8 basic sales techniques

There are many people working in the sphere of trade today, which is not surprising, because it has long been a fairly simple and reliable way to earn money.

Unfortunately, very many of the modern sellers, managers, advertising agents and representatives of other trades do not know basic sales techniques and do not know how to arrange for a client.

Work in the style of "A and so will come down. .." only irritates the potential buyer, puts in a stupid position the very grief-seller and certainly does not improve his financial position, because the reputed percentage of the fee from zero equals zero.

Sales techniques that every professional of his business knows

The guy of my girlfriend, Sasha, has been working in sales for 7 years now and earns excellent money.

While preparing this article for you, I decided to find out the secrets of his success and ask him to tell what sales techniques help him personally.

Sasha did not deny me, but warned that there is no universal recipe for all managers.

instagram viewer

There are only general recommendations, and everyone already develops his technique and follows his rules.

Sasha decided to start a lecture with a portrait of the ideal seller.

He believes that some people just do not need to deal with sales.

Well, it's not their business.


  • your vocabulary is slightly larger than that of Ellochka the ogre;
  • you are afraid of people more than spiders, heights and ghosts combined;
  • you never knew how to find contact with strangers;
  • you have some repulsive physical defects( no matter how cruel it may sound);
  • from you stinks then for a kilometer or bacon from your hair dripping onto the floor;
  • you do not know how to like people;
  • you do not even know the tablet of multiplication and can hardly read by syllables;
  • you are ready to rush into a fight from one rude word to your address;
  • any failure for you - the reason to step aside to cry;
  • , you consider it humiliating to offer old aunts panties or to pester someone with requests to buy slate, etc.,

then you better do something else.

How to sell: 10 brilliant moves

An excellent manager is simply obliged:

  • to have a suspended language;
  • to be attractive in appearance and pleasant in communication;
  • to love their work;
  • have such qualities as stress resistance, sociability, perseverance( within reasonable limits, of course);
  • to have at least elementary abilities to mathematics( well, at least, if only the calculator to master perfection 🙂);
  • is well versed in the goods and services that you offer the client.

The main sales techniques: 8 secrets

Each successful manager has his own tricks that he uses to vparit( well, really, it's necessary to call things by their own names) to the customer a product or services, even if they do not need him too much.

I already mentioned Sasha told me that he polished his sales techniques for several years.

  1. Place the client to yourself.

    You should not immediately attack the client who has come to you and trail without stopping, offering him services or goods.

    Give him a minute to look around, get comfortable, and then come. Be sure to say hello to the customer, do not forget to smile.

    You can make him some unobtrusive compliment or start a conversation with some etiquette phrase, about the weather, for example.

  2. Try to find out what exactly the customer came to you for.

    Do it better not with the phrase "on the forehead", such as "What do you want?" Or "What do you want?".

    I, if I hear this, almost always answer: "Nothing" and go to a store or a company with more qualified personnel.

    It's better to wait until the client tells you what he needs. For example, after greeting you say: "We have a new wonderful collection of summer shoes."

    If a lady comes for sandals, she will go to this very collection to stare.

    If for rubber boots, then she will immediately tell you about it.

  3. Learn to instantly evaluate a customer.

    This advice is relevant only to sellers, because managers who sell by phone can collect information beforehand before calling a potential buyer.

    Those who do not have such an advantage are given no more than a minute to assess who entered your store.

    If you see that a middle-aged woman is scattered headlong around, immediately rush to her aid.

    Such an insecure visitor can be persuaded to buy something.

    If you see that the lady immediately went to the bras and started looking for a specific model, then just help her find the right one, without going into the description of the advantages of the product.

    It is not superfluous to know about the characteristics of the character and distinctive features of sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Knowing who you are dealing with will be easier to work with.

  4. Do not pressure the client, but let him know that you are always ready to help.

    You have long described the benefits of your product, but the buyer does not agree to the deal, but says "I'll think" or "Not now."

    Do not convince him further or get angry for the time spent.

    Smile, thank for attention and end the conversation with the phrase: "Of course. When you decide, I'll be happy to help you "or some similar in meaning.

  5. Make sure the quality of the goods or services that you offer.

    Agree, selling quality products is much easier than some useless consumer goods.

    You can, of course, vparit client and some kind of muck, but where is the guarantee that in a few days he will not come to you, considering that the color of your eyes will perfectly emphasize the blue of the finala?

  6. Do not just talk about the benefits of the product, but demonstrate them whenever possible.

    For example, when offering a client a scarf, do not just mumble: "He is beautiful, warm. ..", and wind it around his neck, show the ways with which he can be tied, etc.

    Do not be afraid to surprise.

    Here are my parents ordered plastic windows without talking, when the manager with a swing of his foot in a rough boot banged on the glass, demonstrating its strength.

  7. Do not be afraid to offer different options.

    If you see that the customer doubts, offer him not one, but 10 different options. Surely one of them will suit him in all respects.

    In addition, he is tortured by his conscience: you tried so hard, it means that he simply has to buy something from you.

    How to increase sales?

  8. Do not let go of one purchase of gamblers.

    A young lady came to you with money and a desire to spend it.

    I bought a skirt?

    Suggest a blouse, shoes, accessories, etc. for her.

I also want to recommend one more interesting sales technique,

with which you can see by viewing this video:

Sasha shared with you his with the basic sales techniques of .

You just have to test them in practice and create your own working principles.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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