How to learn Chinese?

So, people often ask: is it hard for to learn Chinese ?

I will answer without hesitation: YES, difficult!

My opinion is one of the most complex languages ​​for studying on the planet!

In order to be able to read Chinese literature, you need to know at least 1000 characters!

If you know at least 200 characters, you will begin to understand 40% of the literature: magazines, menus in restaurants, their sites.

The of the Chinese language does not have an alphabet.

3 recommendations for a simple study of the Chinese language:

  1. Read more in the voice!

    When a person hears his own speech( intonation, sound) - he will quickly learn what he has read;

  2. Look for a partner in the Chinese language !

    Its very easy to find!

    We go to our favorite Internet and write a request: "free sites for the exchange of language experience" - and you will open a number of useful sites - register and practice!

    Also you can find in your city an evening club( or weekend club) for learning Chinese - it would be just a wish!πŸ˜‰

  3. instagram viewer
  4. Listen often to Chinese radio or watch movies in Chinese .

    To date, you can find anything you like: radio stations in Chinese, and various TV shows, movies( for beginners - with translation) - allocate 1 hour every day for auditioning - and in the future your work will thank you!πŸ˜‰

    Learning foreign languages ​​is easy!

    If conversational Chinese is perceived and remembered simply, then what to do with the written language of this language?

    All not by hearsay know that Chinese is famous for its complex and heavy hieroglyphs.

    This problem is encountered by all those who study them.

    Everyone has to find and invent ways to easily remember and store in memory a whole lot of hieroglyphs.

Tips for memorizing Chinese characters:

  1. Prescribing Chinese characters.

    The most common method is multiple prescribing Chinese characters .

    This exercise will not only remember them, but also learn how to write beautifully and correctly.

    If you can not remember the hieroglyph once, the muscle memory will allow you to finish it, because your hand will remember for yourself what exactly follows this grapheme.

    And do not forget that if you want to learn how to write on Chinese , you need to remember not only a single hieroglyph, but words consisting of it, along with other hieroglyphs that you know.

    Systematize them by key, it will not get confused and remember which word is spelled this or that grapheme.

    How easy is it to learn English?

  2. Use associations in memorizing Chinese characters .

    Another popular method is association.

    Here the imagination of a single person is not limited - for each student, the new character will only remind him of an understandable thing.

    But do not rely on this method often - in your head there will be times more unnecessary information than the very subject of memorization.

  3. Hang the not-remembered Chinese hieroglyphs throughout the apartment!

    If suddenly you get a hieroglyph that can not be learned at all - put it on several pieces and hang it around the house.

    He will "corrupt" you eyes wherever you are, and will be put aside in memory by himself.

  4. Repetition is the mother of learning.

    Even if you are sure that you remember the hieroglyph forever, you need to regularly register them "in the head."After all, the very, in your opinion, easy and simple - have the property to forget at the right time.

    Try to remember the hieroglyphs in pairs - in phrases and stable expressions.

    This will allow not only to learn them, but also to remember in what expressions this hieroglyph is written: after all, there are many hieroglyphs with the same reading and they should be remembered together with the context in which it is used.

    Otherwise, it will be a gross error showing your illiteracy.

  5. Make small reminders for yourself!

    Create miniature cards, where the order of features, reading and the most used phrases and words will be painted, and look at them at any time.

    This will allow you to repeat the hieroglyphics wherever you are and what you would not do.
    The basic rule that you should remember if you are going to seriously study the Chinese script is to repeat the material regularly.

    Never stop on what has been achieved, because, no matter how confident you are, you can not claim that they will not let you down one day!

What is the secret of learning Chinese?

I'll answer straight - it all depends on your willpower!

Only a few of us will be able to force ourselves to sit for days on studying Chinese and its heavy hieroglyphs.

That's right!

After all, there is no other way out!

Want to know the Chinese language well - be kind enough to allocate your time to it!

Here it is very important: practice, practice and another 1000 times practice.

The more you communicate with people in Chinese - the better for you!

How to overcome laziness?

If you want very quickly to learn Chinese - then go to China and live in a medium of direct carriers.

I recommend to see a useful video about how

learn how to write and pronounce Chinese characters:

How long does it take to learn Chinese?

I will say so, to speak at a decent level - you will need to spend 2-3 years studying in the environment itself( in China).

Enough to feed themselves with "breakfast" - it's time to take things and develop!

Remember, no matter how hard it is in teaching - in the future it will be very easy in combat.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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