Technique of sales by phone: 10 tips from a professional

Today I want to continue the topic, which was mentioned in the previous article about sales.

My subscribers will be able to find out which sales techniques by phone are most effective and how they can convince the intractable client to make a deal.

I thought that in the preparation of this article I will help you already known to you Sasha, but as it turned out, I hoped for it in vain.

The guy of my girlfriend, although he made about a year of selling by phone, but did not achieve much success in this sphere.

Sasha says that he needs eye contact to work with the client, he needs to observe the reaction of the buyer, and, without seeing the person, he somehow immediately lost himself and on the phrase "Thank you, I do not need anything", spoken by phone, immediatelyhe put the phone down.

But Sasha still helped me by recommending my friend Victor, with whom he once worked and who polished his sales technique on the phone to perfection, becoming the head of the department and teaching beginners.

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Victor agreed to share his knowledge with my readers, but strictly forbade him to name the company in which he worked, fearing the reaction of his superiors.

So you have to take my word for it: Victor is a tough guy with a decent annual income, whose advice will definitely be useful to you.

Telephone Sales Technique: Preparatory Period

Any business involves a preparatory period and, the more carefully you come to this stage, the more likely the positive result of your work.

Victor in conversation with me mentioned that the main mistake of beginners is the belief that it's easy to sell by phone, if your language is well hung.

The result of such misconceptions is a lot of failures and wasted time spent.

Telephone sales technique needs four compulsory stages of preparation :

  1. Collecting customer information: who he is, what he does, what his name is( the appeal by the name impresses the potential buyer much more than the phrase "Who am I talking to now?")its financial condition( if the company hardly makes ends meet, it is unlikely that its management will want to buy something from you), etc.
  2. Pondering the introductory text.

    On how you start a conversation, very much depends.

    If you pull with a sentence of more than 45 seconds, the client will have time to come up with a reason for refusal, if you immediately pounce on the buyer - anger him or mislead.

    Put your sentence in 70-75 words.

    How to increase sales?

  3. Rehearse your introduction.

    Choose the right tempo, the intonation of speech.

    Listen to how the prepared text sounds.

    Is there anything that confuses or makes you laugh?

  4. Prepare a mini-summary( the approximate phrase of the client and your response to it) and keep it in front of your eyes while talking.

10 ways to improve the sales technique by phone

Victor sure that without these 10 components, you can not achieve the perfect sales technique by phone:

  1. Develop a friendly tone and do not forget to smile while talking.

    Yes, the customer will not see your smile, but he will surely feel it.

  2. Be sure to be clear and clear: name your name( you can - and the last name) and the company that you represent.

    You do not have to mumble or quickly chatter like Sergeant Petrenko from an anecdote who is eager to get a bribe, but he is afraid that he will not be pressured by his superiors.

  3. Do not ask direct questions that are easy to answer: "No".

    Wrong: "Do you need new office chairs?".

    Correct: "Do you want your employees to work better?".

  4. Try to bypass the secretary, whose job is to filter such calls.

    Do not try to explain to the girl for a long time at the reception that you need.

    It's better to ask to connect you to the manager or the purchasing manager right away.

  5. Do not muddy competitors.

    You should not say that the coffee that you buy from Nescafe and serve it to your customers is a nasty little thing, but our "Jacobs" is a wonderful miracle.

    Better like this: "Yes, this is a good product, but we offer you the best of options."

  6. Constantly increase your own customer base, through calls to companies you have not worked with yet.

    Even if you now have a decent client base, then there is no guarantee that tomorrow half of them will not change to your competitor.

  7. Listen carefully to what the client is saying and respond to his words.

    Do not just chatter the learned text.

    But, at the same time, do not allow the buyer to be distracted by the arguments about the book read or complaints about his hard life.

    How to increase the average check: 5 tips

  8. Do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, even if you were sent to a not very pleasant place.

    Say: "Thank you for giving me a moment's attention. All the best to you, "put the phone down and cross out the barker from the list.

  9. Talking about the benefits of the product, do not fuck.

    It is not necessary to convince the client that changing the carpet in the office will increase his profit by half.

    Hearing such nonsense, a serious leader will not deal with you.

  10. Analyze every call that did not lead to a positive result.

    Simply put - work on your mistakes.

Telephone Sales Technique: Do not Pass Before the Failure

Every manager who has been dealing with phone sales for a long time knows that he sometimes has to hear failures more than positive answers.

Many people, hearing that they are trying to sell something on the phone, immediately include a protective mechanism: "I'm trying to vparit some muck, which means I have to answer" No! ".

You have to learn how to distinguish between those disguised as "No!" Answers: "Never in my life! Do not call me any more! "And" Well, I do not know. .. Try to convince me. "

In the first case, you just have to say goodbye, in the second one you should immediately get into work.

Even if you were refused, motivating your decision with the phrases "No money", "The present supplier is happy", "We do not plan to change office furniture yet", "I do not have time to do it now", "Not now, but I promise to think" andother, not all is lost.

Specify whether you can call the customer in a month, two, three, etc., to discuss this issue.

If the buyer answers: "I'll dial you, if I make a decision," leave your coordinates and kindly say goodbye to be remembered as a superprofessional and extremely educated person.

An example of a phone sale with a positive result

is presented in the video below.

Watch and learn:

As you can see, it is not so difficult to understand the secrets of sales techniques on the phone .

The main thing is to want to become a real professional in your business.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 35
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