Example of a vacation application: 7 basic options

For each employee, vacation is a long-awaited time. No you bosses with their tasks, no blockages in the work, no annoying colleagues. In general, enjoy life, rest at your pleasure, sleep, how much it will fit.

But, to enjoy idleness officially with all payments and preserving the workplace, you need to follow the rules.

An example of a vacation application is usually provided by a human resources organization of the organization so that your document can be compiled on a ready-made sample.

If your company does not have such a specialist, then you should take care of the templates yourself.

What is a vacation and why do I need to write an application to take it?

Leave, in addition - paid by the employer, is a concept that has arisen relatively recently.

Workers of antiquity had no such bonuses.

1) Application for leave: what is it and where did it come from?

Leave is a certain number of calendar days that are given to each working person so that he can rest from his labor activity.

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The possibility of resting every working person was always available( although rarely the "vacation period" had an acceptable time frame and was paid by the state), but the term itself is relatively young.

For the first time, a modern understanding of vacation in Europe appeared at the end of the 19th century. In Russia and some other countries of the Soviet space a little later - at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The beginning of everything was laid by the revolution of 1917.It was Grandfather Lenin who signed the corresponding decree in 1918.

According to this decree, the employee who wrote the application for leave:

  • could count on rest, only having worked in one place for at least 6 months;
  • had two weeks of vacation with the preservation of its place of work;
  • received a salary in advance;
  • had no right to take money for unused vacation days;
  • was deprived of the opportunity to earn extra money in another place during the holiday period.

In 1936, the "kind" Stalin, "caring" about the welfare of the working people of the USSR, reduced the time of annual rest to just six days.

His initiative was revised only in 1970, when workers were given the opportunity to rest for 3 weeks.

Today in Russia and in most European countries, the average duration of leave is 28 calendar days, although there are times when this period increases, for example, with the employment of minors or if the specificity of the profession requires it( school teachers and other categories).

The situation in the USA is different. Since there is no single labor legislation, each state regulates itself how many specialists work, and how many - to rest.

Usually, American employees have the opportunity to rest not more than two weeks a year, although sometimes the number of vacation days increases to 24.

2) What kinds of holidays are there?

Usually, when we hear the word "vacation", we imagine that annual paid period, during which we rest from our labor activity.

But there are many types of vacations, as well as examples of applications for them:

  1. Basic.

    This is exactly the traditional vacation that is given to every officially arranged employee once a year. It can have different duration, but according to the legislation each employee is entitled to at least 28 days.

    You can write an application for taking the whole vacation at once or some part of it. For the fact that you are walking, you receive money from the employer, the so-called "vacation".The place of work for you remains.

  2. Optional.

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation( see articles 116 - 119), an additional vacation period is imposed for those citizens who perform particularly dangerous, difficult or harmful work, as well as people with irregular working hours.

    In private companies, a decision is made, extra paid vacations are paid to employees or not, the manager takes.

  3. Without content, that is - at own expense.

    Each employee can take 14 calendar days once a year in order to settle personal matters. These days are not paid, but they go to work experience.

  4. Training.

    If you get an additional education, you can ask for an exemption from work in order to pass the session. Will you be paid for this time? It all depends on the management of your company and the duration of your absence at work.

    You can receive 100% compensation for your training vacation period, and you will not get anything.

  5. Decree.

    Here it is necessary to write two applications, and simultaneously with the request for payment of benefits from the FSS.One vacation is given in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, the second - in connection with the care of the baby. Examples of applications to make everything right, it's easy to find.

Basic rules for writing a vacation application

A vacation application is an official document, so it must be formalized in accordance with the rules.

In order not to make mistakes, use the ready-made example.

There are a number of rules for issuing a vacation application:

  1. A schedule is an important point in the organization of work.

    Today, it's rare what kind of organization does it work without scheduling the main holidays. If you foresee when an employee will need to go on a decree or take several days at his own expense, it is not easy, then there are no such problems with the annual holiday period.

    Normally, a human resources manager / manager asks employees to determine at the beginning of the year who and when they want to go on vacations, or they themselves schedule so that work in the company does not suffer from the lack of too many employees in the workplace.

    You will have to stick to this schedule.

  2. The document has its own structure.

    It's not for nothing that in every sensible organization there are examples of official papers that each of the specialists can use, drawing up their application. So you can avoid mistakes in the structure and content of the document. The application for leave must contain:

  • "cap", which indicates the full name and title of the head in whose name the request is being written, and the originator of the paper;
  • the word "statement", which is written with a capital letter in the center of the sheet just below the "cap";
  • text itself( you specify how many days you want to rest, from what number you go on vacation, etc.);
  • date and signature.
  • Two forms of drafting are allowed.

    In fact, according to tradition, the application should be written by hand, so that there is no doubt about who it was. But increasingly in the company there are ready-made examples( templates), in which the employee can only enter / stamp their data.

    You can also type your own text on the computer, but the signature must be delivered by hand.

  • The last word is for the boss.

    On your application, the chief( of the whole company or only of your unit) should write "I do not mind" and certify this inscription with your signature. Only after this, an order will be drawn up and you will be able to go on vacation.

    If the date of your vacation is not agreed with the supervisor or there was an urgent need for your presence in the workplace, then your vacation period may be postponed, but no one will be able to select it.

  • Sample vacation application: different samples depending on the situation

    Most often, employees have to write an application for an annual basic leave, but it's worth it to have examples of other types of papers, because you never know which template is useful tomorrow.

    1) Example of an application for a basic leave

    There are two ways to take an annual leave at work:

    • use the legal calendar days completely in one period;
    • divide these days into two parts.

    When drawing up the schedule, you should indicate that you are going to divide your vacation period into two parts and, for example, take the first part( 14 calendar days) in June, and the second( the remaining 14 calendar days) in October.

    To create your document correctly, you can use this example:

    2) Sample vacation application without saving the contents

    It often happens that the employee does not have enough basic leave to settle his personal affairs.

    You should know that according to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, every person has 14 calendar days, which do not affect the length of service, but they will not pay you.

    If you are ready to lose part of the money, then make a statement here for such an example in the name of your boss:

    If you want, and if your boss does not object, you can take more than fourteen calendar days at your own expense.

    But you need to remember that these days will not go to you in the work experience.

    3) Sample leave application in connection with pregnancy, childbirth and baby care

    Working pregnant women have the right to maternity leave to prepare for an important step in their lives and give enough attention, time and energy to their baby.

    We are accustomed to calling any absence of a pregnant woman in the workplace a "maternity leave", but in fact this is not entirely true, because there are two types of "vacations":

    1. . Pregnancy and childbirth.

      140 calendar days, which are divided into prenatal and postnatal periods. For a woman, the workplace must be preserved. And she receives money from the state as a benefit. To quietly go to the baby, you need to write a statement, focusing on this example:

      This kind of paper can be written not only by the women who gave birth, but also those who took the baby from the orphanage.

    2. Child care.

      Such a statement is written after 140 calendar days if the young mother does not want to go to work, but wants to be next to her child in the first 3 years of his life. This holiday is not paid for by the organization, but the workplace for the born employee is usually preserved.

      Example of such text:

      Child care can be carried out not only by the mother, but also by the father, and also by grandparents. If they work officially, they can also write such a statement.

    4) Other examples of leave application

    There are other types of vacations, examples of which can be useful for you in working life:

    1. Student.

      With the consent of the chief you can easily combine work and study without sacrificing either one or the other part of your life.

    2. Academic.

      It is written by students who wish to interrupt their studies at an institute, university or other educational institution in connection with the circumstances that have arisen. When you solve all the problems, you will be able to return to school.

    3. With subsequent dismissal.

      If you decide to change your place of work, but do not want to lose your vacation for the year already worked out at the old place of work, you can write a statement on this sample.

    Unused leave can be taken as cash compensation by writing an appropriate application, but, of course, few managers agree to this, so it's better to take what is required by law, not expecting to earn more money.

    How to write a statement to get a vacation?

    There are several basic requirements for this document:

    If you have an example of vacation application, you can quickly and without errors make your document and, having reached a compromise with the boss, go to rest and gain strength before the new labor year.

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