How to start a business without starting capital?

"Starting a business, if you do not have money, is stupid," 90% of ordinary citizens interviewed will tell you.

But the more advanced people who are familiar with the entrepreneurial business will not be so categorical in their conclusions, because they know: business without starting capital is not a myth, but a reality.

Yes, not every startup is possible for people who do not have capital investments, yes, they will have to work hard and search for new ways of development, but the result will be worth it if you do it right.

Business without start-up capital: advantages and disadvantages

"Business without seed capital is possible" - this idea should firmly strengthen in your head if you want to join the ranks of entrepreneurs, but do not have the money to start a start-up.

But do not idealize the process itself, because it has not only a number of advantages, but also - very serious shortcomings.

Advantages of business without seed capital

Let's imagine the situation: you decided to open a restaurant.

instagram viewer

To implement this project, you need a large amount of money( not less than $ 30,000 - and then, it's about the province, not the capital).

Let's say you find ways to make your restaurant profitable and successful, but at first you will have to work to return the capital investment, and in a year you will start earning yourself.

Without investing yourself financially from the beginning, you will not face such serious problems.

Business Ideas for Women

Do not be afraid to start a business without starting capital, because it has enough advantages:

  1. Minimizing risks: you do not invest money, which means that in case of failure, you will not lose anything.
  2. The first profit that you will receive from your business will be "clean", and will not go to the account of the return of capital investments.
  3. Without investing in money, you can afford to learn, make mistakes, take risks.
  4. Spheres that do not require initial investment are plenty and you can easily take your niche.
  5. Having gone all the way from a small start-up to a large project, you can really say that you created everything from scratch, and without initial capital.

Disadvantages of business without starting capital

Of course, you can not look at a business without starting capital through rose-colored glasses, considering it a panacea for all ills and a way to enrich yourself very quickly.

This is not exactly true and, having started acting, you will quickly see it.

The disadvantages of a business without seed capital are:

  1. Mainly a small profit, especially at first.
  2. The inaccessibility of many niches, for example, production on a large scale, restaurant business, commercial enterprise, etc.
  3. The need to do everything yourself: if you do not have seed capital, you can not hire employees, maximum, on whose gratuitous help you can count - friends and family.

How to start a business without starting capital: 5 steps to success

Having decided to open your business without starting capital, you must conduct thorough preparatory work.

The more time and effort you give to the preparatory phase, the faster you will be able to get involved in the work, the fewer mistakes you will make in the process of activity.

And you will be able to reduce to naught the unpleasant surprises with which, to a greater or lesser extent, every novice entrepreneur.

It's important to do these 5 steps in time if you decided to start a business without starting capital:

  1. Select the appropriate scope for the activity.

    First, it must be perspective and profitable, and secondly, interesting and close to you.

    To deal with something boring and incomprehensible, even if theoretically it can bring a good profit, it is not worth it.

  2. Examine the market you are going to enter.

    Before starting a start-up, you must become theoretically savvy in your chosen field of activity.

    And it's not superfluous to study competitors to form their competitive advantages.

  3. Write a business plan.

    Yes, you do not have seed capital, so your business plan will not contain specific calculations, but you can describe in your business plan:

    • stages of project implementation with deadlines;
    • competitive advantages;
    • development path;
    • advertising moves, etc.
  4. Conduct a preliminary advertising campaign.

    You do not have the money, so such promotional tools as the media, banners, flyers and the like are not available to you.

    But you can advertise yourself in social networks, in city forums, and also - connect a word of mouth.

  5. Move aside all the critics and pessimists. Of course, among your friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances will be those who will begin to harass: "Well, why did you, the fool, get into business, if you do not have money?", "Find yourself a better job, do not suffernonsense. "

    Do not listen to them!

    Better yet, do not talk( even for a while) with those who do not let you develop.

How to start your business without starting capital, if you start a start-up without money you can not?

Let's say you have considered all the business ideas that you can implement without starting capital, but none of them has come up to you.

It happens, and it's not worth to get frustrated ahead of time.

Take on the implementation of an idea for which you need capital investments( it is better not to consider options with large initial capital), just think about where you could take money.

To start your business, if you do not have seed capital, you can:

  1. Bringing your partner to business.

    Of course, you really want all the profits to fall into your pocket, but if you do not have your money, but there is only a good idea, it makes sense to involve a partner who will sponsor your project.

    When you stand firmly on your feet, you can redeem his share in the business.

    Tip: even if your partner is a close friend or relative, legally formalize your relationship, because usually friendship, love and family ties do not stand the test of money.

  2. Including austerity mode for at least a year.

    Cut your costs exactly in half, look for sources of additional income, and save all the saved money for future business.

    In a year you will have the initial capital to start the startup.

    Amount of earnings per month( USD) Amount you postpone on a monthly basis( USD) No. of months in austerity mode Start-up capital amount
    700 $ 300 $ 12 3,600 $
  3. Revise your assets.

    Think about what you could sell out of your property to get money to start a startup.

    I once told you the story of a friend who sold the apartment, which he inherited from his grandmother, bought a small private house with a large plot of land and for the rest of the sum he built a car wash and tire fitting.

    He did not want to do business without seed money, so he came up with a way to get money without getting into debt.

5 business ideas without seed capital

Business ideas that do not require seed capital exist.

And there are a lot of them and, having studied this issue, you will see this.

I bring to your attention some of the simplest in implementation, but promising and interesting business ideas.

# 1: Advice to

This is the most simple path for businessmen if you do not have seed capital.

Think about what topic you know so well to advise other people: jurisprudence, finance, accounting, fashion and style, construction, maintenance, healthy eating, etc.

It can be anything you like, the main thing is that your knowledge is in demand among the population.

To open a consulting company in the real world is too expensive, because you will have to rent an office, furnish it, hire a secretary, spend money on advertising, etc.

It is better to advise people or at home, or - online.

For this, it is not necessary to create your own website( this is also not an expensive pleasure, by the way).

You can work, for example, through social networks.

The only difficulty in such a business without starting capital is mutual trust: you will be afraid that the person whom you advise, deceive and do not pay, your client will become afraid that you are a charlatan.

This problem can be solved if you take care of your reputation from the first day of work.

If your reputation is irreproachable, then customers will not be afraid to pay your services in advance.

# 2:

online store If you have a familiar programmer or know your computer well, you can easily create a website for an online store.

If you have neither acquaintances nor opportunities, you can sell things through social networks or online auctions, such as OLX or Ebay.

If in doubt, it will work for you or not, you can start by selling your new or used things.

So you will understand the basics of this business, study the work of sites, set up logistics, etc.

And then you can enter into contracts with manufacturers to sell their clothes, shoes, household chemicals, ornaments, etc.

If you manage to turn around, then you will have capital, through which you expand your business, hire assistants, for example, call center operators and couriers.

# 3: Educational services

To do this business without starting capital, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education, you just need to do something so well to teach others.

It can be English, etiquette, the basics of blogging, photography, dancing, extreme driving, hairdressing, make-up, creating handmade crafts and much more.

You can teach lessons right at home, because you do not have an initial investment for renting an office.

And you can, for example, agree with the direction of a school that you are conducting a circle with children, and you will be allowed to enter the classroom or the assembly hall in the evenings, so that you can conduct paid lessons there.

Another business option in this sector is a mini-garden at home.

Your children will be children of parents who can not or do not want to give their child to the state kindergarten.

You can negotiate with the parents that the kids will bring toys and lunches from home, so you do not have to waste money on anything.

Of course, a lot of money this business will not bring, but it's better than nothing.

№4: Business on the Internet

Generally the most real and profitable business on the Internet is the creation and maintenance of your own website, but in order to realize this project, you need capital investments.

If you do not have seed capital, then you can also do other business:

  1. Create sites for order.
  2. Open the studio to retouch photos, make collages, avatars, original cards, etc.
  3. Write texts for websites( full of work on the exchanges Etxt, Advego, and others), and when you earn the first money, you will be able not only to write texts independently, but also to be engaged in resale.
  4. Conduct a rating blog and earn on advertising.
  5. Organize a photo shop to sell original photos, etc.

# 5: Cleaning and repair of

This business, although it does not require seed capital, is quite difficult, since you will have to work physically.

Not every person is able to do this, and besides, one needs to understand something in the repair business, in electrical work, etc.

3 business ideas without starting capital:

  1. Cleaning.

    You arm yourself with detergents, mop, brushes, rags, rubber gloves and start cleaning apartments.

    Complete cleaning of a two-room apartment in a small city will cost at least $ 25.

    In large cities, prices are much higher.

    10 cleaning a month - 250 dollars.

    In my opinion, not bad as for a business that did not require seed capital.

  2. Husband for an hour.

    Very popular business today without starting capital, so if you are a jack of all trades and have any tool, you can organize such a business.

    You will have to repair the cranes, locks, make cosmetic repairs, change the sockets, etc.

    Good demanded specialists have from 300 dollars of income per month.

  3. Repair brigade.

    You and your friend are builders.

    Why do you need to work on construction sites for a small payment, if you can build private houses and do repairs in offices and apartments, earn 3-4 times more?

    It is possible that gradually you will be able to open a construction company.

The video below contains business ideas that can be implemented by

at home and without attachments:

Business without seed capital: the story of the real success of

One of my acquaintances gets along very well with animals.

He had dogs all his life, he could easily train them and even help his friends with their pets, but he did not think about seriously dealing with training, because he worked in a bank, and it seemed like there was no sense in changing the profession.

Several years ago the bank where Dima worked was closed.

He could not find a new job for a while, and did not really try to do it, because he considered his profession to be boring.

The acquaintance thought that he was able to do well, and easily found the answer: getting along with animals.

Dima decided to start a business without starting capital, associated with training and walking dogs.

First, he sought customers among his own and through social networks.

Then the word-of-mouth worked, and customers began to find it themselves.

A year later Dima decided to expand the scope of his activities and organized a mini-hotel for his dogs and cats in his private home, whose owners are away.

My friend did not have to invest a single penny to start a business.

But now he has the opportunity not only to do what he likes, but also to earn more than $ 1,000 a month, and for a small regional center, in which he lives, that's not bad money.

You can also start business without starting capital , if you find an interesting field of activity for you to implement.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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