In dentistry, there are many different pathologies that discomfort to a person. One of the most common and common is the itching in the gums.
The gum is scratched not only in adults but also in children. In a child, this may be due to a slit in the teeth, but in adults this symptom can indicate a serious gum disease. It can be dry mouth, gum disease or allergies.
Contents of
- Why does the itching appear?
- Allergic reaction as a provocation agent
- Dental disturbances
- Other dental and concomitant disorders
- First aid at home
- Preventive measures
Why does it become obtrusive itching?
Everyone who is faced with this problem is interested in why the gums are itchy. If you do not find out the origins of the problem, then the treatment will not have the proper effect, since it can be picked up incorrectly.
All the factors that can become irritants are broken down into the following groups.
Allergic reaction as a provocation agent
An allergy may be caused by toothpaste, which contains an irritating component, prosthetic, braces, crowns and other dental equipment and structures.
When the itch is the toothpaste, the gum is itching to start cleaning and continues for half an hour. To fix the situation, it is enough to replace toothpaste. Probably, it will be necessary to choose a means for a long time by trial and error.
In case the case is in the dental design, it will be somewhat more complicated. Itching of the gums after insertion of the prosthesis, crown or braces can cause discomfort for the next few days.
To solve the problem you will need to replace the structure with one that will consist of another material or be completely without metal parts.
Dental disorders
Diseases of the oral cavity can also cause unbearable pruritus of the gums. Among such diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis and others.
If, in addition to the desire to scratch the gums, there is a throbbing pain, then these are the symptoms of a developing pulpitis. Also such symptoms can notify about periodontal disease.
Treatment should be performed only by a specialist, since self-medication can lead to serious consequences.
Gingivitis is quite simple to cure at home. In this case, you need to eat solid food and brush your teeth 2 times a day, not forgetting about dental floss. If the disease is not eliminated at an early stage, it can go to the next stage - periodontitis.
Periodontitis can be treated in several ways. If the disease was caused by improper hygiene or in time not cured gingivitis, then drugs are used that are placed in the dentogingival pockets. Also during the treatment all necessary preventive measures are carried out.
If you do not turn in time to a medical institution, then the disease progresses to a new stage - periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is a disease that does not respond to treatment at home, as it affects a fairly large area, dental tissues and bones.
With periodontal disease, not only therapeutic methods are practiced, but also surgical intervention. Mandatory removal of calculus takes place, drugs with anti-inflammatory action are prescribed.
In some cases, injections are given in the gum. If during this time the tooth began to stagger, then the splint is used, fixing and restoring bone tissue.
Other dental and related disorders
Causes of gingival scabies:
- Often, itching can be a consequence of fungal diseases .Quite often there is a candidiasis. The pathology of is eliminated by a complex of measures, involving the intake of special preparations, vitamins and diet compliance.
- The lack of vitamin C in the body of can cause the development of scurvy. In this case, there may be a loss of teeth and bleeding. In this case, experts prescribe drugs that include ascorbic acid, and recommend eating as much fruit and vegetables as possible.
- Itching can be a reaction to psychological stresses of : stress, neurosis and so on. In order to get rid of the pathology, it is necessary to take sedatives and, of course, to visit a psychologist. To relieve the itching during the treatment period, you can rinse the oral cavity with a soda solution or a decoction on the herbs.
- And, finally, the most common problem that causes itching is plaque or tartar .Often there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth and bleeding. The tartar can be supraspine and subgingival. Removed the problem in the dental cabin, special tools. Independently the procedure can not be carried out.
First aid at home
If the gum is unbearably itchy, and the specialist has no time or desire to handle, then you can eliminate discomfort yourself.
For this it is necessary:
- It is recommended to rinse the cavity with cool or completely cold water .At the same time, the remnants of food, , which could remain between the teeth and cause discomfort, are eliminated. In addition, this procedure will remove the edema and inflammation.
If such a symptom is a consequence of an allergic reaction, then rinsed water is well suited for filtered water. Quite often the stimulus is the component that is part of the running water. - Degradation of ice can remove all the unpleasant sensations, but only for a short time. Instead of ice, you can use frozen vegetables, fruits or berries. Frost will help moisturize the mouth, which prevents the re-occurrence of itching.
- Mouthwash with salted water .This measure allows you to ease the itch for a while. The rinse time should not be less than 2 minutes. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
- Rinse with hydrogen peroxide .For half a cup of warm water you need to use the same peroxide. Rinse time from 15 to 30 seconds, not more than 10 days.
- Gum paste will prevent the development of an infection, which in some cases may be an irritant. For cooking, mix soda with water to form a paste mixture. It will take a spoonful of soda and a couple of drops of water. Instead of water, you can use hydrogen peroxide.
- Lotions with aloe help to remove inflammation from the gum. To do this, you need to cut the sheet and attach it to the affected area. There are a lot of means that include a plant, but it's best to use fresh.
In addition to these methods of combating itching, you must also adhere to some rules. First of all, for some time it is necessary to exclude from the diet, acidic and spicy food, pepper and smoked, citrus, coffee and other drinks. It is better to limit the usual water. If completely removed from the menu does not work, then at least reduce to a minimum.
It is not recommended to smoke during the treatment period. It is recommended to eat dairy products and ice cream.
You should also avoid stressful situations. As research has shown, due to negative emotions and stress, periodontal disease can worsen. It is likely that the itch will subside, if the level of activity is significantly higher, and stressful situations are reduced to a minimum.
Preventive measures
In order to maintain the oral cavity in order and thereby prevent problems such as pruritus, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
- teeth cleaning should be done 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime;
- toothpaste, like a toothbrush, should be selected carefully, on the advice of a specialist( in this case, do not settle for a cheap option);
- several times a year must definitely visit a dentist, so you can prevent the development of many unpleasant pathologies;
- if bleeding gums, itching or other symptoms are observed, do not delay visiting a dentist.
A gingival itch can be caused for many reasons. And some of them are quite easy to treat with the help of prescriptions of folk medicine at home, others may require specialist intervention.