How to increase sales: 5 ways

Commerce has long been one of the most popular ways to organize your own business and become a rich man.

And, of course, businessmen of different eras were concerned with one question: how to increase the sales volume of , because more sales - more money.

Businessmen searched for different ways, sometimes their search was crowned with success, sometimes - they turned out to be absolutely useless.

Modern entrepreneurs connected with trade, as well as managers whose sales depend on income, have one indisputable advantage over their colleagues from the past: they can not just use other people's ideas, but also have access to various useful websites, such, as "Diary of Success".

Thanks to such sites, you can get the advice you need not only about your business activities, but also on other important issues.

What does the sales volume depend on?

Any organization related to trade, whether it's a small store or a large enterprise that not only sells but also produces goods, has always been concerned about one issue: how to increase the volume of sales of .

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The activity of the sales department was the main measure of the company's success: sales are growing - everything is fine, falling - so you need to look for sources of increasing their volume.

And only when things were going really bad, the accents were shifted: the goal was not to increase sales, but to retain already existing customers.

Of course, the main reason why it is so important to keep sales volumes high is profit.

With the decrease in the number of customers or with a decrease in their purchasing power, the profits of all, from sellers to the owner of the enterprise, will fall.

Both big companies and small ones often make a common mistake: when sales fall, management starts to blame the departments responsible for them or sellers directly.

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This is wrong, because no matter how skilled or pleasant the seller or manager is in the communication, the buyer will not purchase the goods if:

  • in the store a meager assortment - he simply will not find what he needs;
  • with supplies there are interruptions - now there are enough stores, so you can buy the desired goods in another place, and not wait until it appears in your place;
  • in the trading floor is dirty or there is an unpleasant smell;
  • product is not advertised, etc.

What is the basis for modern ways to increase the volume of sales?

Sales volumes can be increased if:

  1. Increase the number of customers.
  2. Increase the average customer check.

"If you do not take care of your client, someone else will take care of it."
Konstantin Kushner

Depending on your current problems, start acting in one or several directions.

  1. Increase in the number of clients.

    From the small number of clients most suffer either new companies that have just appeared on the market and have not yet managed to win the audience, or long-established companies that have rapidly started to lose their clientele due to competition or internal problems.

    Chasing new customers, the main thing is not to lose old ones.

    Often executives or creative managers make the decision to completely transform the company's work or change the product range, because of which old customers start leaving.

    If you have nothing to lose( for example, there are too few customers), then you can act radically.

    Otherwise, it's better to innovate smoothly.

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  2. Increase the average check.

    Let's say you have two dozen regular customers, but every day they buy only a loaf of bread in your store, but a businessman's neighbor has only three regular customers, but each of them spends 200-300 hryvnia daily in his store.

    It is clear that the profit of a neighbor is much greater.

    You need to persuade your loyal customers that you have not only delicious bread, but other products are excellent.

5 ways to increase the sales volume of

Experienced entrepreneurs advise not to be limited to any one direction( that is, do not focus only on increasing the number of customers or, after neglecting to attract new customers, try to convince the already existing ones to purchase more goods), and act incomplex.

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There are plenty of effective ways to increase sales, but I chose the 5 most effective and according to experts, and in the opinion of my friend - a successful entrepreneur:

  1. To study the market carefully.

    Commerce does not tolerate actions at random.

    You should study the trends of the modern market, the success stories of your competitors, the reasons for their failures and adapt the information obtained to your business.

    Write a written strategic plan.

  2. Advertise your product.

    Yes, advertising is still the engine of trade, nothing has changed.

    If the removal of full-fledged commercials and their demonstration is not available to you, then use modern methods: newspaper ads, social networks, e-mails, telephone information to potential customers, distribution of leaflets, etc.

  3. Make prices flexible.

    You know how some local stores do before sales: they raise prices( for example, by 20-40%), and then lure buyers with attractive ads: "Discounts for the entire range up to 50%!".

    There are no financial losses, and customers on the word "discount" react lightning fast.

  4. Spend a lot of shares.

    Most buyers adore them.

    In my opinion, the leader among supermarkets for creative stocks in Ukraine today is Silpo.

    Even serious, sensible people put their shares on their shares: "Week's price", "Hot offer", "Thematic days", "Coupons for scoring", etc.

  5. Make changes to the work of your company.

    See what does not work.

    Maybe the case in the slow sellers or your product range is morally obsolete, or the prices you have are much higher than those of competitors, or it's time to make repairs in the room, or maybe the logo repels customers.

    There is no causeless drop in sales.

    For example, my friend told me that when she was working as a seller in a perfume shop, the buyers left because the cleaning lady not only exuded a sweat scent, but also so furiously washed floors in their presence that they quickly retired.

    So, unimportant little things in this business does not happen.

I offer your attention a video with practical advice,

how to increase the average customer check in the store.

We look:

The named ways of sales are really effective, you will be convinced, when you will try to apply them in a complex.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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