to regularly eat the following foods:

  1. Sour-milk drinks with reduced fat content: fermented baked milk, kefir, yoghurts. These drinks are a necessary source of protein, vitamin B2, calcium.
  2. All kinds of cereals. Oatmeal and other various cereals in their composition contain food, natural, soluble fiber. In order to lower the level of sugar in the blood, as well as cholesterol, you need to regularly eat oatmeal. Of course, other porridges are also very useful for the body. It is best to eat them several times a day.
  3. No less than 3 times a week you need to eat legumes: peas, beans, lentils. They are an excellent source of protein, and in addition, they contain phytoestrogens, which significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. However, if you suffer from kidney and joint diseases, gout, then these foods are categorically contraindicated.
  4. Also not less than 3 times a week you need to eat fatty fish, namely: herring, mackerel, sardines. Fat, which is contained in fish, ensures the correct, smooth functioning of the heart, and also strengthens immunity and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. In fish there is protein, zinc, iron, vitamin A and D.
  5. It is necessary to include in the diet various greens( dill, coriander, parsley), which is a source of vitamin C and folic acid. It is best to eat greens fresh and no less than 2 times a day.
  6. Also for the elderly people need a variety of fruits and berries, which contain many biologically active compounds and natural dietary fiber. They contribute to protecting the body from malignant neoplasms, and vessels - from cholesterol.
  7. Every day you need to consume seeds and nuts, as they are rich in protein, polyunsaturated acids and vitamins.
  8. Of course, you need to eat all sorts of vegetables, both in raw, and in a stew or boiled form.

Tentative menu for people after 55 years

porridge porridge;
scrambled eggs;
tea with milk, you can just herbal or green tea.

Second breakfast:
fresh fruit or berries;
baked apple.

boiled fish with mashed potatoes;
carrot salad dressed with sour cream;
compote or kissel.

decoction of rose hips or herbal infusion.

stuffed cabbage stuffed with vegetables;
cottage cheese pudding;
tea with honey.


In addition, throughout the day you can:
10 g of butter;
300 g bread;
30 g of sugar.

At the moment, experts have proved that if you reduce the consumption of sweet, fatty foods in the diet, and if you increase the consumption of various sour-milk products, whole-grain bread, fish, various cereals, you can prolong your life. It's just necessary to adjust your diet to avoid many diseases. And also you need to remember about the minimum physical activity.

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