The basic rules of filling labor books

Do not underestimate official employment.

It's still young it seems that before retirement is still very far, and how much of it, that pension - a penny, which does not live.

The main thing is not official employment, but a large salary, which will allow you to save enough money for a comfortable old age.

Logic in this, of course, is, that's only the plan does not work every time and you have to look into your workplace to scrape together the required length of service.

And then there are problems, because it was not quite right.

It is very important to know the rules for filling the work record book not only to personnel officers, for whom this duty is one of the main, but also to ordinary workers, in order to monitor the actions of employees of the recruitment agency.

What is a workbook and who invented it?

The workbook is an interesting document, which many foreigners even have no idea.

Very interesting and the history of its occurrence.

1) What is a workbook?

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The workbook is not just a piece of paper, even if it's solidly designed. This is an official paper that contains records not only about the employment of a citizen, but also a number of his personal data.

Not all countries in Europe, to say nothing of Africa or America, practice this. But many CIS states still adhere to the Soviet tradition in issuing papers on the official employment of their citizens.

Each workbook must have:

  • full name of the holder;
  • his date of birth;
  • education;
  • specialty, which he received;
  • records of each employment relationship with the contracting party.

People who have never worked anywhere and are not going to do it in the near future, such knizhentsiya is not needed.

Such an interesting official document you will need when you first apply for work( and then - only if the employment is official).

Personnel will issue a work book, make the first record and leave it at home.

To be stored in the personnel department this book will be until you change your place of work. Then you will be given it in your hands, but only for you to transfer it to the personnel department of the organization where you are going to find employment.

2) How did the rules for filling the employment record vary?

Labor books were ubiquitous in the USSR, because in the Soviet Union informal employment was not practiced. If it was, it was called shabbat on a small scale.

The first workman came up with the French back in 1749.It was in the middle of the XVIII century that French employers began to demand from workers a document that would tell about his previous place of work.

At first these papers were disposable: the new employer took the document issued by the former employer, studied it and threw it away. And then, when the employee moved from him to another position, he made the paper again.

Already in 1781 disposable pieces of paper replaced permanent labor books.

Napoleon tried to abolish similar practice in France, but they survived well until the beginning of the 20th century, spreading to other countries: Denmark, Germany, Bulgaria, the Soviet Union.

Labor legislation, including the introduction of special books for records on the employment of citizens, arose in Russia in 1919.But the innovation did not last long, because in 1923 it was abolished.

Seriously and permanently labor came to the Soviet Union only in 1939.

The rules for filling out books about the employment of citizens have been constantly changing and supplementing. Confusion arose also because of imperfect labor legislation.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, labor books remained in many post-Soviet countries, including Russia and Ukraine. The rules for filling them are regulated by a number of government laws.

In Ukraine, the labor one is still an official document, which must be filled in accordance with a number of rules. But in Russia there is a slightly different situation.

A special book for fixing employment was tried to cancel as early as the beginning of the 2000s, then - in the beginning of 2010-ies. In the end, the Duma voted the bill, according to which the labor will be abolished in early 2017 in those organizations where the staff does not exceed 15 people.

Staffing companies of large companies still need to know the rules of filling out an official document so as not to make serious mistakes.

Basic rules for filling labor books

Since the book on the employment of a citizen is an official document, there are clear rules for filling it.

Russian personnel officers should use the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003 when filling out the papers( be careful, because at the end of October 2013), this instruction was amended.

For the Ukrainian staff, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has developed Instruction No. 58, which specifies all the rules for working with the document.

1. Rules for completing information about an employee in the work record book

If your organization is the first place of work of an employee, then you will have an absolutely clean work book at your disposal, which you need to fill out with the general information about the employee.

There are several rules for filling the title page:

  1. All entries should be made in a legible handwriting.
  2. Record in the work is done in the state language( in Russia - in Russian, in Ukraine, respectively - in Ukrainian).
  3. For filling, you need to use blue, black or purple inks.
  4. Figures need only write Arabic.
  5. Blots, errors, strikethroughs, mashing, etc. - are not allowed.

There are some differences in the filling of the title page of the labor in Russia and Ukraine, which should be remembered for the personnel:

No. Data on the title of the Ukrainian work record Data on the title of the Russian work record book
1. Name
2. Date of birth of the employee
3 Date of filling in the book
4. Signature of the employee
5. Signature of the person in charge of filling the labor
6. Education
7. Profession

2. Rules for filling in information about the employee's workin the workbook

Next, proceed to entering information about the work, a form for this data - on the next page.

There are certain rules for filling this section for employees that first found a job. It is necessary to make a series of data, if any:

  • service in the army;
  • training in higher and secondary special educational institutions;
  • advanced training courses;
  • care for disabled I group, including children under 16 years.

An employee who simply changes the place of work, will come to a personnel officer with a job, where the title page is already filled, so you need to start right away with entering information about the work.

This section contains four mandatory data entry points that are the same for the labor laws of both countries:

No. Information
1. Sequence number of record
2. Date of record entry
3. Full name of the organization and position to be occupied by the employee
4. What became the basis for the entry( number and date of the order)

If an employee is transferred from one position to another within the organization, the new entry is processed in the same way as the hiring.

Do not ignore the section in which information is included about the letters, awards, promotion and other official achievements of the employee. This section is filled with this sample:

But information about disciplinary sanctions in the book is not paid. The only exception is that the labor contract with the employee is broken.

3. Rules for filling in information about the termination of an employee in the work record book

If someone leaves( it does not matter, at his own request or on the instructions of the management), you can not delay with entering this mark in the labor one, otherwise the personnel officer who did not perform his job on time willfined.

The record date of the employee's dismissal must coincide with the date of the creation of the order in this regard.

The following information is entered in the same section of the "Statement of work":

No. Information
1. Sequence number of record
2. Date of record entry
3. Reasons( with reference to the corresponding article of the law) of dismissal
4. What was the basis for the entry( number and date of the order)

According to the rules of filling the labor, the dismissal must be certified by the signatures of the specialist of the personnel department involved in the book design and the head of the organization.

The seal of the company that the employee leaves is also mandatory.

After you have made a record of the termination, the worker is given to the employee in order to transfer it to the personnel department of the organization to which he is going to work.

How to make entries in the "Work Details" section of the

work record card you will learn from this video:

Corrections or changes of data in the work record book

If changes occur in the life of a specialist( marriage, change of name, divorce, etc.), thenThis should be noted in the book about employment.

changes are made on the cover sheet in accordance with the following documents:

document name
1. passport
2. birth certificate
3. Marriage certificate
4. certificate of divorce
5. FAQ aboutchange of surname, etc.

When completing the title page of the section on changes, do not forget to provide a link to the document, according to which the text was inserted.

The recording made by the HR manager will look something like this:

As already mentioned, you should not make mistakes when filling out a workbook.

The rules say that corrected errors can bring a number of troubles to the owner of the book and the personnel officer.

The hired party may have problems in calculating the length of service, and the employee of the personnel department who made the mistake, will have to pay a fine. In some cases, you can even lose your job.

There are a number of rules according to which corrections are made:

  1. All corrections can be made either by the manager of the company where the employee is registered or by the person he authorized personally: the HR, accountant, etc.
  2. The corrected data should correspond to the text of the order, on the basis of which these corrections are made.
  3. You can not scratch out, overwrite or blur the corrector with text that was written incorrectly. Corrections, according to the rules of filling, should be made as follows:
  • serial number;
  • date when you make edits;
  • reference to erroneous records and information about new data;
  • number and the date of creation of the order, which led to the amendment.

If the responsible person made a mistake regarding the dismissal of an official or his transfer to another position, the employee may request that he give a duplicate of the book, but without an invalid text. The rules are not forbidden.

Every human resources specialist or other authorized person of must know the rules for filling out work books , because every mistake you make has to be paid from your pocket.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 58
  • 143