How to treat sciatica at home

Radiculitis or radiculopathy is a generic term that is used in neurology to describe a number of symptoms associated with a pinch or inflammation of the spinal roots. The disease develops rapidly and sharply, accompanied by severe pain, then passes into a chronic form with periodic episodes of exacerbation. It is not always possible to completely get rid of sciatica, but you can achieve a stable remission for many months or even years, thanks to treatment at home.

  • Causes of

    Symptoms of
  • Consequences of
  • Diagnosis of
  • Ambulance
  • Treatment of house
  • Physical exercises
  • Folk methods
  • Diet
  • Prevention of
  • In pregnant women
  • In children
  • Causes of

    In most cases, sciatica is a consequence of osteochondrosis, in which cartilage disksbetween the vertebrae lose flexibility and elasticity, dry up, crack and become fragile. Gradually they flatten, squeezing the nerve roots that come out of the spinal cord.

    Other factors provoking painful lumbago can be:

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    • protrusion or herniated intervertebral disc;
    • wedge-shaped deformities or compression fractures of vertebral bodies;
    • proliferation of osteophytes( bone formations) on processes of the vertebrae;
    • stenosis of the spinal canal;
    • arthritis;
    • traumatic damages of spinal structures( muscle, bone or ligament tissues, cartilage).
    • In addition, inflammation or damage to the nerve roots can be caused by sharp movements of the head, trunk, twists in conjunction with heavy workload, muscle spasms, hypothermia or intoxication, viral or infectious agents.

    With lifting of weights, radiculopathy is rarely associated.

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    Symptoms of

    Depending on the localization of pathology, there are cervical, thoracic, lumbar and lumbosacral radiculitis. The main sign of the disease is pain in the lesion, which can irradiate along the nerve, give to the limbs, neck, shoulders. Other symptoms are loss of sensitivity and impaired motor functions of the limbs from the pinch.

    In case of breast type of ailment, the patient may have stitching pains in the region of the heart, intercostal neuralgia, with cervical - headaches, deterioration of hearing and vision, dizziness, movement coordination disorders. With the neck and shoulder location of the pathology, the pain pushes into the occipital part of the head, neck, under the shoulder blades, can be strengthened with sharp turns of the head, hand movements, coughing, sneezing.

    Radiculitis in the lumbosacral segment is usually manifested by horse tail syndrome and pinch of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain spreads to the buttock, the back of the thigh, the knee, the shin, the heel, accompanied by sensations of coldness in the toes, numbness or tingling.

    Also read about why the headache appears in the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and how to treat it

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    Consequences of

    Ignoring the treatment of radiculitis is fraught with the transition of the disease into a more complex chronic form. The response of the body to inflammation and pain is spasm of soft tissues. The limited mobility of the pathological site contributes to an even greater reduction in blood circulation, a slowing of metabolic processes, and a worse supply of intervertebral discs with nutrients. On the marginal plates of the vertebrae, osteophytes grow, an osseous block is formed that can compress the nerve roots and blood vessels and further limit the motor abilities.

    Gradually, the limbs are drawn into the degenerative process. Violated their innervation, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the fingers almost does not pass, sometimes leading to complete paresis or paralysis. There are failures in the work of internal organs( digestive disorders, cardiac contractions, processes of urination and defecation, potency).Similar phenomena require surgical treatment of radiculitis.

    From the side of the nervous system, complications can arise: inflammation of nerve endings, spinal cord, the spinal cord itself or the head( myelitis, encephalitis, abscess, etc.).

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    Radiculitis is not considered an independent disease. This is a complex of symptoms caused by the infringement of the nerve roots. Therefore, the main task of diagnosis is to identify the causes that provoked painful lumbago, their elimination and further treatment.

    The examination begins with an X-ray, and MRI or CT can be used to clarify the condition of pathological sites. To eliminate osteoporosis, densitometry is performed( determination of bone mineral density).Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis allows detecting the presence of tumor formations.

    Neurological examination consists in testing reflex reactions, conducting tests for sensitivity, determining muscle strength and volumetric movements. The hardware EMG-diagnostics makes it possible to determine the patency of pulses along nerve fibers and their intensity.

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    With an unexpected attack of sciatica, the hind limb helps to quickly remove the pain. In this case, the victim's movements should be slow, without sudden movements, it is advisable that someone escorted him to the support. Then you need to rely on elongated arms or elbows, allowing your legs to hang freely, and the lumbar and sacral parts of the spine stretch.

    The patient is then placed on a hard bed or seated in a semi-lying position( the position that causes the least pain), injected or given an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug pill. You can use corsets, bandages, tight bandages, if it brings relief. A little calming pain can: massage, warming compresses, painkillers ointments and gels.

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    Home treatment

    At home, radiculitis treatment is allowed only after a complete diagnosis of the underlying and accompanying diseases and with the permission of the attending physician. A good result shows a complex approach, combining classical medicines, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, non-traditional, manual therapies, folk remedies( compresses, herbal tinctures and ointments).
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    • Medication - used painkillers local and general, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants - substances that eliminate muscle spasms. It is recommended the adoption of vitamin complexes, with the mandatory availability of B vitamins( strengthen and activate the work of the nervous system).If the pain becomes unbearable, you can use local novocaine or lidocaine blockades.
    • The hardware treatment is performed by electrostimulators such as PATRA, ESRV-01 or ESRV-02, BIOMEDIS, ESMA, DENAS and others. Warming with UHF and laser therapy.
    • Ointments for the treatment of radiculitis: Diclofenac( Dolobene, Voltaren), Viprosal, Finalgon, Fastum gel, Apizarthron.
    • Adhesives for application to affected areas( Nanoplast, pepper plaster, Voltaren).
    • Applicators Lyapko and Kuznetsova are designed to stimulate blood circulation and nutrition in the affected areas through acupuncture. Acupuncture and massage. They have analgesic, relaxing effect, improve blood circulation, general health and well-being of the patient, activate metabolic processes.
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    Physical exercises

    1. Walk around a bit at a fast pace or jump( for a general warm up of the body).
    2. Very carefully follow the circular movements of the head, then tilt and turn to the side 8-15 times.
    3. Bend your hands in your elbows, brush your shoulders with your brushes. Perform circular rotations with your hands, first synchronously back and forth, then with the crawl.
    4. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, place your arms on your waist. Carefully and slowly perform circular motions and slopes with the whole body back and forth, then sideways for 8-15 times.
    5. Get on all fours, bend the back as much as possible, then round your back. We make 10-15 approaches.
    6. Place the two chairs with their backs against each other with a distance of about half a meter. Lean on the backs with your hands or elbows, if necessary, bend your legs slightly, allowing the spine to stretch freely in the lumbar region. Or hang some time on the bar.
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    Folk methods

    • Compresses from: mustard;Burdock leaves;leaves and birch buds;yeast dough;black radish.
    • Razirki from: red pepper and vodka;wild garlic;tinctures of calendula, motherwort and valerian;iodine and lemon;camphor alcohol;fruit or apple cider vinegar;rosemary or fir oil.
    • Tinctures from: buds of the sedge;leaves of the yarrow;May honey and cahors;verbena bark. Take before meals three times a day.
    • Baths with: infusions of chamomile, sage, fir bark, valerian;with the root of the ayr and the doe;horse chestnut;with sea salt;with fir or eucalyptus oil.
    • Bath allows you to significantly reduce pain syndrome with radiculitis, relax spasms, has a positive effect on blood circulation and the condition of the whole body, but in an acute period, accompanied by severe pain, is strictly contraindicated.
    • Warming, correcting or fixing belts are simply irreplaceable for radiculitis or other diseases of the spine. Bandages can provide therapeutic and preventive effects, reduce the burden on the spine, reduce pain.
    • Honey has long been considered a universal healer from many diseases, including radiculitis. On its basis, ointments, compresses, tinctures, baths, and triturates are prepared.
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    As a rule, radiculitis, like osteochondrosis, is accompanied by a disturbance of metabolic processes, therefore it is recommended that patients adhere to a full and balanced diet. This is sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, nuts, legumes, cereals, whole grains cereals, dietary meat, dairy products, etc.
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    Prevention of

    To prevent new attacks of sciatica it is necessary to maintain a normal physical shape,workloads and rest, follow the posture. It is desirable to abandon bad habits, try to avoid excessive spinal strain and trauma, sleep on orthopedic mattresses, once a year take massage courses and visit specialized sanatoriums.

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    Pregnant women

    Some women during pregnancy are suffering from back pain, but they are not always a sign of sciatica. This is due to the increased body weight, additional stress on the spine, the growth of the fetus, which can squeeze or cause inflammation of the nerve roots of the waist, the discrepancy of the pelvis.

    After a mandatory medical consultation, you can try to reduce pain with the help of baths, light massage, certain physical exercises, herbal compresses and sprouts.

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    In children

    Sometimes radiculitis occurs in children and adolescents during periods of intense body growth. If it is not associated with congenital anomalies in the structure of the spine and birth trauma, it is most likely a consequence of sports or domestic trauma, or excessive stress on the still fragile spine.

    To prevent and stop the development of the disease in the child can be regular adequate physical exertion, exercise therapy, massage, swimming, organizing the right workplace and selecting an orthopedic mattress for sleep.


    Thank you very much for the useful material, I'm going to the injections, I'm flabbergaking recently with your back, your exercises took note, carried to the run-off, the stretch in the section of the ambulance is very helpful, thank you and I try to hang on the bar several times a day.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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