How to strengthen teeth, enamel and gums: folk and professional remedies

Thanks to a healthy enamel, teeth can rub soft or dense food to the paste state, or even crack a nut - in case of a threat to life, a person can even gnaw teeth with a cable in a thick lead braid. And it's been noticed for a long time that when a blow hits the teeth, the saber is dull.

All this speaks for high strength and durability of tooth enamel - the hardest body tissue, in strength comparable to steel.

But even such a stronghold has enemies. And, although they are not as quick and straightforward as the blade of a blade, they manage to do an almost impossible thing - complete destruction of the tooth to its very base, to the gum.


  • Drop stone sharpen
  • As usual
  • Strengthening means stopping destroying
  • What should I eat for fortress teeth and enamel
    • About some special products
  • How to help yourself
  • Do not forget to rinse your mouth
  • Other hygiene products
  • Professional techniques for enamel strengtheningteeth
  • Important factors
  • Summarizing said
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Drop stone sharpen

Germs have the ability for years( dozens of years) to operate in the oral cavity, producing sskritThe term teeth without the use of dynamite and master keys. On the principle of "a drop of stone sharpens."

Only in the role of a stone is the teeth protruding here, in the role of the acid, which is acidifying them, are contained not only in acidic food, but in any food in general.

A few hours after eating, the food remains stuck between the teeth begin to produce other acids - putrefactive. They are no less destructive than food acids, besides, the weakest and most vulnerable are affected.

With the passage of time, the necks of the teeth are exposed, where, unlike the crown part of the tooth, the thickness of the enamel layer is much smaller.

As usual,

Although the acids are different in composition and act on the tooth, they are always the same: reacting chemically with enamel substances, they destroy it. Everything does not happen quickly.

First, a spot of tarnished enamel appears on the tooth surface( called tooth decay at the spot stage).Gradually, the bottom of the spot descends ( plunges) below the surface of the tooth surface and forms a small depression-fossa. The deeper and wider it becomes, the more difficult it is to remove the food that has got into it, the effect of acids on the tooth becomes point and narrow.

And now the small pit becomes a deep hollow. This means that the enamel is acid-edicated throughout the thickness of its layer. And below the enamel lies dentin - a layer of fabric much softer and collapsing at times faster than enamel.

And the diameter of the rapidly expanding cavity in it is many times greater than the "entrance" hole in the enamel.

Since the destruction of enamel for a long time is painless and takes months and years, then the patient usually does not hurry to visit the dentist. The process ends with either a tooth loss, or a long and costly treatment.

Strengthening means stopping to destroy

Despite the fact that acids act in the mouth all day and throughout the life of a person, time does not necessarily work only for them. On the health of the teeth it is able to work too. Because enamel - it's not just a tight jacket on the tooth.

Since teeth are nothing more than a skin that has evolved in the course of evolution, their structure is similar to the structure of the skin. The tooth is a multilayered layer consisting of flat cells, a cover cloth protecting the gums.

The enamel is similar to the epidermis - the uppermost layer of the skin, which undergoes sloughing and replacement during wear. Therefore, like the epidermis of the skin, enamel is an expendable material of the body.

Enamel is not a dead mineral that undergoes irreversible abrasion. Enamel - a living tissue, its cells succumb to both conservation and salvation, and the tissue itself - to strengthen.

And the first answer to the question: how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth?- it sounds like this: stop destroying it!

Instead of eating, to continue to keep the taste in the mouth of the absorbed, with a sad sadness remembering what was eaten, you should immediately put the mouth and teeth in the proper order.

For this you need not only to clean the spaces between the teeth, but also to walk on their surfaces with a toothbrush, if this procedure is required for their complete purity.

Not doing this as long and carefully as before going to bed, it is still worth cleaning fairly and methodically.

Will the enamel damage such cleaning? Much more harmful for her thin plaque from food acids and bacteria that multiply in them. And the effect of a soft toothbrush is to forgive the enamel, because this fabric is quite strong.

What should be eaten for the strength of teeth and enamel

As the state of the teeth is largely dependent on the condition of the gums, the measures to strengthen the health of these jaw structures, with which the teeth make up a complex working in a single algorithm, are equally important.

Gums weak, bleeding, in which the teeth begin to swing noticeably, gaining unnatural mobility, are an indication that the circulation in them is insufficient. Accordingly, the blood supply of dental tissues( and enamel, including) is insufficient.

Abuse of ready-made food: boiled, fried, baked, soft enough and does not require much effort for chewing, leads to the fact that blood circulation in the jaws and gums becomes insufficiently intense, sluggish.

And here what products are useful for the health of gums, enamel and teeth in general:

  • raw food ( vegetables, fruits, root vegetables: carrots, turnips, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • whole meat ( not processed to the state of minced meat);
  • products containing whole grains, nuts and seeds .

Eating such foods results in a natural massage effect from chewing food for both teeth and gums, and strengthening the tissues due to increased circulation in them.

To a favorable result leads to eating food grown in the vegetable garden and spices: onion, garlic, mustard, radish, horseradish.

Their not only tanning, but also the disinfecting effect is confirmed by centuries of application in folk medicine, because the infection in the mouth also contributes to the acidity of its environment.

The use of wild herbs and other medicinal raw materials with the action of tanning and strengthening( condensing) gums, reducing their bleeding and atrophy, is also a vital therapeutic and preventive measure.

About some special products of

The champion of harm to the teeth is, of course, sugar, a substance that contributes to the creation of an acidic environment in the oral cavity and the basis of the life of bacteria that loosen the gums. Therefore, its use should be reduced to the necessary minimum.

To strengthen the teeth at home, you can eat the following foods:

  1. Do not allow excessive acid content in the mouth to allow eating several pieces of hard cheese , which recommends to finish the meal instead of traditional dessert. In addition, the cheese is rich in phosphorus and calcium, necessary for tooth enamel.
  2. To effectively clean the surface of the teeth from microbial-acid plaque allow the seeds of sesame seeds and chewing stalks of ( which can be successfully replaced by raw carrots) added to the food .

How to help yourself

Among other measures taken to clean teeth from microbial-acid plaque, you can also consider justified use of such an oral hygiene product as sugar-free chewing gum with acid neutralizers( ideal gum containing clove oil or oiltea tree).

Efficient substitution of chewing gum for daily use is capable of a small piece of bee glue propolis.

Or it is possible to prepare independently chewing balls prepared from 100 g of wax melted on a "water bath" and 50 g of honey with addition of 3 drops of essential oil of peppermint and 10 drops of lemon juice.

And as a rinse for the night you can use sea salt, 1 tsp.which is diluted in 1 tbsp.warm water.

Do not forget to rinse the mouth with

No less important for strengthening the enamel of the teeth is knowing the answer to the question than rinsing the mouth cleaned after eating.

If conditions are not allowed, you can do this by using plain water. But it is best to rinse your mouth with a slightly alkaline solution: soda, herb collection or dental elixir.

The substances contained in these collections have acts of disinfectant, tanning, intensifying blood circulation in the gums and improving the nutrition of the dental tissues.

Tooth elixirs, in addition to the above described actions, also contain a unique trace element composition directly affecting the state of enamel cells and their health.

Other hygiene products

In addition to tooth elixirs and dentifrices, the medical industry proposes to strengthen teeth and enamel with remineralizing gel R.O.C.S.Medical Minerals.

The agent serves as a supplier of magnesium and calcium compounds( as well as phosphorus, without which calcium absorption is difficult) in the most bioavailable form.

Being the basis of xylitol composition, suppressing the reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity, promotes more effective remineralization of tooth enamel.

Composition does not contain fluorine in its composition, therefore it does not pose a hazard in case of accidental ingestion, and, therefore, may be recommended for use by children.

In addition to removing the excessive sensitivity of teeth and returning it to shine, the gel restores( brightens) the color of the tooth enamel, and is also a powerful means of preventing caries at the initial stage( spot stage).

The tooth is applied with a toothbrush( after thorough pre-cleaning), the gel forms a long-lasting invisible coating on the tooth surface, which protects the enamel from aggressive chemicals.

The mineral components of the formulation are absorbed by the enamel cells slowly and completely as a result.

Application of remineralizing gels to strengthen teeth, gums and tooth enamel ROCS Medical Minerals at home:

Professional techniques for strengthening the enamel of teeth

Fluorination( simple or deep) and enamel implantation used in dental clinics is a highly effective measure of preserving the protective tissue of teeth.

In the first case, the clinic covers the surface of the teeth with a fluorine-containing composition penetrating the enamel and preserving it from the penetration of aggressive agents. The disadvantage of the technique is the risk of poisonous fluoride compounds entering the mucous membranes and the respiratory system, which can lead to complications.

In the second case, the surface of the teeth is covered with a special composition, close in properties to the tooth enamel, which is embedded in the molecular structure of the enamel natural.

Important factors

In addition to the chemical factors of destruction of enamel - and teeth in general - it is impossible not to mention two other, equally important. This effect:

  • mechanical;
  • temperature.

The first relates to the habit of gnawing solid foods( lollipops, nuts), to the second - eating too hot food after being too cold, and - vice versa( coffee with ice cream).From this impact on the teeth in the enamel there are microcracks. Over time, their network becomes so thick that it leads to tooth damage.

Equivalent by the result is the habit of grasping the teeth used in the work of small metal objects( nails, needles, pins).

Summarizing said

To keep your teeth healthy and to strengthen the enamel, there are many quite effective ways and methods.

To increase this indicator of the strength of the general health of the body can and should be, starting with the formation of the right life skills and rational nutrition from childhood and ending with the application of the newest means of protecting the teeth from their premature destruction.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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