Working with objections in sales: rules, methods, examples

Those who work in sales know perfectly well that customers simply love to object to the questions: "Do you need something to help?", "Show this vase closer?", "Want to try on?", "Maybe you are interested in what"And others answer categorically:" No! "

What to do about it?

Just to accept?

And what about earnings?

You do not need to make peace!

You just need to understand that work with objections in sales of - one of the components of a merchant's activity.

If you know how to attract a client who likes to say "No!", You will be able to significantly increase your income.

Why do I have to work with objections in sales?

Once in the store, I accidentally heard a conversation between two saleswomen. One of the girls complained about clients who automatically say "No", "I do not want", "I'm not interested", although it is clear that they need help or the offered goods.

I then thought: "But it's true! How many times have I told sellers, "No, thank you" to the question: "Do you need help?" Although she stood for 5 minutes, considering, for example, a skirt and intending to try it on anyway? "

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Why does this happen?

Why sellers constantly have to work with our objections in sales?

Working with objections or reasons why the client says "No!"

I believe that anyone who works in sales needs as much knowledge about psychology as possible.

If you learn to understand your customers, work with objections will be easy, and the profit, received from successful transactions, will please.

The main reasons for dealing with objections in sales:

  1. Psychological protection.

    Many buyers see sellers as such predators, whose goal is to shake out as much money as possible from a trusting client.

    What is the easiest way to protect yourself? Immediately say "No".

  2. Unsuccessful experience.

    Let's be fair: far all sellers of goods and services are professionals of their business.

    Often you have to deal with an obsessive, unprofessional, tedious manner of service.

    Having received one such experience, I do not want to repeat it.

  3. Bad reviews.

    In trade, reputation is the foundation of fundamentals.

    If at least a couple of customers express negative feelings about you, selling their goods and services will become much more difficult, and work with objections will become the main activity.

  4. Internal fears.

    It can be anything: fear of being deceived, overpaying, making the wrong choice, etc.

    It's very difficult to fight against this, but if you understand what the consumer is afraid of, you can overcome his objection.

Types of objections in sales

Is it always possible to cope with objections in sales?

No, not always.

Sometimes, long work with the client does not bring the desired result.

Why does this happen?

Yes, because you did not understand the reasons for the client's failure, nor in the type of his objection.

If you understand what prompts the client to deny you and how strong his position, you can immediately weed out hopeless customers and focus only on promising projects.

Objection types:

  1. "I said without thinking. ..".

    Saying "No!" Is much easier than saying "Yes!".

    The client to whom you offered something just blared the first thing that occurred to him.

    Try again to repeat your proposal, and for sure the answer will be positive.

  2. "I objected to the habit, but I doubt it."

    The most promising type of customers.

    Your task is to dispel all doubts of the consumer and convince him that the goods / services that you offer are the best that is available on the market.

  3. 8 basic sales techniques

  4. "I like and do not mind, but I do not like. ..".

    Here it is important to find out what exactly does not suit the consumer( price, quality, color, shape, size, delivery conditions, etc.), and put forward a counter offer.

    If you find a reasonable compromise, then make a deal.

  5. "Maybe, but not now. ..".

    Here the client seems to have not refused, but at the same time he did not agree to the deal.

    Most likely, he has good reasons: lack of money, time, the desire to consider other options, etc.

    You can sell goods / services if you make the most favorable impression from all implementers.

  6. "No - it means no!".

    Hopeless for the seller type of objection.

    The customer does not really need the goods and services that you offer.

    The decision is made conscious, so all attempts to change the mind are a waste of time.

7 rules of dealing with objections in sales of

Each manager for years of work forms his own rules for working with clients, especially - with difficult and uncompromising.

Gradually, you will understand how best to act in this or that situation, how to deal with the objections of the consumer who needs to sell the product or service.

P.S.If you are at the initial stage of a professional path, then you will need the help of more experienced colleagues.

  1. The buyer is not your rival, it is your partner.

    When you were in the role of a consumer, you never had a feeling that the seller sees you as an enemy, who must be defeated without fail?

    I have faced this behavior more than once and believe me, it's very annoying.

    I want to refuse, even if initially was interested in goods or services.

    If you encounter objections, you do not need to get a saber and try to tear off the head to a careless buyer, do not press it.

    Refer to him as a partner who did not understand something, and you need to calmly explain everything to him.

    Phone Sales Scripts: Rules and Examples

  2. Prepare for each of your sales, then there will be less objections.

    This is especially true not for store sellers, but for sales agents, for example.

    Before you go with your proposal to the office to the buyer, find out about him and about the needs of the company as much as possible.

    So it will be much easier for you to sign a contract.

  3. Make emotional contact with the buyer.

    First, you should like all your customers, even those that are not too cute.

    Secondly, you should absolutely like them.

    The sooner you establish emotional contact with the other person, the easier it will be to make a deal with him.

  4. Do not argue with the client, but convince him.

    I think there is no need to clarify the difference between a dispute and a belief in sales.

    Speak calmly and gently.

    Do not be nervous and do not raise your voice to the buyer.

    And, of course, do not be rude to him, even if he is rude to you.

  5. Catch the essence of the objection.

    You should understand well: the buyer's objections are just excuses, or he calls the truthful reason for his refusal.

    If you caught the interlocutor for excuses, find out what is behind them and what is the real reason for not wanting to make a deal.

    Eliminate it - make money.

  6. Be as convincing as possible.

    The doubting, stumbling, nervous seller has little chance of success in work.

    You must be calm, polite, collected and persuasive.

    And yet - believe in what you say.

  7. Do not fold before difficulties.

    You heard "No!", Immediately upset and hurried to retire?

    Then it's better to you to tie up with sales and do something else.

    A good implementer is not afraid of working with objections.

Working with objections in sales: 7 ways to get a client "Yes!"

Are there ways to overcome the objections of the consumer and achieve from him the desired? Of course there is!

Many sales managers have learned in a matter of minutes, having analyzed the client's refusal, to find a way to get his consent.

Do you want to become the same master at your job? Then use one of the suggested methods.

No. Method name The goal that you implement in the
work Examples
1. "Yes, but. .."
Making the interlocutor think - Now I do not have the money to buy it.
- Yes, but this action will last a few more days. Then the price will be twice as high.

- I order the goods elsewhere cheaper by 100 rubles.
- Yes, but our product samples are much better.

- I've read on the Internet that some customers were dissatisfied with your services.
- Yes, but you could not help but notice that there is much more positive feedback.
2. "Why?"( The question can be asked in other words) To encourage the consumer to conduct a dialogue with you - I do not like it.
- What exactly do you dislike?

- I do not want to!
- And why, may I ask?

- I'm not sure.
- And what makes you doubt?
3. "That's why. .." Suggest alternative solution for the buyer - I'm not sure, I need to think.
- That's why I want to leave you my offer, so that you can analyze everything again.

- Now I do not have time to talk with you.
- That's why I would like to come some other time, at a time convenient for you.

- Now I have difficulties with money.
That's why we offer good credit conditions.
4. "How can I convince you?"
Find out the reasons for objection - I'm not interested in your offer.
- And how can I convince you?
5. «And let's imagine. ..» Press on the ration - No. I already have a supplier, which completely suits me.
- And let's imagine that at one time you turned down your current supplier, without even considering its offer. All I ask is to give me 10 minutes to showcase the advantages of our company.
6. Bribing
( the method works only when you offer quality goods / services at reasonable prices)
We rely on human love for freebies - No, thanks, our masters are working on the "Golden Curl" cosmetics.
- I'll leave some free samples and contacts for you so that you can compare our products and the one to which you are accustomed.

- I already have a manicure master.
- If you come to our salon, you can get every fifth manicure as a gift by the end of the year.
7. Comparison of Shows you in a more favorable light than the competitors - I have been buying the Clean Pit dishwashing detergent for a long time.
- Let's compare both means: "Clean tableware" costs 100 rubles for 300 ml, our remedy "Antiguer" - 120 rubles for 400 ml. In addition, our remedy is beautifully washed and with its help the work will be done more quickly.

The most frequent objection that can be heard from the client is the objection: "No money."How to deal with this will tell Sergey Kostenkov in his video:

We fight with objections: the algorithm of actions from the steep seller

One day my girlfriend dragged me to the training "Working with objections in sales."

I will not say that this topic was so interesting to me( I have enough training courses and master classes in my profile), but since as on that day I was not busy with anything, and even my girlfriend had 2 invitations from my company, then she decided to go.

And you know, I did not regret it for a second - it was interesting, understandable and useful!

Conducting trainings for our coach Igor - an additional kind of activity, the main job for him is selling( he is looking for clients for his company), specialization is a large fish( that is, contracts for huge amounts).

Cold calls: is that?

Naturally in sales, he very often has to deal with objections: "Now I'm not interested in your offer", "My vendor suits me", "Oh, you are so expensive, I take twice cheaper" and other.

Consumers who say "No", without even considering the proposal properly - about 80%.

Igor developed his algorithm for dealing with objections in sales:

  1. Give the buyer an opportunity to speak.

    Rarely who on the proposal responds monosyllabically, the majority considers it their duty to explain why they do not want to make a sale.

    One should patiently listen to a person to understand what exactly is not comfortable.

    If you have a lazy fellow, you can push a person to the monologue with questions: "Why?", "What exactly did not suit you?" And the like.

  2. Communicate to the objection of the interlocutor.

    For example, the objection of the buyer: "No, I was not interested in your proposal, your prices are too high", you answer: "Yes, the prices are really not the lowest, but. ..".

    So you make contact and demonstrate respect for someone else's opinion.

  3. Reply to all questions.

    If you managed to get your partner to him and drag him into a dialogue, then patiently and honestly( within reason, of course), answer all questions of the buyer.

    Even if there are many questions, even if some of them seem silly to you.

  4. To drive to action.

    The first three steps of the sales algorithm, you worked flawlessly, so the interlocutor stopped objecting and began to think about what to do?

    Encourage him to action, repeating his proposal( preferably in a more attractive version).

  5. Find a compromise.

    The consumer seems to be not against your product / service, but does something not suit him?

    Your job is to find a reasonable compromise that would be beneficial for both.

Working with objections in sales of is something that every seller faces.

If you learn how to neutralize them properly, client failures will stop scaring you.

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