How to increase sales in a retail store?

In this article, you will learn about how how to increase sales in the store.

Also get practical marketing tips that will be a real discovery for any entrepreneur.

Why does the rate go specifically to marketing?

The situation when an entrepreneur builds his business without developing a promotion plan is not uncommon.

This perfectly characterizes the general level of competencies of entrepreneurs in Russia.

It is impossible to deny the importance of producing services and high-level products.

But how will customers be able to evaluate all the benefits of products, if they do not have direct text?

As a person who has studied all his life, but never applied skills in life, your product will remain in the shadow of more highly advertised products.

Telling the buyer about your products is, indeed, often more important than debugging the ideal production.

The potential buyer, first of all, perceives the product visually, evaluates its competitive advantages, and only then pays attention to the quality level.

instagram viewer

How to get people to buy your products?

Why is your sales volume low?

To increase sales in the store, to begin with, it is necessary to understand why the previous scheme did not work, in what was its weak point.

Possible causes of low store sales:

  1. Unsuccessful location of the establishment.

    Isolation from the main customer base leads to implementation problems.

    As an example: a pharmacy that is located next to the hospital will have income several times higher than the one located on the outskirts of the city.

  2. High prices.

    Often the desire to get a high profit affects the sales volume.

    Such price policy, of course, is aimed at increasing profits.

    But you need to take into account the real value of the goods and the mark-up.

  3. Inconspicuousness of the exterior, the interior of the store( in the case of online stores - an unsuccessful design).

    Appearance should attract the buyer, motivate him to buy.

  4. Location of goods.

    Putting products right is a whole art.

    In most situations, you can not do without the advice of an experienced marketer.

  5. Low quality of products sold.

    Marketing promotions will be able to raise the number of visitors to the store only if the goods do correspond to the declared quality level.

  6. Staff.

    In any kind of business, personnel occupy one of the key positions.

    The ability to correctly present products, to behave in accordance with the company's policies are the main criteria for selecting managers for the store.

Now do you represent the real value of marketing in business?

Each element( even the location of the goods on the shelf) fulfills its role - small or heavy.

Create a comfort zone for your customers

It is important to understand: the consumer will go only to the store in which he will feel comfortable.

To achieve this effect, you need to surprise the client with pleasant surprises.

Do not think that such surprises will be only low prices and profitable promotional offers.

The atmosphere of the establishment, the proper work with the client - that is the secret.

The ease and ease with which the visitor will give his money, sometimes surprises.

A simple man does not notice the tactical "game" of marketers, these wizards are able to radically change the vision of the product by the client.

How to increase sales in a retail store?

Practical guide how to increase sales in a retail store can be presented in the form of a step-by-step algorithm:

Step 1: Identify the retail features of the

The retail store is focused on the "small" buyer.

In such an institution the client will not make a large-scale purchase of goods, sales volumes are relatively small.

Such a store format requires a special focus of work with the client.

Personnel play a key role in the desire of the buyer to return again.

Therefore, this affects the overall conversion.

Variety of types of retailers is amazing:

Step 2: Find the vulnerabilities of the retail store

The main vulnerabilities of retail:

  • Small volume of single purchase.

    To receive profit, it is necessary to serve a larger number of clients, which is associated with all sorts of risks.

  • High margins on products.

    The risk of being left without profit or just not selling all the purchased goods from the warehouse, causes the store owner to strive to raise prices.

    Of course, this becomes a repulsive factor for potential buyers.

  • More customers.

    It would seem that this is a plus.

    But still a broad audience( with different tastes and looks) is a difficult task for marketers.

    After all, in advertising it is important to build on the tastes of the average buyer.

    And in the retail store his "portrait" is blurred.

    Also a lot of visitors require a wider staff of staff.

Step 3: Specify methods to increase sales in the store

Denoting possible problems in Step 1 and 2, the entrepreneur must determine the measures to solve them.

Based on the experience of successful businessmen, you can identify such methods that will increase sales:

  1. Change the placement of product lines.

    The main place should be given to the main product, to which the store bets.

  2. Advertising of any format is important.

    Starting from blocks in local newspapers, ending with thematic Internet resources.

  3. Edit the exterior.

    The goal is to maximally effectively attract a person passing by your institution.

    It is important that the design was not just bright, but corresponded to the goods that you offer inside.

  4. To restore order in the interior.

    We need to create an atmosphere that motivates the client to buy the goods.

    And do not forget: people should be comfortable in your store.

  5. Evaluate the adequacy of pricing policy.
    A possible problem with low sales volume may be overpriced ones.

  6. Change personnel standards.

    Make a greater bias towards courteous and individual work with the client. The result will not be long in coming.

How to make a sales plan?

Having considered these points, it is safe to say: the main stage of the company to increase sales is precisely the analysis of errors.

Only with a detailed analysis of "punctures" in the current state of the store, you can determine what advice is appropriate in your particular case.

How to increase sales in an online store?

The answer to the question of how to increase sales of an online store will undoubtedly be different.

Online sales services have become very popular in the past 7-10 years( abroad) and 3-5 years( in Russia).

Now literally any thing can be bought over the Internet.

With the increase in the overall level of competition, the conversion of each individual store falls.

Simply sell high-quality goods, approach each client's requests individually and correctly make payment transactions - this is not enough to build a successful business.

To understand how to increase sales in an online store, it is important to know the answer to the question: why do more people turn to online stores?

There are several reasons for the rejection of offline stores and the transition of market relations to the Internet:

  • Ease of ordering.

    You do not need to leave your apartment and search for the goods - all at your fingertips.

    In the Internet, it is really possible to find stores for every taste.

  • A huge range of products + convenient search.

    Find the product you are interested in is a matter of several minutes.

    Online stores have a convenient search system that works by product category and by name.

  • Convenient form of payment.

    Money transfers have long become the norm for a modern person. This method of payment suits the customers, and gives a competitive advantage to the online store before the usual.

Sales funnel is an effective manager tool for

These are only top-priority advantages of the Internet business.

It is because of them online stores have become so many.

Accordingly, the conversion of each individually began to decline.

Number of online stores in Russia( 2016):

Methods of promoting the online store:

  • SEO-optimization.

    Contact a competent seo-specialist and achieve the highest position in the ranking of search queries.

    If your store is in the top, the chances of increasing sales increase at times.

  • Analyze the content of the store.

    Only the work of a skilled copywriter will provide the customer's attention to the product.

  • Advertising is important.

    Do not spare money on advertising on social networks and inclusion of the resource in the tops of contextual banners( yes, those that you try to close as soon as possible with a mouse click).

  • The variant combining all listed - , contact the agency for the promotion of sites .

    The waste of money will be justified if you do not understand the essence of the mentioned methods and are not ready to implement them yourself.

The main goal of the buyer of an online store is the purchase of the product he needs.

Because he is interested in a large range of products, convenient navigation and low prices.

It is beneficial to open multi-line online stores.

This will create a sufficient choice for the user.

To increase sales in your online store, use the tips from this video:

How to increase sales in a clothing store?

Separately it is necessary to consider such kind of business, as a clothing store.

The fact is that it is much more specific than the previous "patients".

To increase sales in a clothing store, you need to determine for yourself the main direction of its activities.

If your goal - to sell casual clothes, everything is simple enough - you can use standard methods of promotion.

But in case you are working with branded things, the situation will become more complicated. Then the marketing plan is developed individually. It is desirable to involve specialists in this task.

To understand how to increase sales in a clothing store, you need to understand the criteria by which the consumer chooses the product suitable for him:

As you can see, the problem of small sales in a store can be that the store policy does not match the products, or in the wrong pricing.

Other errors are possible:

  • boring interior of the premises for the store( if you use the online store, respectively, an uncomfortable user interface);
  • no marketing plan;
  • poor recruitment and other.

Let's return to the distinctive features of clothing stores and the methods of their promotion:

  • You have to focus the efforts of marketers on organizing promotions.

    An important role in increasing the sales of clothing is played by the recognition of the brand, the brand.

  • The store is important to equip with comfortable fitting rooms.
  • Recruitment for a clothing store is a difficult task.

    It is necessary to select professionals who can not only describe to the buyer all the advantages of the product, but also easily convince the visitor to buy the goods.

  • Sale, more shares, loyalty cards are important nuances that will help keep customers and increase sales.

Pay due attention to all these subtleties of organization of activities.

In trade, every detail is extremely important, especially when it comes to selling clothes.

The article considers three completely different store formats.

The main thesis at the same time is common: learn to analyze the problems of the store.

There is no single-valued method of promotion for all forms of trading.

There are only extremely limited recommendations, voiced above.

For all their effectiveness, they can not become an absolute panacea for any particular case.

To understand how to increase sales in the store, you can only by in-depth analysis of the problems.

The results of the research will help you decide how to modify the standard advice for your case.

Use the knowledge gained, and a positive conversion to your store is ensured.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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