Timing of working time and how to use it?

Which one of us did not dream of managing time?

Yes, all dreamed of speeding it up, when you do something boring, and slow down at the happiest moments.

Of course, such manipulations from the time are impossible, at least for now, but you can manage the hours and minutes of your subordinates if you know what the timekeeping is.

Do you know?


Then I'll tell you now!

What kind of a beast are you, timekeeping of working time?

Is this what you imagine when you hear the words "inventory" or "audit"?

I imagine specific objects or documents that are subject to verification.

But you can check everything, anything, even - time.

If to explain very simply what the timekeeping of working time is, it is a record in a special card( with the indication of time, of course) of everything that one or another employee does during the day or the amount of time that the employee spends on work,requiring the same actions.

"The good use of time makes time even more precious."
J. J. Rousseau

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This procedure is followed by company executives for a number of reasons:

  • to set the labor standard in production per person;
  • to optimize production processes and improve the company's performance;
  • to understand which employee spends working time ineffectively, and who - on the contrary, it helps to identify the best employees who will receive the promotion.

Should I bother with timekeeping?

Not all managers know that there is such a useful thing as timekeeping of working time.

I also did not know about it my friend, businessman Sasha, who complained to me six months ago:

- You see, what a strange thing: I formed the collective myself, recruited smart people with special education, not lazy, active. The whole day they croak, do something, in general, they do not sit around idly. I see that they do not sit, and for some reason every day there are some hangs, unfulfilled cases that flow further, and the profit has diminished. The work goes somehow slowly, although my employees seem to be moving fast. What's the matter, I do not understand.

I promised to help him and find a technique that will help improve the speed and quality of work in his company.

And came across information about the timekeeping of working hours.

At first this study seemed to me complicated, and somehow slightly Soviet, or something.🙂

Some maps, graphs, data analysis.

But then I sorted it out, printed out a map for Sasha, explained what I should do.

Time management. The basic rules of time management!

A month later, my acquaintance boasted that he was able to determine the temporary holes( the loaders are too slow to do their job, the cleaning lady comes half an hour later than expected and delays the training of employees for a working day, sales consultants do not know how to distinguish customers from idle loafers who are not going to buy anything, but come just to talk).

Rules for timekeeping

If you seriously decide to optimize production processes and achieve greater efficiency of your subordinates, you should pay attention to the rules according to which timekeeping is performed.

General rules only 7:

  1. You can not spend the timekeeping yourself.

    First, you have your work, and secondly, your constant presence will strain the subordinates.

    It is better to entrust this process to a qualified observant who will not miss the details and make the right conclusions.

  2. The one who conducts the timekeeping of working time, should be located in the office so that to have the most complete review.

    However, it should not interfere with production processes or distract employees from their direct responsibilities.

  3. The observer should not enter into discussions or start explaining something to those people whom he observes.

    Intervention of employees should be reduced to a minimum.

  4. If employees signed the contract at the time of hiring, then make sure that its content allows you to spend time in the company to not run into a trial.
  5. Do not spend timekeeping secretly.

    You should explain to employees why you are conducting this research.

    Time planning: 10 tips from Dan Kennedy

  6. Monitoring employees should not violate the safety practices of your production.
  7. Remember that the sheet in which the timekeeping of working time is kept is a document, so it should be kept carefully, trying not to fix anything and not to scratch anything there.

Steps to prepare timekeeping

The procedure itself consists of three mandatory steps that you must follow if you are interested in timing your work time as accurately as possible:

  1. Preparing for timing.

    This is a very important step that can not be ignored, because you will need to:

    • Choose the employees that you are going to observe.

      If you have more than 3 people in the team, then you will not be able to observe all at the same time, you should prioritize.

    • Create a list of transactions themselves, the time of which you will measure, for example, advising clients or writing reports.
    • Calculate how many measurements you need to do.
    • Prepare clean blank chart paper forms and, if you do this for the first time, it will not hurt to keep a ready-made sample before your eyes.
  2. Carrying out of observations of employees.

    To properly assess the effectiveness of their work, you should watch them for at least 1-2 weeks.

  3. Processing of results.

    You analyze the stability factor of the chronograph, analyze the average time frame for the execution of a particular work operation and summarize all the measurements.

For the accounting of working hours, methods and

ways to increase its efficiency

see also in the video:

Example of timekeeping

The cards for timing are different.

I saw very complex and multistep, in which it is necessary to calculate the time coefficient using such formulas that it is impossible to do without a higher mathematical education.

I'll give you two simple options.

Variant 1.

Draw here such a tablet( you need as many tablets as you are going to observe the employee):

Observation is conducted for Petrov P.P., accountant.
___ January 2016.

Start End
I came to work 9.00
Undressed, spread out papers, took up my workstation 9.00 9.15
I checked the e-mail, answered some letters 9.15 10.00

And so on until the end of the working day.

Even trips to the toilet and smoke breaks should be considered if you want to achieve the best possible results.

System 5s - efficient workstation arrangement

Option 2.

Such a tablet is suitable for analyzing those activities that require repetitive actions.

For example, unloading goods manually. A car arrived, in which there are 20 boxes with sweets and biscuits.

You compile the following table:

Loader: Ivanov II
Unloaded the car with the goods 1.01.2016.
Numbering of boxes and time spent on unloading one box( in seconds)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Now you should calculate the average analytical time: the amount of time spent on unloading the machine, divided by the number of operations performed by the loader.

If you understand that your subordinates spend too much time on this or that job, which results in blockages, timekeeping will help you to correct the situation.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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