Phone Sales Scripts: Rules and Examples

You have your own business, but do not know how to interest the customer in the proposed product?

Learn to sell by phone.

The art of this kind of trade will not leave any potential buyer aside.

If you are convinced that the client "politely" rejects all calls of the sales manager and nothing can be done about this - it's not.

The problem is not in the technology of a "cold" call, but in the manager.

In this article you will find the basic methods of communication with the client, the most simple to understand and effective sales scripts by phone .

What is a phone sales script?

The phone sales script is a script of communication between the manager and the potential consumer.

The main goal of any produced call, compiled in accordance with the script, is to find out the personal information of the interlocutor( to fill in the gaps in the database of potential customers).

Secondary in importance - to attract a person on the other side of the tube to become a consumer of the proposed products.

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Create a phone sales script - an exercise for experienced managers who are able to anticipate the client's behavior in advance.

The structure of the script is a logical scheme in which the algorithm of behavior of participants in a telephone conversation is hidden.

Examples of sales scripts by phone:

To create truly selling phone scripts, you need at least initial knowledge of psychology and marketing. ..

It is quite difficult to interest the interlocutor, even if he represents the target audience of sales of the goods.

Manager should be as polite and calm as taking a minute of his precious life from a person to communicate with you on the phone is not an easy task.

Scripts of telephone sales: basic rules for communicating with the client

Before making telephone sales scripts, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the manager's behavior in dealing with a potential client.

How does the phone sales script start?

Before starting to talk about your products continuously, you need to perform the main ritual - a greeting.

Banal "Hello" - this is not the best option for the interlocutor to digress from the cases.

You need to give him more attention and add a few positive emotions.

"Good afternoon" - sounds much better. Speak clearly and clearly.

Any positive intentions of the interlocutor will simply destroy your hasty, incomprehensible speech.

Based on the postulates of the psychology of human behavior, take into account one very important fact - a person can concentrate only on one form of activity.

The purpose of the greeting is to tear the potential consumer away from the business, and switch attention to the manager.

The main mistake of beginning sales managers: without waiting for a response( mutual greeting), they start to praise the product and convince the client how important it is.

In this situation, the interlocutor, most likely, just hang up.

After waiting for mutual greetings, you let the client switch their attention to the call and the voice that is heard from the phone.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but even such trifles build a general impression about the interlocutor.

Important: The phone sales script must include the correct greeting.

Involve the client with an interesting conversation

Communicating with the sales manager is not the most pleasant experience for most potential customers.

To attract the interlocutor, you need to use a common theme of communication.

For example, knowing the general vital problems of your target audience, you can easily open a person, make it more relaxed.

Talk about painful - it's a win-win option.

And if you succeed in linking the subject of the problem with the features of the product or service you are selling, you can safely consider yourself a winner.

The most important thing is to combine live, human communication with the characteristics of the product or the service being sold.

It's useless to use "dry" speech.

Manager must penetrate the client's soul, leave there a small seed of a huge desire to make a purchase.

When creating sales scripts by phone, you need to consider this important point.

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templates For a better explanation of this article, consider the following typical sales script by phone:

Action Implementation of
Greeting Usually a rather dry greeting, repelling the client at an early stage of communication.
Find out the personal data of the client( name) Ask a question - "How can I contact you?".The data should be recorded.
Ask a question - "How can I contact you?".The data should be recorded. Before you ask a question, you need to make sure it's convenient to talk to the client. If not, specify the time at which to transfer the call.
Description of products or services A typical manager will tell the interlocutor all the positive aspects of his product.
Offer products Based on the need to purchase goods, offer the interlocutor to order services( product).
Option 1. Refusal Try to re-highlight the features of your offer and the advantage over competitors. If the counteractions did not bring the desired effect, politely say goodbye.
Option 2. Affirmative answer Depending on the purpose, assign a meeting place or place an order( this stage depends on the manager's rights).
To reconcile the meeting place or to discuss the details of the order in detail. Polite to the interlocutor, re-approve each detail of the previous action.
End the conversation Say goodbye to the client.

Agree, even viewing the above scheme brings boredom.

It's safe to say that this is the "last century".

Previously, such schemes really worked only because of low awareness of the population.

The problem is not an error when composing the order of the script or individual paragraphs, since the plot is chosen quite satisfying the seller's goal.

The main disadvantage is the banality.

There are currently too many "cloned managers" working on the same phone sales scripts.

Template thinking when composing a sales script on the phone is the main enemy of the manager.

When composing a script, adhere to non-standard thinking.

It is necessary to clearly define which phrase will beat the interlocutor from the rut and make you pay attention to your product.

"Conversation on an equal footing"

An important rule of communication with a client is to listen to the interlocutor's opinion.

If, in a conversation with a potential consumer, the percentage of spoken words on the part of the manager goes over the mark of 60, it's very simple to explain - you are just listened to, are prepared to politely hang up.

If you are interested in an interesting topic, give your opinion in full. The need to establish contact is a priority.

Do not go into a friendly conversation.

The mastery of a sales manager is determined by the ability to keep that very edge between a buyer and a friend.

Confidence of the

Manager Compliance with all the above qualities is not worth anything unless you have confidence in the product.

Creating an ideal sales script by phone will not do anything.

Client, after hearing the slightest note of uncertainty, hang up the phone or completely lose interest in the conversation.

You can earn confidence in communicating with a client by studying each subtlety of the products provided.

You need to convince yourself that your product is the best, life without it is absolutely impossible.

At this point the reader might think, "Can I get a theater education?"The answer is unequivocal: "If it helps in business promotion - YES!".

Algorithm for compiling a successful sales script by phone

After discussing all the details of communication with the client, we return to the main goal of the article - to compile a high-quality sales script by phone.

The first step will be the analysis of the consumer group.

The database of potential customers should be qualitatively processed, the advantages and weaknesses of representatives are highlighted.

The most important thing in this process is to highlight the problems that consumers encounter when using the analogues of the proposed product, and to determine the winning sides of your products.

Step 1: Greeting.

For the greeting use the phrases:

  • Good morning!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Good evening!

A greeting, organized with the help of these verbal constructions, will allow you to add a touch of positive, relax the client a little.

Step 2: Introduce yourself.

On a situation specify the full name if there is a necessity - use a format the Name + Patronymic.

Refer to general introduction or reference on which you are making a call.

Tell us about the activities of your company.

Here the killer competitive advantages will come at an opportune moment.

8 basic sales techniques

Step 3: Reason for the call.

From now on you need to overcome the banality.

Ask the question of the following plan: "When will it be convenient for you to order our services?".

Stupidity, says the "experienced" sales manager. But in this phrase it makes sense - you interrupt any thoughts of the interlocutor, put it in an unexpectedly difficult situation.

The goal of this move is to shift the advantage to your side.

Step 4: Prove your rightfulness.

After step 3, the user will try to obstruct your offer.

At the 4th stage, the manager should use the previously prepared information about the client's problems, direct it to the "true path", describing all the advantages of his product.

Step 5: Agree on meeting conditions or organizational details of the order.

When the interlocutor is finally "mindful"( his thoughts are occupied with your product), it's time to translate the sparring to a level lower - that is, we return to the classic sales pattern. Start ordering or organizing a meeting.

Agree every moment, carefully consider the wishes of the consumer, if it does not contradict the company's policy.

Step 6: Indicate the importance of the interlocutor on a company-wide scale.

At this stage it is advisable to connect the secret reception of entrainment - flattery.

No matter how small, in fact, one customer may appear across the enterprise.

He must be convinced of his uniqueness, insist on it.

Stage 7: Final.

Politely say good-bye, wish a successful day to your interlocutor, thank for the time you provided for the conversation.

IMPORTANT: If the situation gets out of hand and the counteraction does not work, politely say goodbye. In any case, the conversation was not unsuccessful, and you can refill the archive of information with updated data.

The phone sales script, written in accordance with all the above requirements, will move the sales process to a higher level, give an impetus to your business.

The phone sales script is an effective "cold" call scenario, providing the opportunity to do sales without getting up from a comfortable work chair.

The methods described in the article for composing sales script over the phone are quite simple for an understanding of the manager, employer and simple reader who wants to broaden his horizons in terms of business.

To write your sales script by phone, see also this video:

Remember the basic ideas for success of sales:

  • A unique approach to everyone( including a potential customer).

  • Situational thinking.

    Telephone sales require the manager's ability to switch between general topics that are of interest to the buyer.

  • Non-standard approach to communication.

    In order to force the interlocutor to switch to you and the represented product, you need to sharply switch his attention to non-standard phrases.

If you compile the sales script by phone , you use all of the specified rules, the success of sales is simply guaranteed.

Do not look back at the standard templates and schemas.

Be original in everything, even business.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 35
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