How to promote a YouTube channel: 10 effective ways

It's hard to imagine the world of the Internet without Youtube. This wonderful resource contains countless videos, so you can find everything here that your darling likes.

But with YouTube you can not only have fun, but also earn money and gain popularity.

Both of these will become possible, if you know, how to unleash the YouTube channel .

Simple but effective methods will help you make your YouTube channel popular with users and attractive to advertisers.

Promotion of the YouTube channel is needed by many

The world's most popular video hosting and the second largest traffic source can become a great place for spending time, not only with interest, but also with profit, and for making money.

But you can not earn anything until you understand the principles of YouTube and find ways to unwind your channel!

What is YouTube: a bit of history

In 2005, two intelligent programmers S. Chen and D. Karim and one designer C. Gurley based video hosting.

There are different versions of why these people wanted to create such a project. According to one of them, Karim could not find online clips that he would like to see.

instagram viewer

On the second - the idea originated at the same time for all three, when they, exchanging clips, found that the Internet does not have a roomy repository for them.

In any case, so as not to lead to the creation of YouTube, we are grateful to the creators for the implementation of their idea.

It's hard to believe, but at first Youtube did not enjoy much popularity among users, the fame came to it only when the creators improved their service and added the ability to comment on the posted videos.

In less than a year and a half, the number of daily views has grown to 100 million, and investors in the queue have become to invest in YouTube.

A new round of development Yutub received in late 2006, when the service bought Google, paying for it over a half billion dollars.

For 10 years, Google has made the resource even more popular, expanding the capabilities of users, for example, owners of especially promoted channels were able to earn.

A few statistics from YouTube:

  • the permanent audience of Youtube is over 1 billion people, that is, almost a third of all Internet users;
  • over the past two years, audience growth and viewing time was more than 50%, and in the future this figure will only increase;
  • , according to studies conducted in the US among young Americans( up to age 49), YouTube overtakes any of the cable channels for popularity;
  • geography of Youtube is impressive: almost 90 countries where this platform works, 76 languages ​​to which the interface is translated;
  • a modern person prefers to receive new information through video viewing rather than reading text or listening to audio, which means that YouTube has great chances for capacity building.

How can I earn money from Youtube?

As I said, on YouTube you can not only have fun, but also earn money with it.

How to do this?

Of course, through advertising. Of course, advertisers do not cooperate with everyone in a row, so to open the channel on Youtube is not enough, it still needs to be untwisted.

If you managed to untwist the channel on YouTube and acquire a large number of subscribers, then you can earn on:

  • commercials that will stream the video or are mounted in its middle;
  • contextual text advertising - a link that is placed in the description of the video;
  • sale of goods and services( that is, on your channel you advertise some goods and / or services and get money from advertisers).

How much can you earn if you promote a channel on YouTube?

Read it yourself: for 1,000 views you get $ 1, that is, the more views you have, the more money you get from advertisers.

Imagine that your channel watches 100,000 people a day, which gives you the opportunity to earn $ 100.

You have a salary of $ 3,000 per month. More views - more money!

Why do I need to promote a YouTube channel?

If you are convinced that you can make profit on Youtube and would like to try your luck with this type of earnings, then you need:

  1. Make sure that your country has an affiliate program and you can earn on advertising.

    Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and other states of the post-Soviet space are on the list.

  2. Register your channel on YouTube.

    This is easy enough: on the main page in the upper left corner you will see the inscription "My channel", click on it and register for a couple of minutes.

  3. Implement an interesting channel idea.

    Today on video hosting is accumulated such a huge number of channels that it is very difficult to come up with an idea for realization that would bring you a large number of subscribers.

    But no one says that this is impossible.

  4. Download interesting videos.

    Here you have to fulfill several conditions:

  • they must be authored;
  • does not violate the laws of your country;
  • video should be updated as often as possible( at least every other day).

  • Unleash your channel.

    This needs to be done in order for advertisers to come to you.

    If the channel is not popular with viewers, then the chances of earning a miserable.

    Please note that you need real subscribers, not bots.

  • 3 main principles how to untwist the channel on YouTube

    . How would you not like that the promotion of the channel on Youtube passed in the shortest possible time, do not rush to use illegal methods.

    Channel management, and employers themselves are watching to cooperate only with law-abiding and honest videoblogers.

    Artificial ways of promotion, scandalous video laid, provocation will add to you popularity, but unlikely to attract advertisers.

    Stick to the three basic principles of working on Youtube, so that the promotion of the channel goes smoothly:

    1. Be honest.

      This means:

      • expose to the network videos that are interesting to the viewer, not you, but do not try to bypass the law, exposing for example porn, or shot on the sly in the cinema premiere;
      • do not try to sell through the Internet some kind of muck, for example, not licensed medications - the public will accuse you of fraud and even disabling comments will not help;
      • do not resort to paid schemes of cheating views and increasing the number of subscribers - again become a fraud, only in the eyes of employers.
    2. Money in the promotion of the channel on YouTube - not the main thing.

      When you create a site, much depends not only on the fullness of the resource, but also on the appearance, the interpretive nature of your SEO, which can bring the resource to the first page in the search engine, etc.

      Alas, or fortunately, but this does not work with Youtoub. It all depends on how interesting and useful audiences you upload videos to the network.

      If you post some nonsense, then you just "zadizlyaykayut" and the number of subscribers will be significantly reduced.

    3. The interesting channel itself is engaged in its promotion.

      Remember about the materials that are called viral: they did not have time to appear on the network, as literally in a couple of days gaining millions of views.

      Your goal is to upload exactly such videos, they will help you to untwist the channel without any difficulties, and then - he will already unwind himself, you only need to download no less interesting video.

      Here's the link https: // watch? V = CbRE1CoFDck can see information about the most popular videooblogarov Russia, perhaps it will push you to some idea.

    Promotion of the channel to Youtube: 10 effective ways to

    Here are 10 effective ways that will facilitate the promotion of the channel on YouTube:

    1. Name, description and tags.

      Whatever your content is, always make up a name, make a description for it, put down tags and correctly specify the category.

      The description and the name should be unique and intriguing so that the user has an interest even before the viewing.

      And here's the description with the keywords will affect whether users will see when searching for your video or not, and how it will be accounted for in the search engine.

      If you create a competent SEO-optimized description, the promotion of the channel will take place without your help.

    2. Create a unique face for your channel.

      Think about what the main page of your channel will look like, what will be the design - everything should be different from competitors.

      It is also important to come up with a recognizable and easy to remember logo.

    3. Free advertising channel.

      Feel free to advertise your channel in every possible way.

      For example, mention it in social networks, forums, etc.

      Ask friends to do the same thing, and still be sure to post the most interesting video on your social media page.

      Such advertising will not cost you a penny, but it will help to unleash the channel.

    4. Contextual advertising.

      This way of promoting your YouTube channel is paid, but not so expensive compared to how much you can earn on advertisers when you become a popular video blogger.

      To order contextual advertising it is possible in such systems: Google Adwords, "Yandex. Direct", "Runner".

    5. The more the merrier.

      If you are going to upload one video a month, you will never be able to unleash your channel on Youtube.

      The more interesting materials you upload, the faster you get subscribers, so it's worthwhile even before you start the channel, think about whether you can fill the site with content.

    6. If you ask me right, they'll listen to you.

      My friends videobloger( not the most top, but he lacks bread and butter) noticed this trend: more likes, comments and subscribers are typing the video, in which the author directly asks for it.

      Everyone thinks: "Well, if a person asks me that I feel sorry for him."

    7. Earn popularity on others.

      See which channels are in the top on YouTube and create a video in the topic.

      For example, the one in which you will criticize the author( do not overdo it with criticism, so that you do not complain about the slander of the administration).

      Or, say, you will answer the questions raised by the author of the top video, but never revealed the topic to the end.

    8. How to become famous?

    9. Viral videos are a guarantee of fast promotion.

      If there is at least one viral video on your channel( something that picks up millions of views in a couple of days and is actively discussed), consider that you have success in your pocket.

      However, it is not so easy to create a viral material, you may have to turn to a professional for help.

    10. Be friends with top video bloggers.

      Yes, making friends with the stars of Youtube will not be so easy, but if you succeed, there are chances that the author of the top channel will mention you in one of his commercials.

      And if it does, then its subscribers will rush to you to see who you are and what you are.

      Now the main thing is not to disappoint them.

    11. Listen to the wishes of the audience.

      Be sure to read comments on your Vidyashes, answer them, thank for compliments - commentators adore when the author is open for communication.

      And listen to the opinion of your audience, for example, if almost all of you are asked to spread more master classes for the preparation of desserts, and also videos on this topic are getting the most likes, then actively work in this direction.

    We advise you to watch a video about how to free up your channel on YouTube for up to 100,000 subscribers:

    If you do not understand how to untwist the YouTube channel on your own, hire a marketer who will make sure that you become the most popular of video bloggers.

    Yes, for his services he wants money, and, the better the specialist, the more he will have to pay, but if everything turns out, then you will pay off your investments a hundredfold.

    • Mar 04, 2018
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