How to become a professional photographer: 10 recommendations

Many are inclined to underestimate the work of the photographer, they say, you will think that there is such a complicated one, bought yourself professional equipment and start clicking what you see.

But the professionalism of a photographer depends not so much on what he shoots, how much on how he shoots.

Give an ordinary person a doroguschy camera and give a specialist phone with a camera - the last pictures will be much better.

If you think how to become a photographer ( and not just yourself an amateur, but a real professional), then prepare for a long and difficult journey, which, however, can lead to big money and recognition, as well as the acquisition of an interesting creative profession.

How to become a photographer: the pros and cons of this profession

Even at the stage of origin of the idea "Why should not I become a photographer" you should understand that the photographer is a profession.

Not a hobby, not a passing fad, not a hack for a weekend, and the profession is complex and serious.

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And of course it, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the photographer

If you decide to become a photographer, you can take advantage of this profession:

  1. Good earnings, of course, provided that you become a sought-after specialist.
  2. This is a creative and interesting profession without boredom and routine( even the processing of photos, which is so unloved by many photographers, with the right approach can become fascinating).
  3. Free schedule - even those professional photographers that work, for example, on a magazine or model agency, have more freedom than office workers.
  4. Ability to self-develop and grow.
  5. Glory that comes to the most professional and popular photographers.

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Drawbacks of the photographer

The well-known Russian photographer Yevgenia Korneva advises her novice colleagues not to romanticize the profession of a professional photographer.

This is a hard work, in which creativity and routine are firmly connected.

Indeed, the profession of the photographer has not only advantages but also disadvantages:

  1. Instability of earnings, for example, this month you had 5 wedding photosessions and earned 50,000 rubles, and in the next - only one.
  2. This is quite a complicated work with a lot of nuances, which every person can not master.
  3. Stresses that will have to be experienced both during shooting and in the process of communicating with harmful dissatisfied customers.

3 ways to become a professional photographer

One camera, even the most expensive, is not enough to become a professional photographer.

You must learn this skill.

You can do this in three ways: by obtaining a special education, assisting some venerable photographer, improving your own photographic experience on your own.

Step 1. Special education

You can become a photographer with a special education:

  1. At the Kiev National University, the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, the Academy of Photography( branches of this educational institution exist in different cities of Russia and Ukraine), etc.
  2. In courses, for example, in Kiev there are Fotoаз, "School of Photography", "Photomaster", in Moscow - PHOTOPLAY, Higher school of photography, FineArt, etc.
    Actually, in every city, even a small one, you can find courses on photography.
  3. On the master classes.
    Follow the ads( on the same photo forums, for example) and you will not miss good master classes that will help you become a photographer.

Step 2. Assistant wizard

We have a similar way of understanding photomasters is not too practiced, but in the US - this is normal when a professional photographer takes an assistant, and then just a few.

They, in turn, do not just work for him, but also study at the same time.

If you live in Russia or Ukraine, you can try this way.

Send out a few letters to those photographers you want to learn from, by attaching a few of your successful photos.

It is possible that someone will respond to your call.

Step 3. Self-education

If you decided to become a professional photographer, following the path of self-education, you will be helped by:

  1. Special literature:

    • S. Pozharsky "Photomaster",
    • M. Geiler "Fundamentals of composition and artistic shooting",
    • A. Lapin"Photo as. ..",
    • M. Freeman "The Photographer's View",
    • P. Kosenko "The Living Digit", etc.

    On this site you can find a lot of free specialized literature on photography: http: // all-books /.

  2. A video tutorial.

    Sufficient information can be found on the websites:

    • http: // videouroki-po-fotografii /,
    • /other/fotosemka/,
    • and on YouTube suitablerollers full-full.
  3. Photographers' Communities and Forums:

    • https: // foto_critics,
    • http: //,
    • http: //,
    • http: // and others.
  4. Exhibitions.

    Keep track of which exhibitions of art photography take place in the museums and galleries of your city, and try not to miss any of them.

    And also the Internet gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of good photographers on their personal sites.

  5. Photography.

    Take a camera and practice daily.

How to become a professional photographer: the components of success in the specialty

You can long spread that a professional photographer should have many qualities, be able to see the frame not only through the lens, but without it, but you can not become a photographer without equipment, knowledge of special programs and clients, thanks to which you will earn.

1. Hardware

Professional photo equipment is worth a lot of money.

If you do not have the money to buy it, you can rent it.

First of all, you need a high-quality digital camera, for example, CANON EOS 650D, NIKON D5200 or SONY A5000.

The prices for new models start from 800 dollars.

You can search for a professional camera already in use.

The price for it will be lower by 30 - 50% depending on the state of technology.

Find quite decent second-hand models can be on the sites:

  • https: // foto-video / tsifrovye-fotoapparaty /,
  • http: // and others.

You also need a powerful computer or laptop that would allow you to store many photos in the archive and pull the programs you need.

Professional camera + laptop + photo bag can be purchased for 1,000 - 3,000 dollars depending on their condition.

Condition of the machine Price of the laptop
( in dollars)
Price of the camera
( in dollars)
Total sum
( in dollars)
New 900 $ 1 500 $ 2 400 $
Used 400 $ $ 1,000 $ 1,400

In principle, nothing more is needed for a beginner photographer.

It is not necessary to type a lot of different things( illuminators, reflectors, different flashes, lenses, etc.).

Start small, understand if you can become a photographer or you better choose a different profession, and gradually acquire what is missing.

2. Knowledge of graphic programs

If you are seriously studying the question of how to become a professional photographer, you should remember that without knowledge of graphics programs in this matter is indispensable.

Start at least with Photoshop.

There are online programs, for example, on this site: http: //, but it's better to download the program on your computer.

If you are not familiar with this program, then a lot of information can be found on the site /lessons/.

Here is full of articles, lessons, tips on photography and much more.

Once your business is better and you have a decent client base, you can hire a professional retoucher who would do all the routine work for you.

As you understand, your profit in this case will decrease.

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3. Clients

A free artist who deals with photography only in the name of art, not earnings, you can be when you have the main place of work with a stable salary.

But keep in mind that in the eyes of other photographers you will remain an amateur, not a professional.

If you are a pro, then your photo activity should bring you money.

Clients a professional photographer can search:

  • through advertising in the media;
  • through announcement on forums and in social networks;
  • directly offering its services to agencies, publications, couples that are going to get married, etc.

In this case, everything depends on what kind of photo specialization you chose.

Some professionals, for example, photojournalists do not remain in freelancing, but enter the staff of a newspaper or magazine.

Wedding photographers can also do the same, cooperating with a specific wedding preparation agency.

How to become a wedding photographer with a large client base?

In the environment of photographers there is a fierce competition: the staff of the fashion industry contemptuously look at photojournalists, military photocorps consider "rear useless rats" of those who take pictures of art landscapes, etc.

But all these categories are ready to unite against wedding photographers - they really stand in this caste system at the lowest level.

If you decide to become a wedding photographer, spit on such opinions and try to achieve maximum heights in your profession.

Your photo specialization has many advantages over others:

  • has good earnings;
  • security;
  • freedom of choice( you do not have a boss, you decide with whom to work, and with whom - no);
  • unlimited opportunities for improvement;
  • low level of competition( really good specialists in this sector once or twice - and obchelsya);
  • is fueled by the emotions of love and joys that prevail at weddings;
  • part-time( wedding photographers work 1-3 days a week);
  • helps newlyweds - thanks to you they get beautiful photos for memory, etc.

You can become a wedding by following these tips:

  1. Buy professional equipment.
  2. Learn enough programs to retouch wedding photos.
  3. Create a portfolio that will help you assess your level of excellence.
  4. Advertise your services and photos in every possible way: social networks, own website, word of mouth, business cards, etc.
  5. Do not inflate prices, especially at the initial stage of your career.
  6. Listen to your customers, do not be guided only by your opinion when creating a wedding album.
  7. Come up individually to each pair: someone loves wedding classics, and someone give creative - you can not all row one size fits all.
  8. Always look for new ideas - only so you can be one step ahead of your competitors.
  9. Do not mess around: neither in the process of wedding photography, nor at the stage of processing photos.
  10. Be proud of what you do.

    One of my friends photojournalists gave an announcement on the social networks about work by a wedding photographer with a hashtag # lived.

    Despite the fact that he makes really wonderful photos, I immediately had an unpleasant feeling that they do me a favor.

    I certainly would not have asked to photograph my wedding with such an attitude.

The most common mistakes novice photographers detailed in the video:

5 tips for those who want to become a professional photographer

Become a professional photographer can a man that has a good vision of the frame, a subtle artistic taste, hardworking, ready to constantly learn.

If you are such a person, then nothing will prevent you from becoming a photographer.

If you really want to become a professional photographer, you probably will find useful tips:

  1. Decide what kind of photographer you want to become : wedding, military, photojournalist, master of art photography of nature, that works in fashion industry, etc.

    No need to be sprayed at all and at once - there's no sense out of it.

  2. Do not be afraid to learn from other photographers.

    Very often beginners make the same mistake: they are afraid to borrow ideas from eminent colleagues, fearing suspicions of plagiarism.

    But after all, in this business, everyone copies each other until they find their way.

  3. The main thing is that the result of your work is satisfied with the customer, not you.

    It does not matter what you shoot - weddings, nature, models or something else, you should focus on the tastes and wishes of the customer, and not be clever: "I'm an expert, I know better how to."

    It is necessary to become a star of a global scale to afford such a thing.

  4. Value your reputation.

    The most effective advertising of professional photographer services is word of mouth.

    A satisfied customer will surely recommend you to his friends, acquaintances, colleagues, while several dissatisfied customers can ruin your career.

  5. Never give up.

    In our century, when any youngster can be in the hands of a doroguschy camera gifted by parents, when every young lady with an iPhone imagines herself a photographer, professionals often want to spit on everything.

    You can not do this!

    Uyunye will pass, and my favorite work will remain.

  6. Promote yourself in all possible ways : participate in contests and exhibitions, send your pictures to newspapers and magazines, go as an expert on TV, advertise your robots, etc.
  7. Do not allow megalomania to overwhelm you.

    Some photographers, having achieved some kind of recognition and earnings, begin to think of themselves as geniuses of modernity and look down on everyone.

    When my friends got married, they had a conversation with such a narcissist.

    He enraged them yet at the interview, but they, impressed by the positive reviews and beautiful works, nevertheless decided to hire him for their wedding.

    This wedding photographer spoiled such a happy day: he behaved like a terrorist, constantly demanded something, swept aside their proposals, shouted, if the young did not take a pose in a second, he treated the guests, demanding the execution of their orders.

    The frenzied friends, have glorified it on every possible forums and communities, and when they were joined by several more dissatisfied newlyweds, the work of this mountain-photographer was diminished, as well as the Ponte.

Do not be afraid to dream about how becomes a photographer .

You are quite able to achieve success in this interesting and creative profession.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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