How to make a sales plan?

Today's article is another material from the sales section.

I know that among my readers there are a lot of successful people who either do their own business or work as managers in companies.

Their professional life is mainly connected with the sale of goods or services.

Any business, and the sphere of trade is no exception, require a rational approach and the ability to harmonize the potential and real profits.

To achieve this, you need to compile the sales plan for .

For writing this text, I used not only theory, but also the advice of a successful beauty salon owner, in which you can buy not only the services of cosmetologists, masseurs, hairdressers, masters of manicure, pedicure, but also professional care cosmetics.

Nina Ivanovna makes a monthly sales plan and requires her subordinates to fulfill it.

What is a sales plan?

Yes, I decided to start my article with this subtitle, although I am sure that it will seem strange to some of my readers.

And, truth, a word combination of two understandable words. Why else some explanation?

instagram viewer

But it is precisely this approach to business that destroys managers.

Those who do not want to understand what a sales plan is, and prefer to see only the superficial meaning of this phrase, usually write from the lamp tsiferki.

Like, I want to be the mistress of the sea, and therefore they are serfs, I want my stall to bring me a profit of one million a month next month.

Usually, hearing such demands, the subordinates hurry to retire, so as not to indulge the pranks of their boss.

The sales plan is not just the final profit figures, it's the amount of work that you want to see from your subordinates.

And your goal is not just to make a list( "I want to do this and that in the next month, and earn so much and so much"), and stage out the execution of assignments with recommendations for each item.

8 basic sales techniques

Well, I think, it's not worth saying that this plan should be real.

That is, looking at it, you understand that with due diligence you could carry it yourself.

Why create a sales plan?

Nina Ivanovna is convinced that any manager should know how to draw up a sales plan for , because without it a full-fledged activity of any company, regardless of its profile, is impossible.

Although many entrepreneurs do not understand this, sincerely amazed: "Why? What will it give me? I always say, the more revenue, the better! "And further in the same spirit.

Drawing up a sales plan is simply necessary if you want to have a successful business, and not be content with some kind of.

There are at least three reasons why you need to acquire this skill:

  1. Labor organization.

    Agree that any enterprise functions normally only when each employee adheres to the operating mode, knows exactly what to do, what the management expects from him, and understands what sanctions he will be overridden if he upset his bosses.

  2. Increase in income.

    If employees have a sales plan before their eyes along with the job description, then they will work much better.

    For example, sometimes managers earn little profit for the company, because the authorities do not require anything from them, paying a fixed rate.

    Nina Ivanovna told me that her annual profit increased by 25%( and prices remained unchanged) mainly due to the fact that she, having drawn up a sales plan, began to pay the minimum wage to girls-administrators + a percentage of the sale of cosmetics and monthly salaries.

    The girls instantly learned the range of products sold in the salon and learned to convince the client "yes-I-so-just-went-see" to be recorded on the procedure.

  3. Business development.

    Without planning the growth of your business is impossible.

    You can not sit too long in one place, otherwise you will quickly catch up with competitors.

    It is necessary to constantly move and develop, set concrete goals and achieve their realization.

How to make a sales plan?

There are two options for preparing a sales plan:

  1. Act from the desired profit.

    For example, you think that for happiness you would not be hampered to increase the annual profit of your store by 15%.

    When the amount of the desired profit is determined, you begin to prescribe what you need to do in order to earn more: hire a few more employees, upgrade the skills of the current subordinates, expand the product range, organize delivery, etc.

  2. Act on the resources available to you.

    You are doing an inventory of your infrastructure, assortment of goods, staff and other things.

    Count your annual profit.

    And then you calculate how much more you can earn if, for example, to increase the working day by two hours or improve the qualifications of managers.

How to increase sales?

Do not immediately build a sky-high plans.

Set to start a minimal goal: to increase the annual profit by 10%.

And after you achieve the desired results and work on the errors, you can raise the bar.

On the need to draw up a sales plan

for the seller will also tell this video:

How to get sales plan from subordinates?

If the sales plan manager prescribes specifically for himself, then his main goal is to increase income and career growth.

Realization of his plans depends only on himself( well, and of clients, of course, but if the plan is made correctly, then there will be no problems with them).

A completely different situation is observed when the manager makes a sales plan for the whole company.

It depends a lot on each employee.

Do not use the tactic of "kill-reptiles-if-not-you-earn-more", because it is ineffective.

Just follow the advice of the wise Nina Ivanovna:

  • Explain as briefly as possible, but informatively, what you want from your subordinates and exactly how they need to realize your plans.

    Do it better in writing.

  • Stimulate your employees financially.

    Those who do their best work should be rewarded.

  • Develop a system of penalties for particularly negligent employees.
  • Form in the team such an atmosphere that each employee was interested in the prosperity of your company.
  • Respect and appreciate your subordinates.

I think, now you know, how to draw up a sales plan for and realized that there is nothing complicated in this.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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