How to get rid of poverty?

  1. From a feeling of pity and regret to yourself!

    Those people who are disposed to poverty , very much regret themselves, and are confident that wealth depends on fate, and that they did not smile( for example, they were born in a poor family - and that's all, they do not see wealth)!!

    Pity your lover is to put a brand on yourself that completely destroys your desire for personal development, destroys your plans for the future, stops you on the way to the desired and ensures eternal poverty.

  2. From whine:

    Sniveling is a sure step to of poverty !

    "What a hard life! Everywhere, everyone steals, everywhere there are some crooks, politicians profit from us, everywhere lies! In the fact that I poor , only our country is to blame - no one else! "- do you recognize yourself in these words?

    That's it. ..

    With these words agree the same loser!

    Find the options for dealing with unpleasant situations yourself, try to calmly accept, reflect, and not find one negative in each situation!

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    Perhaps some situation was given to you for the experience, or to see how you will cope with it - do not look for anything negative, it only hinders you!

    Try to come out with every difficult situation a winner - and only then will fortune be drawn to you!

  3. Get rid of greed:

    Those people who run every time to the store with the inscription "Sale", skimp on a good education for their children, they try to force their own employees to work a lot, go out even on weekends and pay them a penny for it -this is a sure sign that the poor person lives inside of you!

    That person who is focused on wealth - will never be stingy paying for specific things their real value, and will always reward their assistants financially!

  4. Get rid of the habit of measuring your success with money:

    Poor people are always sure that only having a large sum of money can bring happiness and joy! A person who is successful in measuring his happiness in units, not in dollars!

    And in which units - everyone decides for himself.

  5. Doing things you can not stand:

    Lisa can not stand working as an auditor, but only with the help of this work can she pay a loan for her car. Cyril hates to make quarterly reports, but none of his corrupted are able to do it.

    All these people have revealed their embrace of poverty - the blame for all this is the most unpleasant feelings that arise when you have to force yourself to do unloved things.

    Dear ones, always do what makes you smile on your face, what the soul is for!

    Only in this area you can achieve huge peaks!

  6. Constant comparison of oneself with others:

    Ivan thinks that he is much better than his classmates, since he was the only one who finished school perfectly. "

    Dmitry thinks that he is worse than his classmates, since he does not have one car.

    Maria finds herself ugly and very jealous of her girlfriend, because of the fact that that many fans!

    All these people have a very well developed sixth habit poverty - comparing yourself with anyone!

    Do not compare, you are unique and unique and the whole world can lie with yours but - just want it and act!

  7. All at once:

    Desire to get everything and now - feature poor people!

    It's hard for them to understand that if you settle into a solid firm for an average position with an average salary, then in a couple of years you can grow up the career ladder, you will have much more!

    But poor people pay attention only to how much you receive a month, and do not think about the future!

  8. Unreasonable waste of large amounts of money:

    A loser person will never understand the difference between a useful loan - investing money in developing one's own business and between destructive credit - buying a darling machine for boasting.

  9. Measuring the wealth of money:

    Successful people completely broke the connection between human happiness and money!

    Real wealth is the ability to create money from scratch, these are creative ideas that can be sold for a decent price, this is the ability to lure money to you, to organize new and interesting business projects!

    Then you will not be afraid of robbery, kidnapping of salary cards, credit card numbers!

    Enough to sit back and cry in the waistcoat for a "bad" life - start at least something to do today!

To get rid of poverty , you need to get rid of, first of all, the habits that pull you into a penniless pit!

Initially, my dear, reconsider your addictions and let's slowly eradicate them, and once you cross them out, you will feel freedom!

First of all, you need to get rid of:

NECESSARILY, before the victory end, watch this video, it will open your eyes to much!

You will finally understand how the poor differ from the rich!

Get comfortable and look carefully!

Answer the question: Who are you now: Pablo or Bruno? And what do you want to be in the future?

Urgently get rid of your poor habits and long live FREEDOM and new ideas.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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