Startup is a great idea in business

My regular readers know that I like to introduce them to newfangled words that appear in the Russian language, like mushrooms after heavy rain.

Startup , mobbing, freeriding, coaching, outplacement - they have no end-edge.

The process of learning new words is complicated by the fact that illiterate posers, trying to seem very educated, use them to the place and out of place, completely confusing everyone.

While reading business articles, I constantly came across the word "startup", and in general, in recent times, everyone uses this term.

I just had to find out what a startup was, and, of course, I could not help sharing this information with my readers.

What is a startup and where does it come from?

The original designation of this word was erased due to the fact that startups began to call any new business or even - the very innovative idea, which may well die at the stage of becoming.

Initially, the term "startup"( from the English startup - the beginning of the process) related only to business and designated a company that operates on the market only recently.

instagram viewer

For the first time it was used by the authors of Forbes and Business Week magazines back in the late 1970s to designate firms whose operating activities were too short.

Finally, the word "stratap" was fixed in the lexicon only in the 1990s.

Then the study of this phenomenon began.

How to start a business and not depend on anyone?

The views of researchers on what a startup is and how it should be understood differ.

For example, Stephen Blanc believes that start-ups are temporary structures, such an initial version of this company.

Eric Rick believes that a start-up can be called not every company, but only one that creates some exceptional product.

Paul Graham and Peter Tillle insist that the startup is an organization that shows incredibly rapid growth and development, and everyone else is undeservedly called this term.

The most successful and famous startups have emerged in the IT industry: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Youtube, Apple, etc.

What are the stages of development of a start-up?

In order to make the path from the brilliant idea to the successful company as easy and short as possible, it is necessary for the startup to go through all the necessary stages without delaying on any of them.

So, the basic stages of the startup:

  1. The emergence of the idea.

    Actually, without a good idea, no startup is simply impossible.

  2. Preparing for implementation.

    Let's say you already have an idea, but before embarking on its implementation, you need to think about how best to convey it to the buyer, what form it should take, what will be the promotion, etc.

    This is not yet a business plan, but only a general vision of the idea.

  3. Preparatory stage , which includes market research, the creation of a specific business plan, the search for investors ready to finance your start-up, holding presentations for them, etc.
  4. Create a product.

    A startup is not possible without the promotion of an interesting product to the market( do not understand literally, it's not necessarily sausage).

    In order for a startup to be successful, you must create a trial version of the product, test it on a small group of users, make changes( if necessary).

  5. Run the product.

    This stage also has several stages, during which you must:

    • find a niche in which you can realize as much of the product as possible;
    • find regular customers;
    • to hold an advertising company, so that a new product can be recognized by as many potential customers as possible, etc.
  6. The final stage.

    The project is over.

    Now your task is to take a stable position in the market and expand.

What to do to start a successful start-up?

The success of any business depends on how correctly you approach the implementation of the project.

For example, a successful start-up is impossible without:

  1. Not just a good, but a brilliant idea.

    It's even better if you have a few ideas, and during their development you will understand which one is the most promising.

  2. Great team.

    Even if you are a genius, you can hardly start a start-up yourself.

    You need if not partners, then helpers who are with you on the same wave.

  3. Sponsors.

    Of course, the ideal option, when the author of the idea has money to implement it.

    But more often than not, young geniuses( statistics show that most start-ups - people under 30-35 years old) do not have enough money, so you'll have to look for an investor and show him the idea in all its glory.

I propose to watch an amusing video,

where gestures show what a startup is 🙂


Where to find money for your startup?

Already not only foreign, but also domestic millionaires have understood: big money brings new brilliant ideas, only with their help it is possible to win a market saturated with various products.

That's why investors are ready to listen to the ideas of young talents and give money on them if they learn the prospect of a startup.

You can find sponsors among:

  1. Venture Funds.

    Heads of these funds are pleased to invest their clients' money in promising projects.

  2. Business Angels - individual businessmen that give money to the ideas of young start-ups.

In order to interest the investor and get guaranteed money, you need:

  1. To come up with a genuinely brilliant idea.

    Do not be deceived by the fact that people with money are idiots and they can feed all sorts of crap.

    People who have managed to earn millions, possess a magnificent chuika and really know their business, they will not let you down with stupidities.

  2. Ideal to present this idea.

    Do not try to be clever, using a lot of scientific terms, but also act on the principle "Hey, dude, my idea will make you even richer, drive dibs" is not worth it.

    Make your presentation as short, informative and intuitive.

    Use examples and illustrations.

And, of course, keep in mind that for every thousand you invest in you will have to report.

Do not think that the sponsor will simply give money and forget about them.

In addition, he wants your startup to bring him huge profits( actually, for that startups exist), so - will have to try.

And yet, if you are sure that your idea is brilliant - go for it.

Who knows, maybe now this text is read by future Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or at least - Pavel Durov.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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