Filling in the time sheet: 15 rules

We are 100% sure that you agree with the statement that filling sheet of the account of working hours - a task is an important and responsible.

It is profitable for both the employer and the employee.

In the first case the boss can with a clear conscience "beat the ruble," the worker, who, instead of standing at the bench, sipping a beer at the bar "Blue Oyster", and the second - the janitor be able to prove their access to work in a legal holiday( and thatdo if the New Year for the weather is not an edict, and it's snowing with might and main?).

filling timesheets 3 categories of employees who need it and are 3 options form

timesheets - an act that contains information on how each of the people who work at the company in compliance with the operating mode.

Any deviations from the work schedule are also included here.

Filling Time Sheet must be modeled:

  • accounting company to correct the wages and other benefits( sick leave, holiday pay, bonuses, travel, etc.)

    instagram viewer

    But not everything is so rosy!

    Sometimes the goddess calculator and the 1C program have to calculate the amount of penalty for truants and those who are always late.

    That's life!

  • personnel officers for the adoption of the "crucial" decisions on the promotion of particularly distinguished or intimidation slobs ( for example, drawing up an order of reprimand);
  • "advanced" leadership for making the right management decisions.

    Maybe it's worth all the same to send for a well-deserved rest to Maria Stepanovna, who manages to leave on sick leave 7 times a year?

    What role model does it give to corporate youth?

Statutory acts of Roskomstat approved 3 samples of the time sheet for filling:

  • form T-12.

    Entries can be made manually.

    It reflects the calculation of wages, so it is advisable to entrust this paper to one of the accountants.

  • form T-13.

    With this sample, the filling is based on the data of turnstiles or other automatic systems.

    And partially, and completely it can be conducted on the computer.

  • form No. 0504421.

    Designed for budget organizations.

    If you happen to work for the state, then you need to know some features of the filling of the timesheets:

    • it is possible to specify a specific budget designation, such as "educational leave";
    • can register working hours as recording all non-attendance appearances( continuous method), or only indicate deviations;

    • at the first filing, the document is "primary" and in the special column is put "0".

      When making any changes, the table is assigned a unit, etc.;

    • act does not provide for the calculation of wages.

      On its basis, this is done already in the accounting service.

Rules for the completion of the time sheet: 15 main postulates

  1. The document is created in one instance.
  2. The report card can be modeled manually and in the form of an electronic document.

    So if your store manager is still not friendly with the computer - it does not matter.

  3. The tab filling function is assigned to the employee( HR, accounting, department manager) by a special order and is indicated in his job description.

    So just point a finger at the run through the office corridor Violetta Stepanovna will not work!

  4. A few days before the beginning of the month( reporting), the responsible employee prepares a report card.

    So think carefully about who you have at the firm a real time management guru.

  5. On the title page, you must specify the full name of the institution( or department, if it is a question of it) and the date when the form started to lead.
    The end date is indicated when the accounting table is closed.

  6. The following worksheet contains a table and employee information.

    Be careful not to accidentally "cross" one of your colleagues or "reward" with a new incomprehensible surname.

  7. This table lists the name and surname of the person, the number of the case( personal).

    The number of columns must match the number of days in a given month.

  8. In the box opposite each name indicate how many hours worked for one or another employee for a working day, or the number of shifts with a replacement work system.

    Do not forget that holidays and non-working days should also be celebrated, even if you personally do not work on that day, but fry shish kebabs at your country house with your friends.

  9. The paper or electronic sheet is filled every day.

    The basis is the official acts, for example, hospital sheets, notices, orders, statements, written orders of superiors, etc.

  10. You can not delete any fields or columns from the approved table.

    In case of non-standard work( shift), you can only add special graphs to account for them.
    To do this, you need to issue a special management order.

  11. Force majeure situations( delays, absenteeism, etc.) and abnormal circumstances are indicated using special alphabetic and numerical codes.
  12. On paper should be the signature of the chief( of the whole firm or a particular unit).

    Do not forget to "swipe" the time sheet.

  13. If the third employee is engaged in filling out the time-table on the model, he must also certify the data in paper with his signature.

    Declaration of resignation at will: 5 samples of

  14. The employee who is charged with filling out the time-table should be monitored for correctness of work time records, he is responsible for the authenticity of the data.

    So if the cleaning lady Aunt Lusia asks you to put the coveted mark in the document, and she tries to run for half a day to the market, think about whether you need any trouble.

  15. It should be taken into account that in the form on the form T-12 in two different sections keep a record of working time and its payment.

Sample filling the time sheet: everything will be clear!

The time sheet for filling in with the sample is made as follows:

  • , you first fill in three columns( first) and a "cap" of paper.

    We are sure that you have not forgotten the names of your colleagues.

    They also record their personnel numbers and the name of the enterprise;

  • in the following columns( from 4 to 7) every day are made about the working time of the mark( exit-absenteeism at the workplace, maternity leave, illness, etc.).

    For this purpose special codes are invented.

    Make records only based on the necessary documents( primary), for example, the order.

    And although there is no need to learn by heart( how horrible!), Because they are listed on the first sheet of the form, but it will become familiar with them and the justifying documents are worth:

  • does not consider absences for whole days, and other deviations from the work schedule can be considered even minuteand indicate the number under the letter code.

    Your watchman can not go on vacation for 3 hours, but it's too late to be 40 minutes late - very much so!

    A sample of the correct filling of workbook

  • columns 5 and 7 in the sample are designed to summarize the work time, and from 8 to 17 - for reporting on each person separately.

"Chief, everything is lost!" Or what is the danger of incorrect filling of the time sheet?

"Raiders" from the tax inspection can even in the most exquisite firm detect such errors in the completion of the time sheet:

  • information on wages in the documents of primary reporting and the report card is different.

    For example, by order, you sent a staff member on leave for 24 days, and he, a poor fellow, went out to work on a time sheet in 20 days;

  • information about the salary in the report card and the accounting documents is different.

    Well, why did the respected Sergei Petrovich podlyarnichal for 10 thousand rubles, and signed in the statement for 8 thousand?

    How to check the diploma for authenticity: 3 ways of

  • in the table are incorrectly indicated codes, overtime and processing are not taken into account.

    Do not get mad!

    You would not want your beloved wife to work for free on Saturdays, but you stayed on the weekend without her delicious borsch?

  • incorrectly accrued amounts to be paid on sick leave.

    It's time for you, my friend, to refresh the relevant regulations in your memory.

For all these "sins" you( the accountant or the head) can be fined 500 rubles.

Well, if you did not hear about filling out the report card at all, and there is no such document for time recording at the enterprise, then prepare to pay up to 50 thousand rubles according to Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation(

Once again about how to maintain the time sheet in the video:

Specially for the perfectionists: 4 tips for the ideal filling of the time sheet on the sample

Place notes on paper or electronic sheet only after you receive the supporting documents.

Seryoga from the warehouse claims that he did not go to work 3 days, not because of drinking-bout, but was treated for a common cold?

Wait for him from the sick leave sheet!

  1. If you make entries in the report card manually, do not disdain copies( for yourself) and drafts.

    Even CIA agent is not insured against loss and damage of documents, as well as notepages.

  2. If you have not yet understood the reason for the employee's late arrival or failure to appear in the workplace, use a special code for unclear circumstances( NN) to avoid being trapped.

    Do not rush to brand a person with shame and call a truant.

    And what if a poor guy got into a hospital with a sharp appendicitis?

  3. When making any changes to the operating mode, try to provide the relevant documents as soon as possible.

    If your engineer is a passionate lover of fishing and he already has a box with worms and a bottle of cognac "for warming up" next weekend, you should not show him an order about working Saturday on Friday evening.

    Pity a man and do it at the beginning of the week!

In general, the rules for filling out the time sheet of are quite simple.

It is worthwhile for them to know every manager and staff member in order to properly pay salaries and protect themselves from penalties in the event that control bodies are checked.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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