How to write selling text: the experience of professionals

The site is one of the important elements of the structure of any business.

This is not only a platform for communication with potential and regular customers who can get acquainted with the product or service at any time of the day( it is enough to have access to the Internet).

Also the site is an important promotion tool.

You can evaluate it on many points: whether it is interesting, how it is designed, whether it is convenient to use navigation.

Along with visual design, text content plays an important role, which can both alienate readers and attract them or even motivate them to make a purchase right now.

How to write the selling text of is easy to understand, if you follow the tips below.

What do I need to know before I start writing texts?

You can not neglect the quality of content and underestimate its impact on readers.

You need to create a material that will always be the focus of attention.

The person will necessarily have an interest in the product if he finds answers to exciting questions( for example, what special and necessary properties for him have this or that drug or what guarantees he will get after buying a car).

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Even today you can stumble upon such sites where information is not fully provided or, worse, misleading.

If after reading the article the reader does not perform any actions on the site, then there is no result, and the content needs to be completely changed.

There are several "standard" requirements for textual content: the number of characters, the presence or absence of certain words and so on.

However, to make content really interesting and selling, the basis is taken only information about what service or product people should know.

For example, if this is an offer for booking a room in a spa hotel for two, then it is important to write down the specifics of the location, filling the room and indicate what is included in the price.

One should always remember that the buyer is only interested in his problems and the task of how to write the selling text is to find their solutions.

Is it real to win a lottery for an ordinary person?

Here are the basic instincts guided by the visitor of the site:

  • description of the full solution of the problem is much more valuable than its prevention;
  • purchases are made on emotions, and then justified by logic;
  • with full confidence and sympathy for the seller is the bulk of purchases;
  • buyers have a skeptical attitude to what they are offered;
  • all people follow the principles of human psychology( without exceptions).

The list does not include all the items, but if you start from them when writing the selling text, you can significantly improve the level of sales.

How to write selling text: what to write about and for whom?

The first stage of preparation for text content is to clearly formulate goals.

If you run a site on behalf of a construction company - most likely, your customers will be contractors and end users who are interested in the quality of construction work and the location of residential properties.

To write selling text, it is not enough to know what users want.

It is necessary to understand what feelings arise after reading.

For example, what interests and worries most?

What actions should a randomly visiting visitor visit?

If the task is correctly formulated, then there is a right solution for it.

Define the target audience to which the

text is oriented. The client view must be specific and find a mapping to the selling text.

The following tips will help you decide who will be your target audience:

  • Decide which social group the consumer belongs to? Student? Young mom?
  • Describe in detail your product or service in the selling text - the description should match the expectations of the reader.
  • Consider in which regions your target audience should be located.

Having defined these points, you can write quality selling content.

Otherwise, the content of the site will be empty and not targeted.

It is important to constantly monitor the latest news, because the needs of society are constantly changing.

As a support, you can use the structure of the most popular posts in social networks: if they have a lot of likes, it means that everyone likes it.

It is recommended to seek help from marketers who will not only conduct market analysis, but also assess the level of demand for a product or service.

The main task remains the same - to provide the audience what it wants.

For example, in the fashion there are white jackets and you, if you follow fashion and start to produce jackets of white color, will be able to significantly increase sales.

The man on the other side of the monitor - who is he?

If you decide who is interested in your proposal( for example, for a 45-year-old woman with children), imagine her life rhythm.

How does she cope with children and homework at the same time, how often she works, what food she prepares, what is her marital status?

Disassemble the portrait of the client for the details, study his wishes and needs, then embed them in the text.

Reading the selling text, a person will recognize themselves and, accordingly, want to buy what is offered on the site.

How to increase your money?

You can supplement the created client image by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Why did a person come to your page?
  • What are his problems?
  • Perhaps he came to prevent the problem in the future?
  • What is the source of the problem?
  • What will be the consequences of its not a solution?
  • What actions need to be taken to fix the problem?

Effective structure of the selling text

With the target audience, we decided, it's time to consider the items that make up the text content( selling text).

Compliance with these items can increase website traffic and therefore profit:

  • Problem.

    The paragraph of the text should begin with a description of the problem.

    As an example - a headache and negative consequences, if in time do not go to the doctor and do not use this or that drug.

  • Off.

    After the description of the problem, there follows a suggestion - what the businessman offers.

    To eliminate the headache, massage services, pills, etc. will be offered here.

  • Benefits.

    It's not enough to just describe the sentence in the selling text.

    The reader should understand what benefits he will gain for himself by making a purchase.

    For example, with drugs for headaches, you can indicate that the pills are effective for the first five minutes or eliminate not only the pain itself, but also its cause;

  • Warranty.

    This describes what the company can guarantee to its customers after the purchase.

    For drugs for headaches, you can guarantee a refund if they did not help.

  • Call to action.

    The last and most important item.

    If you want the customer to make a purchase, you need to specify.

    If you provide consulting services, write at the end of the text that you can call back and clarify all the questions.

The call for selling texts is recommended to be tested.

Write two or three options and analyze which one directly falls into the goal of the desires and needs of the client.

The rules of the selling product description in the online store are collected in the video:

3 mistakes that should not be allowed when writing marketing texts

If your site is not read by anyone, but all the recommendations for content have been followed, let's consider frequent, sometimes imperceptible at first glanceProblems.

Errors that kill selling texts:

  • History.

    These are not items "About Me" at the end of the site, but this is your personal story that you experienced through the purchase of a particular product.

    It is recommended to test everything that you will offer to your customers before starting for sale - evaluate the pros and cons, tell about your results and never hold back about the shortcomings.

    If there are problems - they should also be told in the selling text, but underline on a favorable side.

    For example, imagine a special adhesive for repair work, which can only be used by professional builders.

    If you do not risk yourself doing repairs, and turn to professionals, you can protect yourself from poor quality work.

    As you can see, there are drawbacks that are covered by certain advantages.

  • Buy a product or service can all.

    Unfortunately, the most banal mistake often encountered in marketing texts is the phrase that a product or service is not for everyone, but for special customers.

    On the one hand, the writer distinguishes the reader, but in practice the result is quite the opposite.

    You never need to share people, everything should be accessible to everyone.

    If, of course, you do not specialize in the sale of medical equipment, and gowns with syringes can only be purchased by doctors.

  • The whole point of the sentence.

    No matter what you offer.

    The important thing is how you describe in the selling text what you have for the buyer.

    It is recommended to always tell all the details in full.

    If you sell tickets for seminars, share with the readers the program of the day and information about the availability of food, office supplies and the number of seats.

The universal recipe for the topic " How to write the selling text of " does not exist.

The description of each product or service needs to be approached individually.

If a particular text has shown good results of a marketing campaign, it is not a fact that it will work in another sphere.

One should always remember the main thing: the text is based on the requests of the target audience.

Home fitness trainer for weight loss is suitable for young and unmarried women, and a set of beautiful and unbreakable dishes for moms with young children.

Only by following this principle, you can succeed, increase traffic and improve sales.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 90
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