How to increase sales in the store?

It is very important for people working in the field of trade to understand how to increase sales in the store or in another retail facility if the business ceases to bring the desired profit.

If you just sit and wait for the situation to improve on its own, you risk being left without a store( if you own it) or without a job( if you are an ordinary salesman).

In any case, you need to start acting until the problem becomes too serious.

How to increase sales in the store? Learning from a concrete example!

My readers who live in Ukraine probably know a supermarket chain like Silpo.

For a long time they remained in the shadow of such product giants as "ATB", "SPAR" and others.

And then some brilliant PR man came up with a cunning move, how to increase sales in the store "Silpo".

They abandoned the system of ordinary discount cards and came up with a cumulative system( the more you buy, the more points you get, and then these points are converted into money that you can spend in any "Silpo").

instagram viewer

But to further consolidate the result, they started sending their coupons once a quarter to their customers: acquiring a certain product or making a purchase for the specified amount, you can earn even more points.

Sales jumped to the skies, because you, maybe, would not buy a sardine in oil just the "Premium" brand, but after all you have the same coupon, you also need to use it, it's the same +4 hryvnia to the accumulated points.

The marketing department of the supermarket managed to increase sales so much that today Silpo has one of the widest store chains in different cities of Ukraine.

Their experience can be used in any store( not necessarily a grocery store).

Increase sales in the store can be due to the competent sale of goods

The basis of any sale in the store - the goods.

The more and more expensive you sell this product itself, the higher your profit.

The sales level depends on a lot:

  • on how this product is located on shelves or hangers;
  • from its attractiveness( you'll never convince the client that "this pate is delicious" if it looks like someone already ate it);
  • from the price, quality and much more.

How to search for customers?

But very much depends also on how you offer the goods you sell to customers.

Increase sales in the store in the following ways:

  1. Offer the product more expensive.

    Let's say a client needs jeans.

    He chose the cheapest ones.

    Show him a pair that costs 15-20% more expensive, explaining how much better they are, that they will be better worn, because of the famous brand with which you have been cooperating for a long time, because they sit on the buyer much better than a cheap option.

  2. Action "Discount for the second and third thing".

    Sellers know that buyers( especially women) can not easily choose, for example, between two beautiful blouses.

    Do not get lost, offer to buy both, reducing the cost of the second thing by 25-40%.

    The client will not stand up - I'm a real example of this, because I've often come across such a trick.

  3. "And this belt goes to these pants. ..".

    Let's say that a nice buyer chose bright summer trousers, so be sure to ask him:

    "Do you have a suitable belt for these pants? Here we have just brought beautiful leather belts - this will suit you just perfect. "

Shares and sales are a simple and trouble-free way to increase sales of

It's no secret for any buyer that domestic businessmen give an extra charge from the purchase price for each item of the goods, at least 100%.

Especially, it concerns clothes, shoes, household chemicals and other things.

We know this, but still get lost, seeing the call "Sale-50%."

We understand that no one will sell us a product cheaper than buying it, but still we can not resist and make a purchase.

Sale is a great way to not only increase sales in the store, but also get rid of stale goods.

10 secrets, how to properly sell by phone

Well, does not anyone want to take kitchen towels and sheets of acid colors?

So drop the price on them, and you'll see how quickly the product that was sawing on the shelves will fly away.

And you will be able to invest the money you earn in what is actually sold.

You can increase sales in the store if you offer the customer what they need

In every store, according to the law, there must be a "Complaints and Suggestions Book", which must be given to the buyer at the first request.

Shopkeepers either panic if they see negative feedback, or simply ignore their client's opinion.

But this is wrong!

You can significantly increase sales in your store, if you understand what exactly your buyer needs.

Regular surveys should be conducted( oral or written) to understand:

  • what kind of goods the buyer wants to see and which he will never buy;
  • what the average consumer thinks about your store's pricing policy;
  • that it suits, and that - is not present in service, arrangement of production, illumination, etc.

Very easy to conduct such surveys the presence of the site.

Modern people spend a lot of time on the Internet and are always happy to write a comment about the store, which often buy products.

How to increase sales in the store? Appreciate your regular customers!

One of my mother's friends worked in Naples as a nurse to an old Italian girl.

Upon arrival, she told her mother that she could not understand why signora insisted that it was in this store that she should buy, although there was a market nearby, in which many products were slightly cheaper.

Aromamarketing: technology of attracting customers

The reason was discovered at Christmas, when the store owner sent a basket with products and best wishes for his regular client.

And on the birthday of the Italian lord received from him a cake and a greeting card with congratulations.

You can easily learn the Italian experience to increase sales in your store:

  • take contacts of regular customers;
  • congratulate them on holidays, at least with the help of postcards;
  • make small gifts;
  • issue discount cards;
  • inform them about discounts via SMS;
  • recognize them in person and be interested in business;
  • add to them on the birthday of another 5% to the discount on their discount card, etc.

How else can I increase sales in the store?

Here are 5 more tips for increasing sales in the store when things go wrong:

  1. Sell only quality items and products: it's better to throw a kilogram of rotten cucumbers than lose a regular customer.
  2. Invest in an advertising campaign.

    Perhaps you have low sales, because few people know about you.

    Advertise yourself in any possible ways: media, outdoor advertising, banners, flyers, the Internet, etc.

  3. Actively use such an advertising tool as "word of mouth".

    You will sell high-quality goods at reasonable prices and at the same time - excellent service - to you not only will come again, but also bring a friend.

  4. Increase the level of your sellers.

    Perhaps they do not know much about what they sell, or are not too welcoming, or prefer to sit behind the counter, and not work with customers.

    You can increase sales by transferring sellers to a "small rate +%" payment system.

  5. Find the problems in your market( bad smell, inconvenient fitting rooms, improperly located products in the windows, lack of lighting, etc.) and eliminate them.

In the video below you will find a useful tip

to increase sales in the clothing store:

I think you found a recipe for yourself, how to increase sales in the store, and you will be able to boast of a profit increase in the comments!

  • Mar 04, 2018
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